Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 129 | 131 > | 282 >> |
Maria Weidner I would write it in the original script, but I have no idea how... I think I had to install the font..
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Ugh... I can't do maximum research while on galaxy...
Might take a while until I can solve this phrase :$

Might take a while until I can solve this phrase :$
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Actually, the combination "Some Southeast-Asian language + Weird Script" trigged my sensors.
I know no Asian language at all.
Okay, except a bit of Sanskrit. :/

I know no Asian language at all.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, most languages look very iconic. And there's this Javanese guy in the group who posts stuff from time to time.
And yes, beautiful!
Don't be mean... I can't participate nevertheless, I'm trying to be discrete with my mathematics.

Don't be mean... I can't participate nevertheless, I'm trying to be discrete with my mathematics.

Maria Weidner I am not mean, I am only afraid!
You prefer mathematics over languages? shame on you! :p

Дайте Нефть Из Баку Sewu = thanks?
Putting transliterated words in Wiktionary is really an impractical way to go.
Putting transliterated words in Wiktionary is really an impractical way to go.
Maria Weidner nope, sewu is not thanks. But I guess any web - dictionary will work with the transliterated form. Iused the standard indonesian transliteration.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку I considered learning the alphabet for a moment but it's syllabic. I don't have the time.
(And I'm listening to audio recordings of Colloquial Swedish, so I keep reading the sentence with Swedish pronunciation.)
(And I'm listening to audio recordings of Colloquial Swedish, so I keep reading the sentence with Swedish pronunciation.)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I think "boten" is a negation of sorts.
And I think Arief will agree that maths is language!

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Piye toh?
Aku lalih...
Thats all Javanese that I know...
Matun luhur. Nyon sewu mas ee
Aku lalih...
Thats all Javanese that I know...
Matun luhur. Nyon sewu mas ee
Maria Weidner i give a hint: Javanese has various forms of politeness, which means different vocabulary
Maria Weidner Boten is no singular of whatsoever. Victor was right before. Don't ask me how he knew it...
Sarah Karoline "bot" = "not"? [Source: Javanese Wiktionary. I'm not stealing from Victor, although doing such a thing is the name of the game :)]
Sarah Karoline I was jokingly saying I have had almost two successes so far in this round by finding "not" (partially confirmed by your confirmatio's of Victor's post] and "500".
Sarah Karoline Perhaps researching the sentence in full before posting word-by-word. I don't know
I hasten to say I'm multitasking this and work, so my responses are delayed.

Maria Weidner but I think you have found all the words, write what you have. Sewu =? gangsal =? atus=?
Sarah Karoline Hm, I wrote "500" earlier, but that was only part of the number.
Sewu -?, gansal - 5, atus -? , Seket - 50 [I can't find the original glossary now, so I've forgotten what "sewu" and "atus" are. More research - > [Where is everyone!]
Sewu -?, gansal - 5, atus -? , Seket - 50 [I can't find the original glossary now, so I've forgotten what "sewu" and "atus" are. More research - > [Where is everyone!]

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Ooops... gw gk jd bli
Im very busy at work atm. B back soon to give the final translation in English...
Sarah. Remember I told you how I really wish I can work frm home :*

Im very busy at work atm. B back soon to give the final translation in English...
Sarah. Remember I told you how I really wish I can work frm home :*
Sarah Karoline I remember now, Vincensiu
Working in an office is better.
I believe you'll translate this in five seconds

I believe you'll translate this in five seconds

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Clearly u havent been to Indo for a while...
Nowadays with 1550 you cannot buy anything :p
Nowadays with 1550 you cannot buy anything :p
Maria Weidner Vincensiu aku inggat, waktu di Indo ngomong sama wong jowo, trus katanya ...blabla..letih Aku mikir, kok letih, apa letih..gak ada hubungannya! I had to ask five times till I understood that he said "Lady in red" with a strong javanese accent!

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Since I dont know any of you personally, except Arief. I can tell you what I do.
I work with an agency as an on call service provider.

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Im not at her home...
Im in a service house. We got many beds here. Im going home in half and hour
Im in a service house. We got many beds here. Im going home in half and hour

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Finally I'm home... but I'm wery wery sweepy :-O (yawning)
I even fell asleep in the train on my way back home...
well, let's progress towards the translation:
Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas
1550, if not/ don't (purun), I am not going to buy.
kulo = I
boten = not
siyos = going to happen/become (in Indonesian "jadi")
tumbas = buy
I even fell asleep in the train on my way back home...
well, let's progress towards the translation:
Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas
1550, if not/ don't (purun), I am not going to buy.
kulo = I
boten = not
siyos = going to happen/become (in Indonesian "jadi")
tumbas = buy
Kalisa Hagen Mas Victor, Mas Bule.
That kinda reminds me of a friend saying to me, "Aku paling suka dipanggil "mas"," which gave me a good laugh because he's half German (and he has a *cute* accent speaking Indonesian).
"Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas"
1550, kalau enggak mau, gue enggak jadi beli.
Ya enggak sih? hehe
PS: Maaf ya, mbak, mas, kulo main nyamber aja. Lanjutkan!

That kinda reminds me of a friend saying to me, "Aku paling suka dipanggil "mas"," which gave me a good laugh because he's half German (and he has a *cute* accent speaking Indonesian).

"Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas"
1550, kalau enggak mau, gue enggak jadi beli.
Ya enggak sih? hehe
PS: Maaf ya, mbak, mas, kulo main nyamber aja. Lanjutkan!

