Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 119 | 121 > | 282 >> |
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Språkspelet - Sprogspelet - Great language game
Find out more about this game at or just ask us anytime.
Welcome everyone, to the 7th iteration of the Great Language Game; Språkspelet!
A special recognition to the progenitor of the game, Malin Elisabeth Nilsson - yet another charming Swede.
Remember (cf. Help page), this game's principle goals are for you to enjoy yourselves and learn something!
120th round:
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Find out more about this game at or just ask us anytime.
Welcome everyone, to the 7th iteration of the Great Language Game; Språkspelet!
A special recognition to the progenitor of the game, Malin Elisabeth Nilsson - yet another charming Swede.
Remember (cf. Help page), this game's principle goals are for you to enjoy yourselves and learn something!
120th round:
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Dago Lesmes, Christian James Meredith, Arief Wibowo, Billy James Brightraven, et al.
Christian James Meredith I love how I can only tag Maria Weidner and Malin Elisabeth Nilsson but not @Vincensiu and @Dayte....
Arief Wibowo That photo reminds me of our user guideline:
Arief Wibowo (pssst, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, "great language game" refers to someone else's game. We don't want to infringe that

Arief Wibowo Slide on to the next thread/iteration at
Arief Wibowo Let me assist with the tagging: Alfia Wallace, Дайте Нефть Из Баку, Kevin Long, Maria Weidner, Sarah Karoline, Vincensiu Denis
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I chose the <λ> for aesthetic purposes.
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »

« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Christian James Meredith (Victor I was gonna hop onto Linguifex and trawl through your stuff to find out haha)
Arief Wibowo One technical problem though, I wonder why Micxjo Grat's message (and his name) cannot be grabbed by the cronjob
Arief Wibowo The worst problem of Facebook by far... Even Graph API Explorer ( can't get anything. Try to replace the number with 798215339 (my uid) and you will see my name.
Arief Wibowo This is the strangest thing I ever saw out of Facebook API. I cannot load anything made by him. But since all of us can see it here, it shouldn't be because it's detected as spam...
Arief Wibowo Special invitation for Jonathan McVinnie to play with us.
The current challenge is: Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
The current challenge is: Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
Jonathan McVinnie thanks, I take it your the webadmin arief? I haven't done anything with the fb api yet, but before today I didn't even realize there was such a thing, but I figure it's sort of obvious there should be one lol
Sarah Karoline Hello! Oh dear, I'm late, and it looks like there's technical errors on FB. I can see 7 posts, but I have 37 notifications

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström « Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Jonathan McVinnie I don't see where you're supposed to join a live thread, if you go to the live section, the textarea doesn't allow you to submit your responses, afaik
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, well, you're in the game now, Jonathan. ^^
Maria, nein, "his humble contribution" was correct.
Maria, nein, "his humble contribution" was correct.

Jonathan McVinnie I believe at the beginning of the thread it was stated that it was malinese, as far as I can tell from a glance, it appears as though it has a polynesian-looking grammar and vocabulary, and the letter o appears to work as some sort of article
Jonathan McVinnie perhaps tar and ta are related, variants of the same grammatical item maybe, I'm thinking some sort of inflected preposition or sth
Sarah Karoline It looks like Greek to me too (at least "ta". "o" and "dhen", but I don't think it is, unless it's dialectal or an old form of Greek... Or perhaps it's not Greek at all...
Jonathan McVinnie well tar doesn't look like a greek word and ta and o, both being articles in greek, usually don't go in sequence afaik, but greek was never one of my better langs
Jonathan McVinnie however, gh and lh are uncommon in many languages, so it's not likely to be any common IE languages
Malin Elisabeth Nilsson Hallå! Sorry for joining this discussion a little late and perhaps in the wrong thread.
Sara Sarah Karoline: Id love to have multi-nordic names for this game! I was very happy to see Icelandic! If we could include Faroese, Greenlandic and Finnish (not a nordic language but Finland is a nordic country, Im unsure about Greenlandic being a nordic language) It would be very exiting, if its possible, to have a name in the extinct Norn language too! I don't have the ability though
What does the rest of us språkspelare think? :D

Christian James Meredith « Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
_____ _____ ___ the doctor - (I said?) ____ _____ not ____, ____ ta the priest.
_____ _____ ___ the doctor - (I said?) ____ _____ not ____, ____ ta the priest.
Sarah Karoline Hello Malin! I shall try to find the Faroese and Norn version. I don't know Greenlandic or Finnish

Jonathan McVinnie I think po or pou or whatever is meant to be a relative pronoun in this instance, so it'd be more like "the doctor, who ..." or sth
Jonathan McVinnie if it is greek, o is the 1st person signular conjugation, so peko and aghrevo would likely be the verbs
Jonathan McVinnie maybe something like "if you go to the doctor with a certain illness, which he's not able to fix, you should see a priest instead"
Arief Wibowo Jonathan McVinnie, one of the things you will learn along the way, Malinese isn't a language but Malin-ese (the progenitor/author of this game)
Yes, I am the the facto webadmin, though I am eager to split the responsibility later on, once I have perfected the admin page
The textarea in Live page is meant to be your personal scratchpad (e.g., to write the dechipered words, possibilities, resources). The page is read-only

Yes, I am the the facto webadmin, though I am eager to split the responsibility later on, once I have perfected the admin page

The textarea in Live page is meant to be your personal scratchpad (e.g., to write the dechipered words, possibilities, resources). The page is read-only

Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, I also had the same misunderstanding, apparently it wasn't solved yet (as you might have known by now)

Jonathan McVinnie okay, I figured as much when I could discover no way to submit the form... what are you writing the page with? I would presume php since I know fb has a php api, but that doesn't exclude the possibility of other langs also having one lol
Arief Wibowo Jonathan McVinnie, php, with wordpress and smarty as backend, and javascript
Maria Weidner,

Maria Weidner,

Malin Elisabeth Nilsson WonderfulSarah Karoline!
Haha! Niether do I! Even though I am a very charming Swede
as is Billy, and Victor. (Hope I got that sentence right! :P) Is there any other språkspelare or Omniglotfan who do? It would be great!

Arief Wibowo Malin Elisabeth Nilsson, don't worry about replying in wrong thread, all of our threads are merged into a single stream in our website
(it's should be obvious by now that I have no clue how to solve this round

(it's should be obvious by now that I have no clue how to solve this round

Jonathan McVinnie I've already given my best guess as to what it is, provided the language and word order is correct
Jonathan McVinnie so it's not greek then? is it at least polynesian? or perhaps some sort of bantu lang?
Arief Wibowo Jonathan McVinnie, somehow it doesn't sound like polynesian or bantu languages to me... Too many "gh"

Sarah Karoline I'm looking at Asian languages... I don't think it's Germanic, as we don't have "dh", apart from in Icelandic and the old Germanic languages.
Dago: We just meant culturally, or partially culturally as is the case with Greenland.
Dago: We just meant culturally, or partially culturally as is the case with Greenland.

Dago Lesmes Suagua Maria Weidner, Sarah Karoline.... I know some Greenlandic, and Greenlandic isn't Nordic at all! It's totally and completely different, except from some Danish loanwords.
Dago Lesmes Suagua Does anybody know what this language is?... I have a strong feeling it is a lost creole or pidgin somewhere in the Adriatic. The 'dh' reminds me of Albanian, and the general structure is somehow making me think about Greek and/or Maltese.
Jonathan McVinnie greenlandic is more closely related to languages like the inuit languages of nunavut and alaska
Arief Wibowo μεμιάς/memiás is listed as translation for "unexpectedly"
Dago Lesmes Suagua Christian James Meredith... Cypriot greek is not -that- different from Standard Greek, so no. (I think)
Maria Weidner.. I never said it was Albanian, I said related. Which is also an argument that supports your 'south italian dialect' theory :p
Maria Weidner.. I never said it was Albanian, I said related. Which is also an argument that supports your 'south italian dialect' theory :p
Christian James Meredith And I can't find any Greek conlangs on Linguifex so Victor doesn't seem to be hiding anything behind lies lies and more lies xD
Dago Lesmes Suagua Hahahahaha. Well, I'm almost positive it's a language of our real world... But I could be wrong
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, well, you know Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, he is hiding things behind ställ, ställ, and more ställ
In fact, there may be a "rack" hidden somewhere inside

In fact, there may be a "rack" hidden somewhere inside

Jonathan McVinnie that word ghlhitomo is what stands out the most to me, that is a very peculiar consonant cluster
Arief Wibowo Peko in Esperanto means fault or sin
It's (distantly) related to priest, isn't it?
It's (distantly) related to priest, isn't it?
Sarah Karoline Have we translated "ghiatro" and "pa"? To me it looks a bit like "jutro" (tomorrow) - a Slavic word. There are some Croatian/Italian dialects along the Dalmatian coast... Perhaps I'm totally wrong!

