
Joining a round

No Machine Translation
The use of Google Translate or other machine translation services is strictly forbidden.

Challenges should be challenging
If you can solve the Challenge with minimal effort, you shouldn’t join the round directly.

Translate into English
Attempts may not be made in any other languages.

It’s acceptable to assimilate other Språkspeler’s guess into yours. We don’t call this cheating, we call this stjälcuri.
In Sveindo, stjälcuri is a verb that means “to collaborate” (literally: “to steal”).

Be the first person that post the full translation in English to win!
Winner will be declared by the Host and the winner will automatically become the host for the next round.

Hosting a round

Online resources required
The language of the Challenge must have publicly available online resources (dictionary and grammar). If the resources is obscure, the Host shall provide everybody with links to the resources.

Challenges should be challenging, not punishing
The Challenge ideally should be solved in a couple of days maximum. If it’s too hard for that, the Host should bring the difficulty down with more hints than before.
It’s recommend to keep the Challenge less than 50 words or 250 characters.

Winner must post full text
Posting full text is very important for archiving.
The winner candidate should be reminded to post a full text before being declared as a winner.

Allow minor imperfections
Please bear in mind that the translation might not be 100% accurate, as natives of the language may not join the round.

Winner is declared at the Host’s discretion
Should multiple people post full text that are equally close, the winner should be the first person who post the full text, but the final decision is left to the Host’s discretion.

And above all…

Have fun!
The main purpose of this game is for you to practice language and translating skills, and to learn some things about other languages, while having the opportunity to show off bits of other languages.

Last updated: February 2014