Maria Weidner benar dong! Kaykaknya si Vincensiu ketiduran nih... Untungnya Kalisa gak pake bhs Inggris, waduh sekarang aku ada masalah pake konjuktiv :D. gak mau nulis "seandainya".. pokoknya: yg tulis kalimat yg bnr dlm bhs Inggris menang!
Maria Weidner Gak kenal sama dia, kau pasti juga gak kenal semua orang yg tinggal di "Wales" misterius itu di Aus... maap, di Galaxymu! :p
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter udah, I sat on the lounge when I got home, and then I fell asleep lol, I just had a shower, then going to have breakfast and crawl to bed to get a proper sleep.
Oooo... kirain kenal... soalñ org Jerman yg bisa bhs Indo kan gk bñk, kalo org Blanda sih gw tau bñk... tp kalo Jerman, kykñ masih bisa diitung pake jari
Oooo... kirain kenal... soalñ org Jerman yg bisa bhs Indo kan gk bñk, kalo org Blanda sih gw tau bñk... tp kalo Jerman, kykñ masih bisa diitung pake jari
Kalisa Hagen Inggih, kulo wong Jowo sing ora iso Boso Jowo.
Aku blm ibu-ibu, mbak Maria Weidner. Masih 17 tahun (lebih "dikit" lah). lol
Eh, *banyak* tahu orang Jerman yang bisa bahasa Indo. Apalagi kalo pergi ke Konstanz sana. Wih, hati-hati deh kalo mau ngegosipin orang pk bhs Indo. Gue pernah kena batunya. hu hu

Aku blm ibu-ibu, mbak Maria Weidner. Masih 17 tahun (lebih "dikit" lah). lol
Eh, *banyak* tahu orang Jerman yang bisa bahasa Indo. Apalagi kalo pergi ke Konstanz sana. Wih, hati-hati deh kalo mau ngegosipin orang pk bhs Indo. Gue pernah kena batunya. hu hu
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Anyway, we gotta finish this round, too bad that I'm too stupid to translate it into English,
Davide, Arief, CJM, Dago, Sarah, Billy or Chiara might be able to do a better job than me
Davide, Arief, CJM, Dago, Sarah, Billy or Chiara might be able to do a better job than me

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Yang ada gk mw kalah kaleee.., lol
I gotta go to bed now, too tired. Gotta work again tonight. Ciao
good luck to the winner whoever he/she is

I gotta go to bed now, too tired. Gotta work again tonight. Ciao
good luck to the winner whoever he/she is
Arief Wibowo I am back... Don't worry, Kalisa Hagen, our tagline is "steal to win" anyway
But no no, you were treading on dangerous waters, don't GT

Arief Wibowo Very interesting, previously the lingua franca of the game seems to be Swedish or a certain pidgin... Lately it's Indonesian

Kalisa Hagen lol, I was just *iseng-iseng* with GT. I'm quite familiar with *the rules* of this game: no GT!

Arief Wibowo Oh, and welcome to the game, Kalisa Hagen, which if my data* is correct, the youngest player we have so far... Now I feel old...
* from my analysis. I can't/won't store birthdays from Facebook. Don't worry
* from my analysis. I can't/won't store birthdays from Facebook. Don't worry

Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner's materials were from 1995, 3 years before a certain incident, I guess by that time "sewu gangsal atus seket" is still valuable
Arief Wibowo I can't place the missing word from Kalisa Hagen's guess... Kalisa, go forth and win the round!

Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, yeap, mathematic(s) is a bridge between human and machine language

Kalisa Hagen "1550, otherwise, I won't buy it/I'm not buying it." would be my guess because translating "kalau enggak mau" to "if you don't want it" when bargaining sounds a little *weird* to me.

Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, Sarah Karoline, Дайте Нефть Из Баку, and others, my favorite Javanese song currently:
Maria Weidner Morning. I would say we have no winner in this round. Kalisa is and speaks javanese, so it doesn't count.
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, the "about 2 conlang in use": Esperanto and I forgot the previous one before it

Arief Wibowo I found it: Interlingua
And apparently there is Ido, based on Esperanto... Together they are top three IALs in use

And apparently there is Ido, based on Esperanto... Together they are top three IALs in use

Christian James Meredith And ah, yeah, Interlingua... I wonder what the demographics on that are nowadays.
Christian James Meredith The problem with using Interlingua in this game though is it's almost too easy

Arief Wibowo Since the facts in Wiki pages are a bit blurry, let's assume that more Wiki articles in that language means more in use:
Esperanto estiĝis 186,128 artikoloj
Ido havas 24,997 artikli
Interlingua nos ha 14,090 articulos
Esperanto estiĝis 186,128 artikoloj
Ido havas 24,997 artikli
Interlingua nos ha 14,090 articulos
Christian James Meredith "estigxi", blimey, that's some high level Esperanto there in a relatively innocent phrase

Christian James Meredith Arief, did you translate that Esperanto phrase yourself or find it somewhere else?
Arief Wibowo (about IAL) Volapuk has 119,109 pages, so it's number 2.. Interlingue/Occidental has 2,098
Christian James Meredith I think Volapük also has a very passionate following, which is important to note. Lingua Franca Nova is a similar case, although I believe they've moved away from Wikipedia, instead inhabiting wikia instead.
Arief Wibowo Of course it's because I know it...
After I read the main page of Esperanto...
Then I copy-pasted it...
After I read the main page of Esperanto...
Then I copy-pasted it...

Arief Wibowo No wonder I didn't see Lingua Franca Nova... has 2,900 pages (interestingly round number), that puts it a bit above Interlingue
Christian James Meredith Hmmm :-/ I don't like their usage... "Esperanto estigxis ____ artikoloj", I feel Esperante/En Esperanto estigxis_______ artikoloj" would be better to avoid a dual subject.
Arief Wibowo Suggest that to them at Diskuto page (
Christian James Meredith Oh, *they've* written it right
"Estiĝis 186 128 artikoloj en Esperanto."
^ the "En Esperanto" part is important. Otherwise it becomes:
"Esperanto arised 186,128 articles" which makes poor sense
Arief, I was looking for usage notes on "estigxi" to see if it could have two direct objects at once (you can identify direct objects in Esperanto by a bare -o or -oj, and no preposition, e.g. en).