Arief Wibowo The strange consonant clusters might be a clue, coz the name of λ is lambda, not lhambda
Christian James Meredith Using Slovenian, we can solve this guys.
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
This is clearly derived from the following:
Mêne agresívno tar o zdravnika - po cenén glínica êna, pekóč tá o papa
Which means:
The tar was agressive to me, about the doctor - the spicy thing is this about the farewell.
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
This is clearly derived from the following:
Mêne agresívno tar o zdravnika - po cenén glínica êna, pekóč tá o papa
Which means:
The tar was agressive to me, about the doctor - the spicy thing is this about the farewell.
Dago Lesmes Suagua One of my favourite songs is called Jutro :3... But yes, Sarah, we've all decided it means 'doctor', based on the Greek language!
Sarah Karoline Dago Lesmes: Ok, it's 'doctor'
As in Jelena's song?
Maria: Of course, it's proto-world - Slovene! This is why it's got words we recognise from its daughter languages: Albanian, Greek, Serbian...
Christian: There were just words that looked Slavic, others Greek. I wondered if it was some dialect Slavic, Greek loans. It turns out I'm totally wrong!! lol

Maria: Of course, it's proto-world - Slovene! This is why it's got words we recognise from its daughter languages: Albanian, Greek, Serbian...

Christian: There were just words that looked Slavic, others Greek. I wondered if it was some dialect Slavic, Greek loans. It turns out I'm totally wrong!! lol
Christian James Meredith Sarah on a serious note, that is true, but in this case I don't think this language is Slavic, lh and dh stand out way too much. Unless Victor's being devious. Plus, the overall feel just comes off as alien to a slavic perspective, so unless it's a poorly known dialect, I dunno

Dago Lesmes Suagua Sarah Karoline... It is Ms. Tomašević's song indeed!!
There's this online contest where I have to write completely new lyrics to existing tunes, and I once used 'Jutro'. It was magic :')
There's this online contest where I have to write completely new lyrics to existing tunes, and I once used 'Jutro'. It was magic :')
Jonathan McVinnie I'm sticking with my belief that it looks very much like a polynesian language, perhaps malagasy, if that is the case, then it'd be the strange VOS word order, which would be something that'd have to be taken into consideration
Jonathan McVinnie lol tabun = probably
he said "uso da yo" I said "uso ja nai" meaning "it's not a lie"
he said "uso da yo" I said "uso ja nai" meaning "it's not a lie"
Dago Lesmes Suagua Sarah Karoline I know!!!! Check out the new lyrics I wrote to 'Jutro'. Try to sing along as well
"Dawn is nearing, my heart's bleeding
And the minutes go on
Dewdrops dripping, winds appearing
Your loss I will mourn
I don't know if, upon me has befallen
The wrath of forgotten days gone by
Akh jan…
Yes aprel, yes mahats'yel
Bolorë nuyn pahin
Our path was written with blood, and
All that's left, are my hopes asking for
A little redemption in the skies
Hej! Prosti mi, uzkresni me!
How to cope with this now?
Immap qaffiagga qaffiavoq
I cannot take it all inside
Taiga sauleng išaść
Totu, sieluñ kağtungu
'Cause I, can't say again, your naaaame
Oh, uo, na ãhãñɇ o
Oh uo, uo, ma'e eo
Oh, uo, kaïrhí
Oh, uo, känëè ha tíî hĭį
The large clock is now ticking, not much time is left
I wish I could see another dawn again!
Hej! Oslanači mi, oslobodi me!
I am drowning in my pain
Saudade vem, protege-me!
Me da um cafuné!!!!!
Niren heritxoa izan
Nothing will come back to
What it used to be before!
Oh oh oh oh oh
Nothing will come back to
What it really used to be!"

"Dawn is nearing, my heart's bleeding
And the minutes go on
Dewdrops dripping, winds appearing
Your loss I will mourn
I don't know if, upon me has befallen
The wrath of forgotten days gone by
Akh jan…
Yes aprel, yes mahats'yel
Bolorë nuyn pahin
Our path was written with blood, and
All that's left, are my hopes asking for
A little redemption in the skies
Hej! Prosti mi, uzkresni me!
How to cope with this now?
Immap qaffiagga qaffiavoq
I cannot take it all inside
Taiga sauleng išaść
Totu, sieluñ kağtungu
'Cause I, can't say again, your naaaame
Oh, uo, na ãhãñɇ o
Oh uo, uo, ma'e eo
Oh, uo, kaïrhí
Oh, uo, känëè ha tíî hĭį
The large clock is now ticking, not much time is left
I wish I could see another dawn again!
Hej! Oslanači mi, oslobodi me!
I am drowning in my pain
Saudade vem, protege-me!
Me da um cafuné!!!!!
Niren heritxoa izan
Nothing will come back to
What it used to be before!
Oh oh oh oh oh
Nothing will come back to
What it really used to be!"
Christian James Meredith Jonathan McVinnie I hate to rain down on your parade, but... Malagasy doesn't have a lh, gh, or dh, besides other sounds here

Christian James Meredith Furthermore, the chances Malagasy has "ghiatro" as a loan from Greece is very slim
Jonathan McVinnie has it been confirmed 100% that ghiatro is indeed the word you believe it to be? also I don't know much about malagasy besides that the feel sort of reminded me of it for some reason
Dago Lesmes Suagua Arief Wibowo... Listen to Jutro and sing along to my lyrics posted a few posts ago too :p
Maria Weidner Ok, now I'd prefer to work... at least I'd teach something I KNOW! thank you, stupid student... :p
Jonathan McVinnie to be sure, I don't know of many poly langs that use lh or dh, but the word structure seems like one
Dago Lesmes Suagua Jonathan McVinnie... I still don't know how you're thinking about a Polynesian language. The morphology and phonetics of the words used is the complete opposite of polylangs! :p
Arief Wibowo Wait, I am in someone else's office, wouldn't want to sing anything
And I am reading thru all varieties of Greek while coding Java

And I am reading thru all varieties of Greek while coding Java

Christian James Meredith Jonathan McVinnie, it happened way up the start. Someone asked "is doctor and priest in there", to which Victor said "yes" (or "nai"
) and there's both ghiatro and papa.
Victor also used a lambda for no good reason at all, which further confirms that there's something greek about this, but it's not Greek, which makes things odd...

Victor also used a lambda for no good reason at all, which further confirms that there's something greek about this, but it's not Greek, which makes things odd...
Christian James Meredith Thus the only things we know so far come from here:
Arief Wibowo Wait.. Did Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström just said "nai" (no?) to "Is it a real language?"
Dago Lesmes Suagua It's Greekception! At first it looks like Greek, then it has some Greek, but then it's not Greek, but it still seems Greek. And now you're saying it's polynesian?
Dago Lesmes Suagua Why is your answer to everything, "Slovene"?
The answer to everything is 42, people... 42!!!!!!!!
The answer to everything is 42, people... 42!!!!!!!!
Christian James Meredith Haha Maria, it's OK! It's just that the rule in solving the actual thing is not to use Google Translate (which doesn't matter with Victor's rounds anyway though), but of course you can translate the off-topic comments in other languages

Maria Weidner I know and I'd never do that! But for Victor's comment I don't want to start another "game in the game"
Sarah Karoline Dago: There was a week-long discussion a fortnight ago in which an Omniglotter wanted to establish Slovene as the proto-language. So, when we're stuck for an etymology, we say it's Slovene.