"Estiĝis 186 128 artikoloj en Esperanto."
^ the "En Esperanto" part is important. Otherwise it becomes:
"Esperanto arised 186,128 articles" which makes poor sense

Arief, I was looking for usage notes on "estigxi" to see if it could have two direct objects at once (you can identify direct objects in Esperanto by a bare -o or -oj, and no preposition, e.g. en).
Christian James Meredith (PMEG = a great Esperanto style guide - the big apple is a joke - the pronunciation of "PMEG" isn't like English "pee-meg" but "po-meg" (EO uses -o for letter names). And that sounds like pomeg' = big apple ) - the big apple is a joke - the pronunciation of "PMEG" isn't like English "pee-meg" but "po-meg" (EO uses -o for letter names). And that sounds like pomeg' = big apple )
Arief Wibowo Ah, my bad for butchering language(s), what I did was [language name] + [have/made/arised] + [number] for our viewing pleasure

Arief Wibowo Po mo e go? (if I pronounce each letter by itself)
Sounds like bopomofo (zhuyin/pinyin)
Sounds like bopomofo (zhuyin/pinyin)

Christian James Meredith Ah, then you can just say Esperanto havas (grandonombrajn) artikolojn, where "grandonombrajn" is the accusative-plural of an adjective I made up meaning "big-amount-y"

Arief Wibowo Speaking of Judoon, my full name is Arief Wibowo Tjahjono Karo-Karo, I've got many os myself

Arief Wibowo Derived from Sia/Chia (Hokkien/Min Nan), from/cognates with Xie (Mandarin)
Arief Wibowo Anyway, I am going to Pusat Akuatik Nasional a.k.a National Aquatic Center now, see you all later or after 14 hours
The winner decision is up to you, Maria Weidner der Bundesministerium

The winner decision is up to you, Maria Weidner der Bundesministerium
Sarah Karoline I'm back for half an hour...and I notice the game is in limbo, esperanto has been incorrectly written and I've got some Javanese songs to listen to.
"Hi and bye" Arief Don't get wet!
"Hi and bye" Arief Don't get wet!
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, at swimming pool, my human half takes over, in fact I meditate well underwater
After the Javanese song, here's 7 Indonesian languages in one instant noodle advertisement (find lyrics in comments

After the Javanese song, here's 7 Indonesian languages in one instant noodle advertisement (find lyrics in comments
Sarah Karoline In the words of the famous Swedes "thank you for the music" ("tack för musiken"), Arief and Maria . Arief commented that Indonesian has taken over as the dominant language of Sprogspelet, so that was some Swedish to readdress the balance
Cookies and skyr..... a great combination for aquatics!
I need to invest in an Indonesian language book

I need to invest in an Indonesian language book

Kalisa Hagen Waduh nyak, ane digosipin. hahaha.
I'm not running away. I was just enjoying reading some books.
Oh, man. So, this is how it feels like to have Javanese blood in your veins without -unfortunately- being able to speak/knowing the language: *nobody* believes you. :'( lol.
I spent/spend most of my times in Indonesia in the capital city of Jakarta, never in any Javanese speaking regions (Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya, etc).
Though there were/are Javanese-speaking people around me (many of them even in Jakarta), they never talk(ed) to me in Javanese (always switching to Indonesian). So, I was/am just listening to them speaking with each other in Javanese without understanding nor being able to get involved in the conversation.
I consider myself more Jakartaner than Javanese because I cannot communicate in Javanese nor I have Javanese accent when speaking Indonesian.
As for "Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas", no, I did not understand right away. I'm familiar with "sewu, gangsal, seket" (listening to grandmother counting), also "mboten" and "kulo".
"atus", well, that sounds like "seratus".
Anyway, it's OK that I don't *win* this time. Just don't *hate* me for bringing about *controversy*.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
*turun panggung*
I'm not running away. I was just enjoying reading some books.

Oh, man. So, this is how it feels like to have Javanese blood in your veins without -unfortunately- being able to speak/knowing the language: *nobody* believes you. :'( lol.
I spent/spend most of my times in Indonesia in the capital city of Jakarta, never in any Javanese speaking regions (Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya, etc).
Though there were/are Javanese-speaking people around me (many of them even in Jakarta), they never talk(ed) to me in Javanese (always switching to Indonesian). So, I was/am just listening to them speaking with each other in Javanese without understanding nor being able to get involved in the conversation.
I consider myself more Jakartaner than Javanese because I cannot communicate in Javanese nor I have Javanese accent when speaking Indonesian.
As for "Sewu gangsal atus seket, yen boten purun, kulo boten siyos tumbas", no, I did not understand right away. I'm familiar with "sewu, gangsal, seket" (listening to grandmother counting), also "mboten" and "kulo".
"atus", well, that sounds like "seratus".

Anyway, it's OK that I don't *win* this time. Just don't *hate* me for bringing about *controversy*.

Sekian dan terima kasih.
*turun panggung*
Christian James Meredith Kalisa, I think it's more that someone interpreted things that you did speak Javanese and then everyone fell in a hole of confusion (as happens often around here, between the code switching between Swedish, Icelandic and Indonesian
I think Kalisa wins then!

I think Kalisa wins then!
Arief Wibowo From the national swimming pool, I vote for Kalisa winning this round. Relax, we didn't hate or disbelieve you or think you ran away
I ask when because its weekend and you might have a life outside :p

Maria Weidner And I thought as you never participated before, you might have it forgotten already!
ok, so here we go! New challenge from Kalisa!

Arief Wibowo Sarah: In both lingua franca "Sweindo", it will be "Tack för Musiknya". And I have 3 GB of "Malay-Indonesian Language Learning Pack", will share the link after I reach home.
Maria Weidner ok Kalisa, you have to give us a new challenge now... but it is very quiet here at the moment..

Christian James Meredith (and I'm singing that horrible line of mine as if it's a Kent song like Ensamheten for some reason).
Sarah Karoline Peace-, boat-, ställe- and skyr-loving people to be precise! haha
Kalisa "ställe" is a word that confused us in earlier round of the game. We like to use it over and over again, as we secretly want to do the exercise again!
Arief Sweindo: I like the sound of that! I await the 3GB of Malay-Indonesian! Luckily I've just upped my data download to unlimited...haha Is it safe to use a computer in a pool...!
Hello Maria!

Kalisa "ställe" is a word that confused us in earlier round of the game. We like to use it over and over again, as we secretly want to do the exercise again!
Arief Sweindo: I like the sound of that! I await the 3GB of Malay-Indonesian! Luckily I've just upped my data download to unlimited...haha Is it safe to use a computer in a pool...!
Hello Maria!
Kalisa Hagen Yes, yes, I'm thinking about it. Preferably something *exotic* because seemingly you guys know more languages than I do.
Sarah Karoline I know the word "ställe" from...hmmm...I think it was when I was practicing my Swedish.

Sarah Karoline I know the word "ställe" from...hmmm...I think it was when I was practicing my Swedish.

Christian James Meredith Sarah, don't you mean "folkorang jom älsuka fredamai, perbåt, doch suskyr"?
(folk-orang yang/som älska/suka fred/damai, perahu/båt, dan/och susu/skyr*)?
*had to get creative here - joskyr is another possibility.
(folk-orang yang/som älska/suka fred/damai, perahu/båt, dan/och susu/skyr*)?
*had to get creative here - joskyr is another possibility.
Christian James Meredith How do we make Sweindo (or Sveindo?) for "ställ-"? Maybe combine it with ada, diri or nya or something over used like that?
Sarah Karoline Kalisa: Memrise is good! I've just tried to find the game in which "ställe" caused chaos. I can't remember which round it was. Arief or others may know!
Maria Weidner Gue suka ställnya lho! Since ställ- has got 6488 meanings, it ist hard to chose one of them!
Sarah Karoline Christian My Sweindo isn't good. The "swe" part I understand! haha
Maria "Ställe" should have its own FB page! Idea...
Maria "Ställe" should have its own FB page! Idea...
Sarah Karoline Maria Thank you for finding the link! I trawled through 21 rounds, but missed it! It seems that Swedish is not descended from Indo, neither Sweindo or the dialect Swindo!
Christian James Meredith Whoops, put my jo/lho in the middle of a sentence like a pro. I need to study my Båsa Sveindoska more.
Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, you are scaring a beginner with round 112
Båsa Sveindoska has a nice ring to it!
For those who need to understand the Sve part of this proposed conlang:, the Indo part: -- or just ask Christian James Meredith, he seems to know both

Båsa Sveindoska has a nice ring to it!

For those who need to understand the Sve part of this proposed conlang:, the Indo part: -- or just ask Christian James Meredith, he seems to know both

Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, according to a friend of mine, uploading/seeding is prohibited in UK (not downloading)
Christian James Meredith Hmmm... Jaku villmau makanäta (makäta?) fiskan, mentapi redah makäta målam...
Sarah Karoline Båsa Sveindoska: is the proto language, isn't it? Sweindo is the daughter language and Swindo is a dialect spoken in Javaholm?
Maria Slovak is the oldest language, but people incorrectly call it Slovene in English. In all the Slavic languages Slovak is called "Slovensky" or word with the root "Sloven-", thus proving that Slovene is really Slovak!
Maria Slovak is the oldest language, but people incorrectly call it Slovene in English. In all the Slavic languages Slovak is called "Slovensky" or word with the root "Sloven-", thus proving that Slovene is really Slovak!

Christian James Meredith Sarah I *LOVE* that name. Javaholm. Oh yeah, I'm definitely working on this now.
Sarah Karoline Arief Uploading of all files, or just those that are copyrighted?
Christian I thought "Sweindo" was from "Swe-" for Sweden. Am I mistaken, or is it a Indoswedish root or suffix? Javaholm is as lovely as Yogyaberg, Kirumatra and Palembisko
Christian I thought "Sweindo" was from "Swe-" for Sweden. Am I mistaken, or is it a Indoswedish root or suffix? Javaholm is as lovely as Yogyaberg, Kirumatra and Palembisko
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, copyrighted ones, especially in torrents → my friend's internet was capped (slowed down to a very very slow speed) for a month because of that
Christian James Meredith, I was undecided between jugå or jugså
Christian James Meredith, I was undecided between jugå or jugså

Christian James Meredith Sarah, Swe- is the ancient Slovak root for "Indonesian", and -indo is the ancient Slovak root for "indigenous to Sweden".
Sarah Karoline Ah-ha! Thanks for etymology, Christian Jaku need to work on Proto-World, aka Slovak!
Arief I read "jugså" as "also". I'm to Swedified
So much leanring to do...
Arief I read "jugså" as "also". I'm to Swedified

Arief Wibowo If jako, it might be misheard as jag + ako, where ako is a+ko (from Hokkien, but understood in Indonesia) meaning brother

Christian James Meredith Oh wait, are we talking about jako as in Slavic languages?
How confusing can things get on here!
How confusing can things get on here!
Sarah Karoline Arief: Selaställemat malam!
Christian: I'd forgotten about "jako". It's in Serbian too. There's also the word "kako" which means "how" in a few Slavic languages, but in English it's undergone a semantic extansion to mean "cake". Oh no, such confusion!
Christian: I'd forgotten about "jako". It's in Serbian too. There's also the word "kako" which means "how" in a few Slavic languages, but in English it's undergone a semantic extansion to mean "cake". Oh no, such confusion!
Arief Wibowo In this conlang, we must push forward the "kita" and "kami" distinction (we-including-you and we-excluding-you)

Sarah Karoline I shall exit to study some Sweindo, look at Javaholm and do some work. Jako shall return

Arief Wibowo Sorry for hungry brain mistake, I should've said selaställemat eftersiang! (selamat juga -- good too -- doesn't make any sense