Dago Lesmes Suagua Maria Weidner Stop it! My mind cannot cope with another inception. Why d'y'all have this sudden love for creating a thing inside a thing, inside of another thing that is in turn inserted inside a big huge thing????
Sarah Karoline Christian: I was thinking if it was made up words on the spur of the moment which look like a language, but are in fact without sense. Words which weren't even a conlang
Dago: The thing within a thing was Victor's previous game about a clothes rack

Dago: The thing within a thing was Victor's previous game about a clothes rack

Christian James Meredith
These are the languages Greek has been used for
These are the languages Greek has been used for
Jonathan McVinnie oh, you linked to wikipedia, not omniglot, for that info, I'm surprised, considering this is the omniglot fan club xD
Jonathan McVinnie that would be neat if it were aromanian or some turkic dialect that uses the greek alphabet ^_^
Arief Wibowo Hahaha, Jonathan McVinnie, doesn't have list of Greek dialects last time I checked... Besides, always links to Wikipedia

Dago Lesmes Suagua Sorry I've disappeared for some time... I'm pretty much enjoying the 'Slovene is the ancient language' dilemma. Perfect with popcorn

Sarah Karoline I've found Ancient Greek phrases in Wikipedia, but the only word that is similar to the text is "papaí"
Jonathan McVinnie oh lol, okay, I thought he meant that he was calling him to make the next sentence or sth
Maria Weidner I thought this game was about "translating" a sentence" and not an hour -long "guessing" what language it may be... :/
Jonathan McVinnie I'm with Maria on this one, the overall structure of this game makes it extremely difficult, especially if the creator of the sentence is unyielding with hints
Sarah Karoline Some little guesses:
Memia-all at once(?). O ghiatro - the doctor. Enda - briefly/consequently.
Memia-all at once(?). O ghiatro - the doctor. Enda - briefly/consequently.
Christian James Meredith Victor, not quite
We rarely have a combination of non-native script + no identification of the language. Even with the dialectal Scandy we at least knew it was Scandy and it was in the native script (and Scandy's related to English close enough that it can be overcome). So this is sorta like a triple-whammy

Christian James Meredith That said, it's good to have both short and long rounds. And as for worse, well, we'll find out

Maria Weidner Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. (to avoid scrolling)
Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, I actually have no clue what "suka + [adjective]" slang supposed to mean in Indonesian
Some of my friends like to say "suka sebal", etc

Maria Weidner Arief What? After six years in malaysia you don't understand indo slang? Ihaven't been in Indonesia for 15 years and I do
Christian James Meredith (still, I'm wondering if we need to polish up the rules of this game a bit within reason... I'll have to think of some guidelines before I say anything. There's a lot of grey zones in this game that cause confusion, which I thought about talking about before, but at the same time "fixing" things could impede on game flow... I'll broach it later)
Arief Wibowo As a child, I never mingle much and never used much slang (I have always been part-nerd since kid). I would speak newscaster-like Indonesian all the time... Hahaha
Jonathan McVinnie well let's make a compilation of the facts so far and what we need to take into consideration:
greek-like language
o, ta - articles
does the language structure permit cases, or are they all enclitic articles?
ghiatro - doctor
papa - priest
(a)po' - by from?
greek-like language
o, ta - articles
does the language structure permit cases, or are they all enclitic articles?
ghiatro - doctor
papa - priest
(a)po' - by from?
Christian James Meredith Dago because we were all in bad moods at the time and didn't feel like sharing the love
Sarah Karoline Here are my little guesses from earlier: Were they completely off track, slightly or no idea?
Memia-all at once(?). O ghiatro - the doctor. Enda - briefly/consequently.

Memia-all at once(?). O ghiatro - the doctor. Enda - briefly/consequently.
Maria Weidner Sarah we'll never know as Mr. Viking doesn't like to tell us which guesses are right..
Arief Wibowo Let me try some Indo slang: Ronde plg pjgnya Victor 6 hran lho
Which I would normally say: Ronde terpanjangnya Victor adalah sekitar 6 hari.
Victor's longest round is about 6 days.
Which I would normally say: Ronde terpanjangnya Victor adalah sekitar 6 hari.
Victor's longest round is about 6 days.
Jonathan McVinnie perhaps one solution to this would be to allow multiple threads simultaneously, so the ones that are more popular/easier to work with can get worked on and completed, while the more difficult ones can have their own spot where people work tirelessly on them to eventually come up with a solution, some years later
Sarah Karoline Victor: You'd make a great professor emeritus, if you're not already! Your students struggle and starve, whilst you sit back in your armchair and varnish wooden cabinets.

Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, the thing is I don't speak much Indonesian anymore, always English wherever I go
Christian James Meredith: Some would say (I guess), harian (where "-an" means estimate, not like -an in makanan)

Christian James Meredith: Some would say (I guess), harian (where "-an" means estimate, not like -an in makanan)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström And let's keep the current format. There is nothing especially odd with this round.
Sarah Karoline Victor: I'll rephrase "If you're not already, in which case you'll make.." Ειναι Τσακονικά - Παρακαλο/Thank you (still stuck though!)
Dago Lesmes Suagua Well, I just know I'm going to find the weirdest language ever for the next round I host. It's unfair Victor is the only one who can make you guys suffer.
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa ibu dari semua. Ini hanya versi Latin Melayu dan Tagalog.
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa ibu dari semua. Ini hanya versi Latin Melayu dan Tagalog.
Arief Wibowo In that case, we have mistranslated o = the
Because I found that to = the
Because I found that to = the
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter halo2 sdra/i skalian....
just woke up, and I missed a lot while I was in the dreamland, and too lazy to read everything.
btw, is memia - me+mia, "with one"
I guess just treat this phrase as a standard Greek for now even if isn't coz there might be some loanwords.
and I'm going to work soon
Oh kalo soal bhs gaol gt, tnang aj! Gw jagoñ, soalñ konco2 gw org Jkrt smua, hahaha
just woke up, and I missed a lot while I was in the dreamland, and too lazy to read everything.
btw, is memia - me+mia, "with one"
I guess just treat this phrase as a standard Greek for now even if isn't coz there might be some loanwords.
and I'm going to work soon

Oh kalo soal bhs gaol gt, tnang aj! Gw jagoñ, soalñ konco2 gw org Jkrt smua, hahaha

Maria Weidner hahaha, Arief, I imagine! lucu banget! gak ada yg ngomong gitu selain di tipi! Tidak ada seorang yang berbicara seperti itu, selain di televisi :p
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Maria Weidner atau pelajar yang baru saja mulai belajar Bahasa Indonesia :p
Arief Wibowo Tentu saja lucu, karena saya separuh-mesin
Btw, I guess to speak is berbicara, not berbicari...

Btw, I guess to speak is berbicara, not berbicari...
Arief Wibowo Here comes the Indonesian guy who has his own slang orthography, Vincensiu Denis ladies and gentlemen

Maria Weidner Vincensiu Ya, itu sungguh benar mas Vincensiu. Tetapi telinga saya merusakan kalau saya mendangar itu...waduh, susah banget nih..aku gak bisa bhs indo kayak gitu
Arief Wibowo The dictionary I found are tsakonian-greek-french :/
Arief Wibowo Gw permisi sebentar, ada situs yg mo go-live
(be right back, I've got a site that's going live now -- high focus required)
(be right back, I've got a site that's going live now -- high focus required)
Maria Weidner I am out. Victors rounds are to havy. I won't start to learn the greek alphabet now...
Sarah Karoline My attempt at the Greek:
Μεμια αγηρεωο ταρ ο γηιατρο - πο τινενι γηλιτομο δεν εντα, πεκο τα ο παπα
Μemia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa
Μεμια αγηρεωο ταρ ο γηιατρο - πο τινενι γηλιτομο δεν εντα, πεκο τα ο παπα
Μemia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa
Jonathan McVinnie I didn't realize minority languages, dialects, etc. were allowed, that makes things much more difficult lol
Christian James Meredith Gh = g, but some people write it gh because it's technically a fricative in line with old /b/ and /d/ (beta and delta).
Jonathan, it is allowed, but... yeah, this is where I'm wondering if we need some tweaks to the rules. Not to stop minority languages being used coz that'd be a stupid rule. But something to guide the game along and increase the educational effectiveness.
Jonathan, it is allowed, but... yeah, this is where I'm wondering if we need some tweaks to the rules. Not to stop minority languages being used coz that'd be a stupid rule. But something to guide the game along and increase the educational effectiveness.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Maria Weidner Sabar bu....
kalo gw sih nunggu yg lain pd nemuin t'jmahan kata2ñ, ntar baru kt rangkai sama2....
Emang kalo giliran dy bñk jebakan2ñ, tp bukankah smakin susah smakin seru? Kalo lg buntu istirahat dulu
Gw jg mo brangkat krja neh... jd g bs ikut prtisipasi mksimal :p
kalo gw sih nunggu yg lain pd nemuin t'jmahan kata2ñ, ntar baru kt rangkai sama2....
Emang kalo giliran dy bñk jebakan2ñ, tp bukankah smakin susah smakin seru? Kalo lg buntu istirahat dulu