Christian James Meredith Arief Wibowo, you mean vita and ossmi?
Hold on while I compile this crap
Hold on while I compile this crap

Arief Wibowo I am going to setup a wiki for this later on, stay tuned
Pssssssst, umm, Sweindo coiner AW
(I am still here, enjoying my hot and cold food -- hot instant noodle + baked beans leftovers from fridge -- in the Sweindo spirit)

Pssssssst, umm, Sweindo coiner AW

(I am still here, enjoying my hot and cold food -- hot instant noodle + baked beans leftovers from fridge -- in the Sweindo spirit)
Arief Wibowo And I just noticed how similar Oslo (capital of Norway) is to Solo (a.k.a Surakarta, Central Java)

Sarah Karoline Arief Maria And now we have Sweindowegian : another dialect! Sweðanwegian is the language of Sprogspelet. Icelandic - cold and isolated trying to be heard, but only present through it's letters.
I'm back to work again - >
I'm back to work again - >
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, vita=vi+kita (we incl, or kivi), vimi=vi+kami (we excl, or kavi)

Christian James Meredith Fine, have your pronoun symmetry Arief Wibowo! xD I really like "oss" though... Hmm...
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, don't worry, Icelandic is heard thru -skyr suffix, meaning dairy products.. Suskyr=milk, joskyr=yogurt

Christian James Meredith Yeah, I feel like this needs a separate "Icelandic" column.
Sarah Karoline, what did you mean by Palembisko and Kirumatra?
Sarah Karoline, what did you mean by Palembisko and Kirumatra?
Christian James Meredith And thanks Sarah and Maria et al, it's really not taking that long or that problematic haha.
Arief Wibowo Hahaha... A side joke: there is a database system called MySQL, and this has caused trouble in workplace because:
"Hey, my MySQL is not working, can you try it in your MySQL?"
Most of the times, we would accidentally say "your yourSQL" and laughter ensues
"Hey, my MySQL is not working, can you try it in your MySQL?"
Most of the times, we would accidentally say "your yourSQL" and laughter ensues
Sarah Karoline Christian: It should have been "-berg" as in Gothenburg - sorry! "Kirumatra" as in "Kiruna" (A town in northern Sweden) and "matra" from "Sumatra" "Palembisko" as in "Palembang" and "Abisko" (A town in northern Sweden)
Arief I need some kako-suskyr!

Arief I need some kako-suskyr!
Arief Wibowo Here's Christian James Meredith, the conlanger...
I wonder what our Professor Emeritus Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström would say about this
I wonder what our Professor Emeritus Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström would say about this

Christian James Meredith Arief, you missed Sarah's previous post about kako:
"There's also the word "kako" which means "how" in a few Slavic languages, but in English it's undergone a semantic extansion to mean "cake". Oh no, such confusion!" xD
"There's also the word "kako" which means "how" in a few Slavic languages, but in English it's undergone a semantic extansion to mean "cake". Oh no, such confusion!" xD
Sarah Karoline "kako" meant "how" in old Sweindo (a Slavic loan), but some English speakers arrived and decided it meant "cake" and then the local Indonesian speakers decided it meant "chocolate". It has so many false etymologies just like "ställe"!
Sarah Karoline Actually "ställe" is from "stella" (Latin/Greek: star) which originally just meant "thing", which is why it can have 1001 meanings.
Maria: I need to learn Indonesian too...
Maria: I need to learn Indonesian too...

Sarah Karoline Exactly! If a learner doesn't know the Sweindo word, he or she can just say "ställe" and Sweindo speakers (and speakers of its daughter languages and dialects) know exactly what the speaker means. This is why literacy is 100% in Sweindo and its daughter languages!
Christian James Meredith Arief, you can put this on the stub - "Uses roughly Indonesian word order and grammar, although also debateably Swedish too, given how apparently Swedish doesn't have any discernible rules when it comes to word order and grammar and can magically do everything".
Sarah Karoline Christian I'm reading your language page.
"Palembisko" is a northern city in "Sweindonesia".
[What are we going to call the country/region Sweindo is spoken in, incidentally?]
"Palembisko" is a northern city in "Sweindonesia".
[What are we going to call the country/region Sweindo is spoken in, incidentally?]
Arief Wibowo Tos=Cheers
But it's usually used for high fives. Indonesians would say "tos dulu ("let's tos first/now") → then proceed to high five
But it's usually used for high fives. Indonesians would say "tos dulu ("let's tos first/now") → then proceed to high five
Sarah Karoline Christian Maria I like both Indoneska and Javaheim. How about Javaheim is the capital or a region of Indoneska? [can't tag]
Christian James Meredith Maybe Javaheim = the world where Indonenska (or is it Indoneska?) is located, the capital of which is Javaholm?
Sarah Karoline How about Swedonesien as an ancient city where the Swedes and Indonesians first lived?
Christian I really like your idea too! I like "Indonenska"
Christian I really like your idea too! I like "Indonenska"
Arief Wibowo Okay, my second curfew enforcement has taken effect (air cond shuts down at 12:30 UTC) -- it's too hot in my office now... Jaku pergå, see you all in 10 hours
Christian James Meredith Ah, so your curfew Arief is when your office shuts down automatically or something?
Sarah Karoline Salaställamat malam, Arief
Maria Perhaps we've frightened Kalisa off, or she is searching for the most difficult phrase ever that's spoken in a yet undiscovered part of the world which no linguist has ever come across..
Maria Perhaps we've frightened Kalisa off, or she is searching for the most difficult phrase ever that's spoken in a yet undiscovered part of the world which no linguist has ever come across..
Arief Wibowo The 11:00 UTC curfew is usually enforced by BlockWorkStation (, but I deactivated it for the past 2 days because I go for late dinner/swimming and would like to chit chat more with you guys)
The 12:30 UTC is auto aircond shutdown to conserve energy and force me to exit this room
I live in a well designed rut, but I override them at will
The 12:30 UTC is auto aircond shutdown to conserve energy and force me to exit this room
I live in a well designed rut, but I override them at will

Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Swedish masters and Indonesian masters are working synergistically on this one
Maria Weidner Victor learning by doing! Sarah doesn't speak Indonesian either (yet) ...
And as you know, I don't speak any swedisl!