Gw jg mo brangkat krja neh... jd g bs ikut prtisipasi mksimal :p
Sarah Karoline Maria: If we use the Greek spelling - if someone can check it's right/wrong!, we could use that as a basis.
Christian: Do you think my Greek transcription is right/wrong? So "gh" is either "g" or "X"?
Christian: Do you think my Greek transcription is right/wrong? So "gh" is either "g" or "X"?
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline "X" is normally rendered as ch, kh, h or x. I've never seen "X" rendered gh as in Middle English.
Christian James Meredith (Now, on the rule reform thing - this is a good thing about Victor's hard rounds - we get to discuss many related things while we make slow progress, so it's not like we crumble under adversity either xD )
Dago Lesmes Suagua Waaaaait! There's something wrong about Sarah's transcription.
We haven't taken into account that Tsakonian has a slightly different orthography....
We haven't taken into account that Tsakonian has a slightly different orthography....
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter I do believe the reason why there is H in aghrevo, is to retain the G sounds, just like gh in spaghetti
see what I found:
see what I found:
Christian James Meredith Vincensiu Denis I think you're thinking of Italian
(ghiatro should be pronounced "yatro" (where y = Swedish J), it's just a quirk of Hellenic romanisation, let alone one that Victor's using for aesthetics it seems

Christian James Meredith (Actually, this is where "v" in aghrevo is interesting too. V can represent beta or old-diphthong-ypsilon it seems)
Christian James Meredith Anyway, so something about a chase or hunt is what aghrevo apparently means
Sarah Karoline I thought "γ" represented two sounds in Greek. English "y" and "g". "X" is like Scottish "ch".
I'm lost!
I'm lost!
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter FD, But I am aware of that mate, but ya' know Victor, aye?
We gotta improvise things a bit
Im off to work, da-da
We gotta improvise things a bit

Im off to work, da-da
Sarah Karoline 310 comments, and it took a few hundred to get the dialect and that was only because Professer Emeritus Scandinavius told us!
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline, not quite. G represents a voiced velar fricative. Think of it like the "g" in Spanish between a, o, or u vowels. Like, "lago". /X/ represents a voiceless velar (or was it post-velar?) fricative. Like the "ch" in "Bach".
Greek G *used* to be pronounced like in English, but that has changed, in some dialects more than others, so to point this out it is written as "gh", to show it's a bit more "breathy" let's say
The "y" bit comes from when it's followed by i (and maybe e?). there's no way to stop this as far as I know, unlike Italian (which uses "gh" in writing to block the "softening" of G into a "J" sound). Technically, this is a voiced palatal fricative, not a true "y".
Greek G *used* to be pronounced like in English, but that has changed, in some dialects more than others, so to point this out it is written as "gh", to show it's a bit more "breathy" let's say

The "y" bit comes from when it's followed by i (and maybe e?). there's no way to stop this as far as I know, unlike Italian (which uses "gh" in writing to block the "softening" of G into a "J" sound). Technically, this is a voiced palatal fricative, not a true "y".
Christian James Meredith So, thus far: "All at once (chase, run?) (something) the doctor, ......... priest"
Maria Weidner What the hell happens to my students today? the first one forgets, the second is there, writes "hallo" but doesn't answer the call afterwards... ??? Something's really wrong today..
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Sort of unrelated: anybody knows a Finnish speaker for the thread's name? My knowledge of Finnish revolves around "saatana perkele!", "koskenkorva" and "älä ammu, olen ulkomaalainen!" (which may not be entirely correct).
And I totally lost the current sentence.
And I totally lost the current sentence.
Dago Lesmes Suagua Well, it truly is. But I need some 'basis'. Are we at least 100% sure about any of those words??
Christian James Meredith Дайте Нефть Из Баку, Comrade! Now I can finally tag your name!
And I'll try it. I can't speak Finnish but I have a continuously fluctuating working knowledge that should be enough.

And I'll try it. I can't speak Finnish but I have a continuously fluctuating working knowledge that should be enough.
Dago Lesmes Suagua But why are we going to include Finnish is we're talking about NORDIC languages? Despite being part of the Nordic countries Finland isn't completely Nordic. Finland is... Suomi isn't

Christian James Meredith Dago, we know "doctor" and "priest" at least. Aghrevo was looked up in the dictionary (check out the post by Vincensiu I think it was). You can then look up the words in the definition.
We gotta work with something though otherwise we won't get anywhere, and unlike you and me Victor doesn't like hints too much
(he likes to SIT AND WATCH xD )
We gotta work with something though otherwise we won't get anywhere, and unlike you and me Victor doesn't like hints too much

Sarah Karoline Dago: My suggestions were guesswork based on words I found in a modern Greek dictionary!
Даите: Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa (I can't tag your name)
Даите: Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa (I can't tag your name)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Wait, what's been translated so far? What language is this?
Dago, if we're going to include Greenlandic we might include Finnish as well.
Dago, if we're going to include Greenlandic we might include Finnish as well.
Sarah Karoline Perhaps we should work on writing it in Greek first, so we're all looking for what we believe to be the same words!

Дайте Нефть Из Баку "Μεμια αγρεβο ταρ ο γιατρο - πο τινενι γλιτομο δεν ενδα, πεκο τα ο παπα."
Does this make any sense to you? Micxjo Grat?
Does this make any sense to you? Micxjo Grat?
Christian James Meredith AS FOR FINNISH:
Arief, Дайте, Malin, and.. who else was involvedi n this?
We can go:
Kielipeli (a calque of Sprachspiel, and a proper word)
... or:
Kielileikki (but a business has this name)
Peli = from *spel- (Germanic), and refers to sport a bit more according to Wiktionary, while leikki is apparently more like child's play (once again, according to Wiktionary).
Looks like Kielipeli is it though!
Arief, Дайте, Malin, and.. who else was involvedi n this?
We can go:
Kielipeli (a calque of Sprachspiel, and a proper word)
... or:
Kielileikki (but a business has this name)
Peli = from *spel- (Germanic), and refers to sport a bit more according to Wiktionary, while leikki is apparently more like child's play (once again, according to Wiktionary).
Looks like Kielipeli is it though!
Sarah Karoline Dago: Finland is geographically and culturally partially Nordic, as are Greenland and the Faroes, so this is why we thought it'd be nice to add them - plus to promote them as languages to learn! Linguistically Finnish and Greenlandic are completely different, of course!
Arief Wibowo Hmm... About the game name, I somehow vote to keep it sprogspelet-sounding... Any language/orthography is okay, as long as it still sound like sprogspelet

Arief Wibowo About minority languages, it's more about documentation than number of speakers... We could beat lots of minority languages simply because of resources

Arief Wibowo If my record is correct, the current state is: With one [aghrevo] [tar] [o] doctor - (I said?) [tineni] [ghlhitomo] not [enda], [peko] to [o] priest.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter I agree with you Arief. Let's keep this game sprogspelet. Too many names is confusing. Plus now it's Swedish/ Danish next Finnish, Greenlander, Icelandic... what's next?? Too many...
Or if it has to change I suggest:
"Win before Victor does, or we'll ended up in misery"
Btw Arief, my input was αγρεύω
Or if it has to change I suggest:
"Win before Victor does, or we'll ended up in misery"

Btw Arief, my input was αγρεύω
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Victor, I'll b extremely upset uf you turned out to b a primary school kid!
Arief Wibowo As it turns out, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström is actually a child prodigy who's currently studying in preschool
Sarah Karoline I found "enda" as "briefly". Probably everything is wrong and The Professor is having a field day!