Sarah Karoline I don't speak Indonesian, Victor, but I'm just making up town names using Swedish and a map of Indonesia.
And inserting "ställe" in Indonesian words which our fluent speakers say.

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I couldn't really make sense of it; it's difficult to discern the start of the topic.

Sarah Karoline Victor, Christian decided to start a new conlang, and we all got involved, as we had no phrase to translate.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I've got a perfectly fine sentence for you to translate on the side, if you wish? :/
Arief Wibowo While taking bath, I realized the perfect meaning of ställa: filler word! (like English's "umm...", "you know...")
Btw, I can't tag Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström's round as a proper round (it has to be started by Kalisa Hagen), but of course it's a valid minigame, like Vincensiu Denis' Livers [...] minigame
Btw, I can't tag Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström's round as a proper round (it has to be started by Kalisa Hagen), but of course it's a valid minigame, like Vincensiu Denis' Livers [...] minigame

Christian James Meredith
Here's a crappy grammar sketch.
Here's a crappy grammar sketch.
Christian James Meredith Sarah, cheers, although this is why I have trouble learning languages - my brain's too primed to make things up as I go along! :O
Sarah Karoline Christian: making things up can be helpful, as sometimes what is made up is right or is even better than what is right! So I tell myself.. haha
Christian James Meredith Maria Weidner Suskyr dimakätas olav sivapa? Orman jom belköpa suskyr dettu skakan/gåkan membli mararg!
(Skyr dimakan oleh siapa? Orang yg beli skyr itu akan menjadi marah)
(Skyr dimakan oleh siapa? Orang yg beli skyr itu akan menjadi marah)
Maria Weidner Kalisa won the previous round and went away without giving us some work to do... so we've invented a new language meanwhile...
Christian James Meredith That could get confusing though.
"Do you want this?"
"Your welcome!"
"Do you want this?"
"Your welcome!"
Christian James Meredith Дайте Нефть Из Баку, hell, we've already got Icelandic. The Sveindo suffix for milk products is -skyr.
Maria Weidner So how did you get "tacke" and the rest? where is the "nej" part? and where does the "ck" come from?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Wünderbar! Now, to start with, we need more double consonants. "Tacke" should be pronounced /'ta:k:e/.
Christian James Meredith Tacke = tak (tidak) + icke (which is more Norwegian, but I had trouble combining tidak + inte)
Christian James Meredith Дайте Нефть Из Баку maybe best to not mess with the uttalcap too much otherwise it'll go from joke-lang to hardcore scifi lang
Or should I say...

Or should I say...
Christian James Meredith Actually, come to think of it, double consonants would be natural. After all, Indonesian does geminate (but not on purpose) when two of the same consonants are put together (in the same way English does at word boundaries).
Дайте Нефть Из Баку And while we're at it, double negations should result in an affirmation. As in: "non posso non mangiare skyr".
Christian James Meredith Like Japanese modesty?
Itadakimasuka? > Itadakemasuka? (potential) > Itadakemasenka? (potential-negative)
Itadakimasuka? > Itadakemasuka? (potential) > Itadakemasenka? (potential-negative)
Maria Weidner I like Arief 's idea of "ställa“ being a fill-word. So, it would be: Ställa, jaku nggacke makä suskyr.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку We can make it a multi-meaning word like Russian "твою мать", which spans from "I **** your mother" to "hey, old chap!".
Christian James Meredith This is Ställa's current definition:
"Racks, placements, confusion, places, stars, things, and Slovenian are its commonmost meanings. Also a filler word. "Well, ...." (EO nu) = "Ställa...". Also a swear word"
"Racks, placements, confusion, places, stars, things, and Slovenian are its commonmost meanings. Also a filler word. "Well, ...." (EO nu) = "Ställa...". Also a swear word"
Дайте Нефть Из Баку "Ställa, [...]" = "well, [...]"
"Ställa jaku!" = "**** you!"
"Pergå ställa makäta" = "good to eat". Replaces Swedish "att".
"Ställa mararg" = "f****ng angry". Replaces the English F-word.
"Ställa jaku!" = "**** you!"
"Pergå ställa makäta" = "good to eat". Replaces Swedish "att".
"Ställa mararg" = "f****ng angry". Replaces the English F-word.
Sarah Karoline Who'd have thought the Swedes and the Indonesians spoke the same language!
Christian et al: I've a question on the etymology of "ställe" being Slovene. Somewhere on here I showed that what we call the Slovak language is actually Slovene. The majority of the Slavic languages, at least 6 but that's enough evidence, call "Slovak" "Slovensky" (or have "Sloven-" as the root which shows us what the true Slovene language is
Дайте Thank you for the Italian etymologies! I have visions of melodic Sweindo being spoken in a coffee bar in a piazza in the ancient city of Sweidonesien.
Christian et al: I've a question on the etymology of "ställe" being Slovene. Somewhere on here I showed that what we call the Slovak language is actually Slovene. The majority of the Slavic languages, at least 6 but that's enough evidence, call "Slovak" "Slovensky" (or have "Sloven-" as the root which shows us what the true Slovene language is

Дайте Thank you for the Italian etymologies! I have visions of melodic Sweindo being spoken in a coffee bar in a piazza in the ancient city of Sweidonesien.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Since Sweindo is clearly a descendant of Slovene/Slovak we could add the oh so Slavic verbal aspects.
Christian James Meredith Дайте added that definition too now. "I am so angry that I could **** ** * ***** ** ** * *****"
= "Jaku mararg sågitu ställa jaku biskan ställa ställa ställa pådi ställa".
= "Jaku mararg sågitu ställa jaku biskan ställa ställa ställa pådi ställa".
Sarah Karoline The words for Slovak in all Slavic languages, evidenced by six:
Slovensko, Slovensky/Slovensky, etc
Christian: Let's call it Slovene. I can't explain myself well! haha
Slovensko, Slovensky/Slovensky, etc
Christian: Let's call it Slovene. I can't explain myself well! haha
Дайте Нефть Из Баку "To steal" should be homonym of "to cooperate, to work together" and of "to share".
Sarah Karoline All of you: "Ställe" is such a useful word! hahaha
What about "ställazione" as a "constellation"
What about "ställazione" as a "constellation"
Sarah Karoline Christian Is there an error with my tagging? Earlier I tried to write "Christian et al", but FB turned it into "Queen of life".
Дайте Нефть Из Баку "Ställa" not only replaces the F-word but is understood as a general intensifier (more or less vulgar depending on the context --> formal/informal mode?).
"Mararg" = "angry". "Ställmararg" = "super-angry".
So, for example, if "ställa" is a star, then a superstar is a "ställställa".
"Mararg" = "angry". "Ställmararg" = "super-angry".
So, for example, if "ställa" is a star, then a superstar is a "ställställa".
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline yeah, it was that "Queen of life" thing that I saw haha.
BTW, are you using @ before people you're tagging?
BTW, are you using @ before people you're tagging?
Sarah Karoline Christian Before changing to "queen of life", I'd tagged your name. I don't know how that happened..
I don't use "@". Am I supposed to....?
If I do, it reads like "@Christian", for example.

I don't use "@". Am I supposed to....?

Дайте Нефть Из Баку So "kvina å [Indonesian word for "life]" is used to say "you and I", "me and my friends", etc.?
Christian James Meredith På-sinär, pådi spelmain Språkspelet, vita älsuka bruguna stjälcurining.
(Di sini, di permainan Språkspelet, kita suka menggunakan pencurian/kerja sama/kooperasi
Här, i spelet Språkspelet, gillar vi att använda stöld/samarbete)
(Di sini, di permainan Språkspelet, kita suka menggunakan pencurian/kerja sama/kooperasi
Här, i spelet Språkspelet, gillar vi att använda stöld/samarbete)
Christian James Meredith We inclusive = vimi, ossmi
We exclusive = vita, ossta
And Дайте Нефть Из Баку I haven't given people editing permissions for that yet, but I have got comments available so you should be able to comment where you like.
We exclusive = vita, ossta
And Дайте Нефть Из Баку I haven't given people editing permissions for that yet, but I have got comments available so you should be able to comment where you like.
Christian James Meredith
^^ FREE EDIT VERSION OF THE GRAMMAR. Anyone can edit (or delete!) content in this version.
^^ FREE EDIT VERSION OF THE DICTIONARY. Anyone can edit (or delete~) content in this version (also, please follow the basic format I've got, KK?
^^ FREE EDIT VERSION OF THE GRAMMAR. Anyone can edit (or delete!) content in this version.
^^ FREE EDIT VERSION OF THE DICTIONARY. Anyone can edit (or delete~) content in this version (also, please follow the basic format I've got, KK?

Sarah Karoline I'm going to exit again to do some more work - > I'm intrigued how this wonderful language shall have developed when I return

Christian James Meredith BTW - when the Språkspelet actually restarts, can we start a new thread? this one's practically "done" for now.
Sarah Karoline Verb: "Stjälaðvinna": "steal to win/work". "Vinna": to work (Icelandic). "Vinna": to win (Swedish) [Work ethic of Indoneska].
Sarah Karoline Дайте: The grammar is certainly very liberal.
Maria I wonder if she'll return. Perhaps it's night time where she is. [I think I won a round once, but didn't realise I was supposed to come up with a phrase!]
So, "stjälcuraðvinna". It'd help if I knew some Indonesian! Going to find the Omniglot phrasebook for Indonesian!
Maria I wonder if she'll return. Perhaps it's night time where she is. [I think I won a round once, but didn't realise I was supposed to come up with a phrase!]
So, "stjälcuraðvinna". It'd help if I knew some Indonesian! Going to find the Omniglot phrasebook for Indonesian!
Maria Weidner she lives in Germany. So, no night. I guess she just isn't aware that we are waiting for her and that she has to continue the game.. What happens if she doesn't return? anybody knows?
Sarah Karoline Oh, hmmm.. I'm still learning the rules. I think I won an earlier round (the German or Dutch dialect with "klopt"), but I don't think I realised that I had to create a phrase. I can't find which round that was! We could see what happened next!
Maria Weidner I don't remeber that, maybe I wasn't playing. Was it before or after ställa and whos round was it? so it willbe easier to find!

Sarah Karoline It was one of the first ten rounds I think. I think the leader's name was Maria Schütter (or something similar). The phrase "I'm eating meatballs and someone knocks at the door"
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Tweaked the pronunciation a bit. Maybe Maria or Sarah or whoever feels like doing it should start a new thread for the actual game and we could carry on using this for Sweindo.
Sarah Karoline Дайте Maria I can't give my full attention to the game or Sweindo at the moment as I'm working (multitasking), but I think you could start a new game, side game, until we find out if Kalisa will return.
This thread is getting rather long!
This thread is getting rather long!
Maria Weidner Sarah I've found it, it was round 32. Ick sitze da und esse Klops. Uff eenma kloppts! My dialect!
And, guess what, round 33 - by Sarah with an icelandic phrase.

Maria Weidner Ick sitze da und esse Klops. Uff eenma kloppts. Ick stehe uff und kieke - und wer steht draußen? Icke! (Full version)

Sarah Karoline Maria I have a memory like a sieve! haha Icelandic again... oops! I need to find a new (obscure) language. "Icke" is "nobody" or "nothing"?
Sarah Karoline A false friend. "icke" is similar to "ikke" not meaning "nothing" in Danish (and I think Norwegian), rather "not". (correction by Victor)

Sarah Karoline Victor: Waaah, I mean "not"!
Maria I only know "außer" as "apart from". I learn something every day!