Arief Wibowo Curfew in 3 mins, I shall bid my farewell, see you all in about 12 hours time, it has been great........
until this round came by

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter As I mentioned above we gotta improvise a bit :p
Davide, αγρεύο is pronounced Agrevo I think... maybe...
Davide, αγρεύο is pronounced Agrevo I think... maybe...
Дайте Нефть Из Баку According to Wikipedia "ύ" and β are pronounced /i, y/ and /v/ as in Greek: μυία, κυανός [myˈia, kyaˈnos] > μούζα, κουβάνε [ˈmuza, kuˈvane].
Дайте Нефть Из Баку You're right, Vincensiu. "Ευ" is pronounced /ev/ before vowels and voiced consonants and /ef/ elsewhere (thank you, Omniglot). "Aγρεύω" translates as "to catch", at least in Modern Greek. Although, if you look for it in Google Images, you get a lot of horse pictures.
John S. Burke I got tagged in here somewhere, and then I see yabbie calling the Greatest conqueror and Emperor of all time Alexander the Big.
I'm seeing Greek mentioned here. So that might be my hint.
Που είναι ο κώδικας μηχανής μου; Σήμερα, κανώ μόνο τους οπκώδικες του ARM.
I'm seeing Greek mentioned here. So that might be my hint.
Που είναι ο κώδικας μηχανής μου; Σήμερα, κανώ μόνο τους οπκώδικες του ARM.
Christian James Meredith John S. Burke, this:
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
« Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Christian James Meredith Is that intelligible to a Greek speaker such as yourself?
(don't give it away though, we're trying to figure it out without flat out cheating...

(don't give it away though, we're trying to figure it out without flat out cheating...

John S. Burke Give me a second. It looks like it is either griko or Calabrian Greek. It has sort of Italian lookiness to it. the ghλi is really funky.
John S. Burke The first part sort of makes sense to me, but won't say what I get. The second is a structure I do recognize from Modern Greek, but some of the stuff there feels funky.
On a whole, I feel like I understand some of this but not with a whole good deal of confidence. If you were to put a person who speaks this in front of me, we could communicate, but (and I understand yes, this is always big in Greek talking anyhow) there would be much hand waving and pointing and we would probably need to repeat a good number of things.
I know that Griko and probably Calabrian has taken on many Latin/Italian words. Ejemplo en video:
This is in Griko. Take a look at the refrain:
sti kkardìa panta sena vastò
This line is nice since it practically is the same as what I speak:
στην καρδιά σένα πάντα βαστώ
The first line of the second verse though uses "penseo." The only reason I could get that line was because I know a bit of Spanish. Penseo is definitely taken from Italian.
Listen to the song a few times. It's pretty awesome. Woo your woman with it.
On a whole, I feel like I understand some of this but not with a whole good deal of confidence. If you were to put a person who speaks this in front of me, we could communicate, but (and I understand yes, this is always big in Greek talking anyhow) there would be much hand waving and pointing and we would probably need to repeat a good number of things.
I know that Griko and probably Calabrian has taken on many Latin/Italian words. Ejemplo en video:
This is in Griko. Take a look at the refrain:
sti kkardìa panta sena vastò
This line is nice since it practically is the same as what I speak:
στην καρδιά σένα πάντα βαστώ
The first line of the second verse though uses "penseo." The only reason I could get that line was because I know a bit of Spanish. Penseo is definitely taken from Italian.
Listen to the song a few times. It's pretty awesome. Woo your woman with it.
Sarah Karoline So if you as a speaker of "ελλινικι' aren't 100% sure, I wonder what the chances are of us mere mortals understanding it..

John S. Burke *ελληνικά
I think you can get it. If you have a dictionary with modern Greek and another for Italian, I think you can get it. I don't know Italian, so that probably don't help me.
I think you can get it. If you have a dictionary with modern Greek and another for Italian, I think you can get it. I don't know Italian, so that probably don't help me.
Sarah Karoline Oops, wrong ending! Hm, I've studied Italian, and I have both dictionaries in front of me. Hm...
John S. Burke Definitely going for John the Fat. But now I feel like, John the why did I eat that much tabasco with my eggs.
Sarah Karoline They say the universe is expanding. I'm very glad, as we need the extra time for this!
Stelio Papakonstantinou fascinated by the knowledge of the Tsakonian dialect which derives directly from the Doric dialect... the Griko and the Grecanic have incorporated in their vocabulary many words from Latin or Italian language... it's quite normal due to the (forced) coexistence! still, fascinated!
is there any person here who knows or speak or understand modern Greek? beside myself, obviously! :p
is there any person here who knows or speak or understand modern Greek? beside myself, obviously! :p

John S. Burke Okay, I haven't read the whole thread.
Since you gave latin letters, I assumed Italy or Turkey. Why switch it out from Greek?
Since you gave latin letters, I assumed Italy or Turkey. Why switch it out from Greek?
John S. Burke @Stelio
Μιλώ ελληνικά. Την έμαθα από τον παππού μου, αλλά είμαι Αμερικανός. Πότε πότε είναι κακά επειδή δεν σύχνα μιλώ τώρα.
Μιλώ ελληνικά. Την έμαθα από τον παππού μου, αλλά είμαι Αμερικανός. Πότε πότε είναι κακά επειδή δεν σύχνα μιλώ τώρα.
Stelio Papakonstantinou John S. Burke: μπράβο Γιάννη! απλά χρειάζεται εξάσκηση: προφορική και γραπτή! συγχαρητήρια στον παππού! τα φιλιά μου στους Έλληνες της Αμερικής, και γενικότερα της Διασποράς!
Sarah Karoline Could "peko" have something to do with "sin" or "error"? (Pecchiarsi: to sin. Pecciare: to make an error)
Sarah Karoline Ah, ok!
My dictioonary said it's a reflexive verb, so that's why I thought "si" was on the end.
My dictioonary said it's a reflexive verb, so that's why I thought "si" was on the end.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку "Peccare" is to commit a sin. "Pecciare" and "pecchiarsi" don't exist in Italian. Maybe you found "picchiarsi (con qualcuno)" (to fight with someone)?
Honestly, the only Italian-ish word I recognize is "papa" ("pope", or "daddy" if it's missing an accent on the second a). "Aghrevo" looks like a Latin-styled "aggredivo" (I was attacking), but I think "to catch" is more likely as a translation.
Honestly, the only Italian-ish word I recognize is "papa" ("pope", or "daddy" if it's missing an accent on the second a). "Aghrevo" looks like a Latin-styled "aggredivo" (I was attacking), but I think "to catch" is more likely as a translation.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Sure.
Μemia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
I'll help out a bit. So far:
o - the (m.)
ghiatro - doctor of medicine
papa - priest
memia - lit. with one [that's not it's meaning in the text]
po - related to "που".
You'll get this.

Μemia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
I'll help out a bit. So far:
o - the (m.)
ghiatro - doctor of medicine
papa - priest
memia - lit. with one [that's not it's meaning in the text]
po - related to "που".

Sarah Karoline Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Mr Burkopolous point is that there is a difference whether you use an accent or not.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Okay, take it piece by piece: The word "aghrevo" , does it remind you of anything?

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström "Ghlhitomo" has a closely related Greek cognate, and it basically means the opposite of "rescuing".
Sarah Karoline I've got some strange images in my head of priests and doctors capturing/kidnapping things/animals..
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Ghlhitomo = waterboarding? Sorry, I was thinking of a sea rescue.
Aaah, I knew "papa" was connected to religion.
Aaah, I knew "papa" was connected to religion.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Μemia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
o - the (m.)
ghiatro - doctor of medicine
papa - priest
memia - lit. with one [that's not it's meaning in the text]
po - related to "που".
ghlhitomo - escape
o - the (m.)
ghiatro - doctor of medicine
papa - priest
memia - lit. with one [that's not it's meaning in the text]
po - related to "που".
ghlhitomo - escape
Дайте Нефть Из Баку [Memia/ with one] [aghrevo] [tar] the doctor of medicine - [po] [tineni] escape [dhen] [enda], [peko] [ta] the priest.
Were our attempts at transliterating anywhere close?
Were our attempts at transliterating anywhere close?
Sarah Karoline "We aggravated a doctor of medicine, who escaped, and met a priest in a cafe called Peko". That's just a guess...

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström "Doctor" is enough.
Well, the transliteration would be pretty much useless.
The orthography for this dialect of Tsakonian isn't very standardised.

John S. Burke The orthography for any group of Tsakonian, as far as I have seen, really has no concept of standard.
Though the Greek text would probably help them if only for the historical end.
Though the Greek text would probably help them if only for the historical end.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку I'd say "aggressive", in a very twisted way. Mainly because I associate "agriculture" with "to settle" and "dependent on the land".
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, that wasn't very helpful.
Well, knowing that it has something to do with "aggression" is enough.

Well, knowing that it has something to do with "aggression" is enough.

John S. Burke This might be helpful:
A bit clunky, but a good resource of ancient words
A bit clunky, but a good resource of ancient words
John S. Burke Victor, I did see that. It feels like Greek spoken by a really drunk guy who just doesn't give a damn about grammar anymore.
Sarah Karoline Victor Maria: Hm... Aggressive. Zornig machen, verstehe ich gut. Auf Englisch heißt es "to make angry".
Maria Weidner Victor just one question: why the hell do you know some obscure greek dialects?? And difference between south and middle and north and what not tsakonian?
John S. Burke
I'll offer a prayer for this endeavor
I'll offer a prayer for this endeavor
John S. Burke N.B. This is clearly from before the writing reform from a couple decades ago. Aspiration and polytonic == ACTIVE
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Maria, I'm learning Greek.
But sometimes some obscure stuff cross your path, and if itsn't a drunk Greek vagabond, it's Tsakonian.

John S. Burke
Can I just leave this here...
Can I just leave this here...
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, "get angry" then.
Point is, it's a verb. And it means "to get angry".

Sarah Karoline Victor: That wasn't a correction! I forgot the question mark at the end. It should have been a question to you?!

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Who said "tar" means "with"?
And Sarah, I didn't take it as criticism! ^^

And Sarah, I didn't take it as criticism! ^^
Дайте Нефть Из Баку If "aghrevo" is "to get angry" and "o ghiato" is "the doctor" then "tar" could be "with". No, eh?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Welcome Matteo!
I'm sorry, no.
Hint of the hour - the verb is intransitive.

Hint of the hour - the verb is intransitive.
Matteo Cheri Victor sincerely I don't even know what language is that XD I was in a hint-hunt in the comments XD
Matteo Cheri Victor Oh cool ^^
btw, a suggestion for the next Sprogspelet: let's make the first phrase in Sardinian
btw, a suggestion for the next Sprogspelet: let's make the first phrase in Sardinian
Sarah Karoline Victor Should knowing Italian help with this translation? Lo capisco, ma non mi aiuto! hahaha
Matteo Cheri Victor Yep! Sardinian precisely
sorry but I'm new with sprogspelets, this is my first one without being a spectator

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Italian won't help at all!
Regarding "ta" and "tar" they are both different forms of the same lexeme.

Regarding "ta" and "tar" they are both different forms of the same lexeme.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Not sure if that's the case in Tsakonian, but it's not its function in this text.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, actually, maybe.
My best guess of it's function is that well since the verbs don't conjugate...:

Matteo Cheri Victor The only thing I fairly know of Greek are the characters, not even in the correct order
Sarah Karoline I've tried to create a very Greek atmosphere: I've overloaded my computer's hard drive with Greek dictionaries, I've listed all the Greek words English has stolen, I've played nice, soothiing Greek music, but to no avail.
I can just imagine the translation of this text is something embarassingly easy! Shame IKEA can't help out...
I can just imagine the translation of this text is something embarassingly easy! Shame IKEA can't help out...
Sarah Karoline [Memia: related to "one"] is angry [tar-] the doctor [who?] [tineni] didn't escape [enda] [peko] [ta-the?] priest
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Sorry Matteo! ^^
For "memia", look up "μεμiάς".
Who is it that gets angry?
For "memia", look up "μεμiάς".

Who is it that gets angry?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Correct, Maria! And Matteo, believe me, there is a tonne of resources on the web.

Sarah Karoline The phrase: Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa [I've pasted it into 'sticky notes' on my desktop.
Sarah Karoline Suddenly I got angry [tar-] the doctor [who?] [tineni] didn't escape [enda] [peko] [ta-the?] priest
Sarah Karoline Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa
Μεμια αγρευο ταρ ο γιατρο - πο τινενι γλιτομο δεν εντα, πεκο τα ο παπα.
Μεμια αγρευο ταρ ο γιατρο - πο τινενι γλιτομο δεν εντα, πεκο τα ο παπα.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Μεμια αγρευω ταρ ο γιατρο - πο τινενι γλιτομο δεν ενδα, πεκο τα ο παπα.
Victor didn't say anything about this being correct or not.
Victor didn't say anything about this being correct or not.
Sarah Karoline That is the best I can do
I'm not 100% about the 'gh' representation as just 'y', and I don't know where the accents are! oops..

Дайте Нефть Из Баку If I ever manage to win again, I'll make sure to compose the most mind-boggling sentence your mortal eyes have ever seen.
Sarah Karoline Matteo I think you've just challenged Professor Emeritus for the next round.... A dialect spoken by two people in Estonia written in a mixture of Greek and rune stones...

John S. Burke Μεμιά αγρευώ ταρ ο γιατρό - πο τινενεί γλλιτομο δέν έντα, πεκο τα ο παπά.
is my guess.
αγρευώ may not be correct.
is my guess.
αγρευώ may not be correct.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку [Memia/ with one] got angry with [tar] the doctor of medicine - [po] [tineni] escape [dhen] [enda], [peko] [ta] the priest.
Sarah Karoline Greek and rune stones sounds good to me ß I like both, so that challenge would be of benefit to me! hahahaha
Sarah Karoline I like Greek... when i can understand it which is limited to the lyrics of some songs!
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
We recently had an Ainu round, by the way.
We recently had an Ainu round, by the way.
Matteo Cheri Sarah (Catalan) (Spanish) (English) (Italian)
Multi-languaged (Spanish) (English) (Italian)

Maria Weidner Дайте we found that already, and I found the angry thing there, but only because it starts with "a" , it takes ages to scroll down that scan..
John S. Burke Just for fun, and it will probably misguide you.
πόκε occurs in an old Greek Hymn, the Αγνή Παρθένε. In the part it is mentioned, you translate it as "O fleece that is all-dewy", and the word refers back to Gideon's fleece.
So there you go: fleece, wool
πόκε occurs in an old Greek Hymn, the Αγνή Παρθένε. In the part it is mentioned, you translate it as "O fleece that is all-dewy", and the word refers back to Gideon's fleece.
So there you go: fleece, wool
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström First off, John, double λ means /l/...
λ means /λ/. And it's not fleece! ^^

John S. Burke My last comment would be if this text is very old. think both mine and cakonian (yes this is a Greek pun for this thread) would now use "pokari"
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström No parlo català molt bè, per desgràcia. :/ Però meu professora d'espanyol era català
Por eso preferiría castellano.