Дайте Нефть Из Баку I love how the vowel system is boringly regular while the consonant system looks like the work of a deranged mind.
Sarah Karoline Дайте: Perhaps Icelandic could have a strong influence on the vowels? Alternatively vowels could disappear under Slavic influence? Are nouns going to decline in different cases?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Well, Swedish has declensions while Indonesian goes with affixes. Maybe we can combine them? Words are formed through affixes (either Swedish or Indonesian words or simply whatever comes to the mind) and then declined accordingly to the cases.
We shall put German long compound words to shame!
I don't know anything about Icelandic phonology.
We shall put German long compound words to shame!
I don't know anything about Icelandic phonology.

Sarah Karoline Дайте: Here is an example of Icelandic phonology where vowel mutations abound.
The word is "Köttur" (cat). If you click on "show" next to "declensions" you'll see how confusing learning this word can be.
German long compounds is always fun! Indonesian and Swedish compounds could quite fun. Does Indonesian form a plural by duplicating the word?
The word is "Köttur" (cat). If you click on "show" next to "declensions" you'll see how confusing learning this word can be.
German long compounds is always fun! Indonesian and Swedish compounds could quite fun. Does Indonesian form a plural by duplicating the word?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Lovely. Why adding suffixes when you can modify the root? Seems exactly what a Sveindonin would do.
Sarah Karoline On the one hand I like the absurdity of "boring, regular vowels" versus "insane consonant changes", but on the other I like the idea of "insane vowel changes" and "equally insane consonant shiftts".
To be really baffling: Why not add suffixes AND modify the root!!! "Baffling" should be in the glossary!
I wonder what Christian, Maria, Arief, Malin, Victor and others think?
To be really baffling: Why not add suffixes AND modify the root!!! "Baffling" should be in the glossary!
I wonder what Christian, Maria, Arief, Malin, Victor and others think?
Maria Weidner Since in hebrew the vowels are changing insanely all the time I am allergic to any changes of letters.
And yes, indonesian duplicate the noun (plural) And Ni...Na.. what was her name? will never come back..

Дайте Нефть Из Баку Sorry, got lost trying to make sense out of Indonesian geography.
So a random word like "kamusikon" (dictionary) goes like this;
- kamosikn --> accusative case;
- mänkamusikon --> a scholar of linguistics (nominative);
- monkamosikn --> a scholar of linguistics (accusative);
- belkamusìkona --> to list, to dictate;
- belkamosikned --> to be listed.
So a random word like "kamusikon" (dictionary) goes like this;
- kamosikn --> accusative case;
- mänkamusikon --> a scholar of linguistics (nominative);
- monkamosikn --> a scholar of linguistics (accusative);
- belkamusìkona --> to list, to dictate;
- belkamosikned --> to be listed.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку And if we apply the rule of reduplication:
- scholars of linguistics --> mänkamusikon-mänkamusikon.
- they listed/compiled --> belkamusikona-belkamusikona.
The scholars compiled (various) dictionaries --> mänkamusikon-mänkamusikon belkamusikona-belkamusikona kamosikn-kamosikn.
Hey, it's just like ställa!
- scholars of linguistics --> mänkamusikon-mänkamusikon.
- they listed/compiled --> belkamusikona-belkamusikona.
The scholars compiled (various) dictionaries --> mänkamusikon-mänkamusikon belkamusikona-belkamusikona kamosikn-kamosikn.
Hey, it's just like ställa!
Sarah Karoline Maria, Dajte: How about two styles of speech:
Formal speech where vowel mutations abound.
Colloquial speech where spelling and pronunciation is free and subjective. This also explains the 100% literacy of its speakers, and thus no need for an official dictionary
Ställaställemat tidna/somdur, Дайте
Maria Perhaps the game will start again tomorrow, or when Arief returns, unless our language construction has frightened everyone away! haha
Formal speech where vowel mutations abound.
Colloquial speech where spelling and pronunciation is free and subjective. This also explains the 100% literacy of its speakers, and thus no need for an official dictionary
Ställaställemat tidna/somdur, Дайте
Maria Perhaps the game will start again tomorrow, or when Arief returns, unless our language construction has frightened everyone away! haha
Maria Weidner Tomorrow I'll be busy the whole day.
Let's see what Arief will decide. But somehow I knew it..
And I'll stick to the simple, uneducated people who doesn't change anything!
Ah, and "außer" means "apart form", also in the sentence I wrote above.

Sarah Karoline I look forward to a day off. I'm so tired, I'm not sure what I'm writing says what I want it to say! haha So, simple Sweindo is perfect for me!
I wonder where Kalisa is....
This thread is close to 1000 posts long now, although we've had no game today!
I wonder where Kalisa is....
This thread is close to 1000 posts long now, although we've had no game today!
Maria Weidner She is still very very young and might not have reached yet the same "nerdiness" level as we have.

Maria Weidner We tagged her a thousand times today... so, Arief has to decide who'll start the next game.
Sarah Karoline Hahaha. Are we lost to a world of Swindonesians - a group of people who don't exist. Hoffnung, gibt es ställehåpning (made-up word)
I hope your students turn up tomorrow. Offer them free lessons in Sweindo as a motivator if they seem undecisive about learning!
I'm going to have to sign off for today, and see what the new day brings when the midday moon of Indoneska appears.

I hope your students turn up tomorrow. Offer them free lessons in Sweindo as a motivator if they seem undecisive about learning!
I'm going to have to sign off for today, and see what the new day brings when the midday moon of Indoneska appears.

Maria Weidner I'll work tomorrow again in a real school! So they'll show up for sure! Sellaställemat somdur!
Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 129 | 131 > | 282 >> |