Por eso preferiría castellano.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström And no, as it happens, I'm not sure what "ta" and "tar" mean. However!
Hint of the hour: Pronoun.
Hint of the hour: Pronoun.
John S. Burke Sarah, if you mean possession, that is off:
appended <<ti>> to nouns line two. Your name, your kingdom
appended <<ti>> to nouns line two. Your name, your kingdom
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Suddenly [I?] got angry with [tar] the doctor - [po] [tineni] escape [dhen] [enda], [peko] [ta] the priest.
Po = therefore?
Po = therefore?
John S. Burke it is in the lexicon I posted earlier, tar = ta + stuff with next consonant.
Also, it might help, modern Greek likes clitic doubling. A lot
Also, it might help, modern Greek likes clitic doubling. A lot
Sarah Karoline Matteo: Nei, ég er ensk, enn ég lærði íslensku fyrir 10 ára síðan. Nú hef ég gleymt allt/mjög! (I learned Icelandic 10 years ago, but now I've forgetten it all/a lot of it)
John: Hm... like double definites?
John: Hm... like double definites?
Matteo Cheri Victor Never, Never tell what you wrote here to a Finnish. He could eat you with bare hands.
Just like when you tell to us Sardinian that what we speak is a dialect of Italian
Just like when you tell to us Sardinian that what we speak is a dialect of Italian
Дайте Нефть Из Баку (We really should get a chat for these dadaist moments.)
Arief, Mighty Architect of the House of Språkspelet! We need you to build us a chat!
Arief, Mighty Architect of the House of Språkspelet! We need you to build us a chat!
Matteo Cheri Дайте Lol yeah.
Btw lolnope, Sardinian is Sardinian, not Italian:
Sardinian has more parts of Catalan and Castilian than parts of Italian
As you can see here: (Sardinian) (Italian) (English)
Btw lolnope, Sardinian is Sardinian, not Italian:
Sardinian has more parts of Catalan and Castilian than parts of Italian
As you can see here: (Sardinian) (Italian) (English)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Po = pronoun?
Tineni = noun?
Dhen = adverb?
Enda = noun?
Peko = conjunction?
I barely remember the Greek alphabet, you know.
Tineni = noun?
Dhen = adverb?
Enda = noun?
Peko = conjunction?
I barely remember the Greek alphabet, you know.
Sarah Karoline Phew! That was the only word that I thought I knew this morning, when the universe was young and stars had not yet been born....
Дайте Нефть Из Баку I'm switching off now, guys. Find out the grammatical function of the remaining words, then you can just random-guess the whole sentence.
Hopefully tomorrow the Swedish beast will be no more.
Hopefully tomorrow the Swedish beast will be no more.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I suspend the game until tomorrow, please avoid to discuss on the thread until I tag you in the morning.
It drives my phone mad!

John S. Burke on the note of dhen, many tsakonian regions use dhon instead I have heard, but just straight taking dhen makes sense
John S. Burke also, some of you may have read, but it can still help maybe, the verb usage is sort of more like English than demotic greek often in tsakonian, especially how the copula is used.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter temporary spragspelet discussion:
Arief WibowoChristian James MeredithMaria WeidnerSarah KarolineДайте Нефть Из БакуJohn S. BurkeMatteo CheriDago Lesmes
Since Victor suspended the current thread and instructed us to not posting on the current thread until "morning" (define morning please)
coz it makes his phone crazy, I decided to make a temporary discussion page.
Arief WibowoChristian James MeredithMaria WeidnerSarah KarolineДайте Нефть Из БакуJohn S. BurkeMatteo CheriDago Lesmes
Since Victor suspended the current thread and instructed us to not posting on the current thread until "morning" (define morning please)
coz it makes his phone crazy, I decided to make a temporary discussion page.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Ok, I have been very busy at work today and couldn't catch up with the progress of the thread.... but the last time I saw it it went this far:
Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
Suddenly got angry (tar) the doctor - (po) (tieni) escape (dhen) (enda), (peko) (ta) the priest.
I'm heading to bed soon, after dinner & shower, but hopefully in the mean time, I could contribute some ^^
Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
Suddenly got angry (tar) the doctor - (po) (tieni) escape (dhen) (enda), (peko) (ta) the priest.
I'm heading to bed soon, after dinner & shower, but hopefully in the mean time, I could contribute some ^^
Rafael Lanzetti I've just seen the text and know nothing about the game, sorry, but this language looks Tsakonian to me. If it is, then the word "dhen" must mean δεν, not. With a little bit of imagination one could even see a "δεν είναι" there (dhen enda). Sorry sticking my nose there!
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Hello Rafael, welcome to spragspelet
You are more than welcome to join this game.
yes, it is Tsakonian indeed.

You are more than welcome to join this game.
yes, it is Tsakonian indeed.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Rafael Lanzetti if you would like to know more about the game, visit:
Maria Weidner Oh thanks for letting me know, I didn't know that my facebook do that... now time to re-edit my post settings
Maria Weidner Oh thanks for letting me know, I didn't know that my facebook do that... now time to re-edit my post settings

Maria Weidner HAHAHA! Victor hat seinen Meister gefunden! We have been guessing for hours which language it might be and here you come " it's Tsakonian" oh my god!

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Suddenly got angry (tar) the doctor - (po) (tieni) escape not there, (peko) (ta) the priest
Unfortunately I don't speak Welsh, and haven't got any plans to learn it anytime soon...
I'm still struggling with my Arabic, and had to titrate my time between job, leisure & health. Let alone learning another new language
Unfortunately I don't speak Welsh, and haven't got any plans to learn it anytime soon...
I'm still struggling with my Arabic, and had to titrate my time between job, leisure & health. Let alone learning another new language
John S. Burke Copula is different just to let you know.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Coming from someone whose first language is copula-less or "zero copula", I found it really hard to assimilate into copula compulsory language :S
Dago Lesmes Suagua Well, I see there was some important progress on the translation. Have any "clues" been unveiled by the Professor Emeritus?
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter John S. Burke Indonesian, but the informal Indonesian (slangs), not the formal one
Since there are very few resources for Tsakonian, I'll just treat this as Modern Greek for now:
In Modern Greek, na po can be translated as "say"
Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
Suddenly got angry (tar) the doctor -said (tieni) escape is not, (peko) (ta) the priest.
Since there are very few resources for Tsakonian, I'll just treat this as Modern Greek for now:
In Modern Greek, na po can be translated as "say"
Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghλitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa.
Suddenly got angry (tar) the doctor -said (tieni) escape is not, (peko) (ta) the priest.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter since Victor repeatedly said tar =/= with, the only link I can think about between angry and doctor is "become"
Suddenly got angry became the doctor -said (tieni) escape is not, (peko) (ta) the priest.
I wonder if (ta) and (tar) is related
Suddenly got angry became the doctor -said (tieni) escape is not, (peko) (ta) the priest.
I wonder if (ta) and (tar) is related
Sarah Karoline I'm back for ten minutes.... I think John said "ta" is like an eclitic and Greek likes it, to have double eclitics.
Based on that here's some more guesswork:
Suddenly I/we got angry (about it), ...
Why am I thinking about Greek at 12.45am!
Based on that here's some more guesswork:
Suddenly I/we got angry (about it), ...
Why am I thinking about Greek at 12.45am!
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Suddenly I got angry about the doctor - and I said: (tieni) escape is not, peko (about) the priest.
Sarah Karoline That would make better sense: "about the doctor".
I wonder if "peko" is "talk", "talk to the priest".
I wonder if "peko" is "talk", "talk to the priest".
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Suddenly I got angry about the doctor - and I said: (tieni) escape is not,talk to the priest
John S. Burke po =/= said. It lacks the augment and you just don't use bare po without some subjuncitve marker. pretty sure you want to equate it with pou.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter tieni sounds like Italian (to keep) or tienes (ES)
No tienes...
No tiene escape d Victor.
No escape from Victor's round... you all will have your brain smashed till ....
No tienes...
No tiene escape d Victor.
No escape from Victor's round... you all will have your brain smashed till ....
John S. Burke In modern Greek, we often have ypsilon after vowels go to a sound like f or v. Efxaristo; lefko; avgo. I'll give the lexicon again, what is the correspondence between this ypsilon in modern greek to tsakonian:
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Could it be suddenly I got angry about the doctor - and I said: No escape, except by talking to the priest
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Uuuhhh... it's in Greek :S
My eyes are to sleepy to process Greek literature at this time :S
Do you happen to know the answer already John?
My eyes are to sleepy to process Greek literature at this time :S
Do you happen to know the answer already John?
John S. Burke I grew up speaking Greek, so I feel guilty doing this. It's why I'm helping*
*messed up peko with pokos->poke :> pokari earlier.
*messed up peko with pokos->poke :> pokari earlier.
Sarah Karoline I'm definitely going to have to sleep on it
I shall not give up! haha
Thank you for the hints, John! I've written them down. Let's hope I have a "heureka" moment at dawn!

Thank you for the hints, John! I've written them down. Let's hope I have a "heureka" moment at dawn!
John S. Burke Well I'm tired too and need to be up soon, hence the help* part.
Tsakonian is still like mud to me. It probably feels like a spaniard reading rumanian
Tsakonian is still like mud to me. It probably feels like a spaniard reading rumanian
Christian James Meredith Whoops, missed victor's game suspension message (turn your mobile notifications off!) And went and did and arief and liked everything.
Christian James Meredith I've already ruined stuff for Victor, but he should turn his WiFi off or something

Arief Wibowo (I will read but I won't like stuffs
Might be booted off Facebook if I did
Welcome to our game, John S. Burke, Stelio Papakonstantinou, Matteo Cheri, and Rafael Lanzetti, I hope you guys stilll somehow enjoy playing with us, although it's one of the hardest round in our history (but we will survive!)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку, I will see what I can do with chat, but I feel it's redundant with this comment system. I might make our Live page able to send in comments here.
Or you might want to try my current trick: open the live page and Facebook side by side (like the picture below)

Welcome to our game, John S. Burke, Stelio Papakonstantinou, Matteo Cheri, and Rafael Lanzetti, I hope you guys stilll somehow enjoy playing with us, although it's one of the hardest round in our history (but we will survive!)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку, I will see what I can do with chat, but I feel it's redundant with this comment system. I might make our Live page able to send in comments here.

Or you might want to try my current trick: open the live page and Facebook side by side (like the picture below)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, turning on the Wifi doesn't let me escape the bullet shower/notifications.
great idea to make a new thread!

Christian James Meredith Ah, you mean when you turn it on and the phone just explodes with information?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Hi all! I'm back with great news!
Sarah made a breakthrough with "peko", equating it with "talk to". That's not entirely the case, but it is very close!
Sarah made a breakthrough with "peko", equating it with "talk to". That's not entirely the case, but it is very close!
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström « Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Suddenly get angry [tar] the doctor - [po] [tineni] escape was not, [peko] [ta] the priest.
Here's a hint:
Suddenly (get angry [tar]) the doctor - [po] [tineni] escape was not, ([peko] [ta]) the priest.
Suddenly get angry [tar] the doctor - [po] [tineni] escape was not, [peko] [ta] the priest.
Here's a hint:
Suddenly (get angry [tar]) the doctor - [po] [tineni] escape was not, ([peko] [ta]) the priest.
Christian James Meredith "If you suddenly get angry ____ the doctor, who said there was no escape, consult the priest"?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Okay, let's just establish this: "po" does not mean"to say"! My point is, that "peko/aghrevo" + "ta/tar", should be realised as one unit.

Christian James Meredith *ahem*, anyway, we've established that the -r on tar may be due to rhotacism, IIRC?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström If you say that, I say four vertical sticks + crown, window + diagonal underlining + cane leaning towards it.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Yes, it serves no grammatical function, to my knowledge. If it does, it's not relevant.
Christian James Meredith Also, I was resistant to this idea before although it occurred to me as a possibility, but it seems like this dialect may have destroyed the case system but still is structured as if it exists, giving the impression of multiple direct objects to a non-speaker.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Not "them" but...:
Well, it doesn't really matter; only one case occurs in the phrase, the nominative.
Well, it doesn't really matter; only one case occurs in the phrase, the nominative.
Christian James Meredith « Memia aghrevo tar o ghiatro - po tineni ghlhitomo dhen enda, peko ta o papa. »
Suddenly angry about her, the doctor, who ___ (escape was not), they say (to) the priest
hmmm... Need to reconcile things a bit better.
Suddenly angry about her, the doctor, who ___ (escape was not), they say (to) the priest
hmmm... Need to reconcile things a bit better.
Christian James Meredith "her" from "tar" and because Victor implied before that the person is not angry with/at/or whatever with the doctor

Christian James Meredith Victor, so, you're saying to me, that the last phrase has two nominative phrases? Or have the Greeks invented basque/Amerindian style agreement as well?

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Okay, let's establish this; there are no objects, direct or otherwise, in this sentence!
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, one of them contains a copula, "enda", as we have previously established!
You're complicating things.

Christian James Meredith "All of a sudden the doctor was angry, realising there was no escape, said the doctor"
Arief Wibowo Yeap, Arief-style likes
But I can't keep up with the likes like before, and I've got our Live page to keep track of ideas without depending on like-unlike

Arief Wibowo Suddenly all the doctor was angry - who cannot escape, confessed to the priest
(probably he just accidentally let his patient die)
(probably he just accidentally let his patient die)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Kalimera! Okay then, Christian is almost done! However, I was mistaken, there is an ablative/genitive object in there, in the second clause.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström "All of a sudden the doctor got angry, there [tineni] was no escape, said the doctor"
John S. Burke I keep thinking I'm getting actual responses, but then it is just Arief liking everything.
Arief Wibowo John S. Burke, sorry for that, I make it a habit to like things after I read them in this game, so I can know if I missed a possible hint

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Maria, well the game is about getting it first!
And now it'll be easier since I'll retire for a time!
You win.

Arief Wibowo Don't worry, Maria Weidner, we always build on other's great work, so a winner is a representation of everybody
Or if you are still ashamed, here's another way to view it: this is your revenge on Christian James Meredith for stealing your wins previously

Or if you are still ashamed, here's another way to view it: this is your revenge on Christian James Meredith for stealing your wins previously

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I'd say about a third of all wins so far were due to ninja-ing. So it's cool with me.

Sarah Karoline John: I suggested to Maria that she wrote a German expression.
Victor:German dialects are good too....

Victor:German dialects are good too....

Arief Wibowo I suddenly remember the kloppts round ( Guess who was the winner?
John S. Burke Victor, use ίντα for τι and γιάντα for γιατί while your at itaround Jack. Fun Cretan words.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström They're even weirder in person.
They didn't lie, but their dognuts were a bit odd.

John S. Burke Sarah, fool us all and just use standard Burmese, because who the hell uses Burmese after being closed from the planet forever?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Arief, I meant a chat where we could go nuts without flooding the actual thread. Maybe a secondary discussion like this could work too.
Sarah Karoline John: I wish I knew Burmeser, but I don't, although I think Tsakonian has a lot in common with Burmese! haha
Arief Wibowo John S. Burke, who the hell uses Burmese →

Arief Wibowo Yeah, I enjoy lahpet too, but it's a a bit too sour for me...
All this food talk makes me hungry :/
And Sarah Karoline said baklava too, haven't had baklava in a while
All this food talk makes me hungry :/
And Sarah Karoline said baklava too, haven't had baklava in a while

Christian James Meredith Ah, Maria Weidner, you might wanna start a new thread.
Man, that's scary. I never thought we'd take a whole thread for one of these.
Man, that's scary. I never thought we'd take a whole thread for one of these.
Arief Wibowo I have a feeling that since I have the Rounds history, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström has been consistently beating his own records
Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, take your time... Probably by the time you come back, we already hit 1K comments

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Actually found out about that when I searched for the old Norwegian capital.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I have a feeling beating your own records isn't very appreciated by the community.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Good morning everybody... I just woke up
So finally the round has ended.

So finally the round has ended.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Oh so there is "said" indeed. I just put it in the wrong place lol. Funny
Christian James Meredith Victor, you're wanted! Here, watch this, it'll make you feel better, or at least give you schizophrenia.
Sarah Karoline Arief That was the translation of my sentence in Swedish.
Victor: Hur skiljar dem? Jag tyckte de var de samma. Har bara sett MGP en gång för många år sedan! Oops..
(Transl: how are they different? I thought they were the same. Have only seen MGP once many years agao!)

Victor: Hur skiljar dem? Jag tyckte de var de samma. Har bara sett MGP en gång för många år sedan! Oops..
(Transl: how are they different? I thought they were the same. Have only seen MGP once many years agao!)
Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 119 | 121 > | 282 >> |