Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 130 | 132 > | 282 >> |
Kalisa Hagen Sweindo looks (a little) like Finnish to me.
Sorry, people, I went out after my last response (and my mobile phone isn't very smart these days; no soc-med).
I also had *hard time* figuring out what sentence in what language to translate since you guys are too smart for a "piece of cake".
Anyway, here it is:
Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări.
An easy one -I guess- (I took it from one of my language books). But let me know if it's too easy for you or has been played before.
And I think I don't need to mention the name of the language, no!?

Sorry, people, I went out after my last response (and my mobile phone isn't very smart these days; no soc-med).
I also had *hard time* figuring out what sentence in what language to translate since you guys are too smart for a "piece of cake".

Anyway, here it is:
Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări.
An easy one -I guess- (I took it from one of my language books). But let me know if it's too easy for you or has been played before.
And I think I don't need to mention the name of the language, no!?

Arief Wibowo Nice one, Kalisa Hagen, I picked up words from different languages (tribute, mengerti, dupa, jos, scary).. I will do this shortly
Christian James Meredith Hah, oh god.. Looks like I'm gonna have to go over all this Sveindo stuff and see what people have done to it.:D
And Kalisa nice, Romanian?
And Kalisa nice, Romanian?
Arief Wibowo Maria Weidner, Sarah Karoline, and others, when searching for a particular point in time, use the extra-huge Unabridged page (
Arief Wibowo We must dip/plunge in justice, behind/after that left, and then right before, and in down on parrotfish (

Arief Wibowo The flag of Swéðonesien (annotated with color meaning)
The left-bottom part is uncolored/transparent.
generosity: we let others win sometimes
bravery: we steal others win sometimes
honesty: no Google Translate
loyalty: we keep the game moving
ställ: ställ
The left-bottom part is uncolored/transparent.
generosity: we let others win sometimes
bravery: we steal others win sometimes
honesty: no Google Translate
loyalty: we keep the game moving
ställ: ställ

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter You (pl) must walk to the right, then afterwards to left, and after (forward)r right, and then down by the stairs....
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter remind me to a song which lyric was
"un pas inainte şi apoi doi inapoi"
"un pas inainte şi apoi doi inapoi"
Kalisa Hagen Vincensiu Denis Haha, your first guess almost correct. Something missing though. Then I read your second, I'm a little confused with the "and after (forward)r right" part. But I think you're heading to the *right direction*.

Malin Elisabeth Nilsson Hallå, dear fellow språkspelare or sprogspelers! This is a message from Sprogspelets progenitor.
Yesterday evening when I loggade in på Facebook I got a shock!
Haha! A new exiting language Sweindo and Tausend new comments! It took my whole evening and whole morning to read through them all and to understand what this was all about. Very exiting!
Also, I have a couple of thougts utöver detta som jag skulle vilja dela med er.
1. I am the kind of person who cries and sing along to the songs "We are the world" and "Heal the world" everytime I hear them. It’s silly, I know. However, playing Språkspelet or Sprogspelet and hanging out on Omniglot fanclub facebook page, really gives me hope for the world.
2. I love you all språkspelare! You are all very kind, funny, respectful, friendly, able to cooperate + loads of other good adjectives! Together we make a nice, creative community within the sprogspel
3. I am very grateful that you always give me cred for inventing the game. At the same time I feel a little bad too. When it comes to languages I am very much inferrior to all of you. I speak swedish and english (limited). I know a little french and I am starting to learn a little german. Therefore I don’t think I have very much to bring to the game and keep myself out of it most of the time even though I always follow the evolution of it with great interest. I don’t really think it’s just thanks to me this game still exists. It’s thanks to all sprogspelare!
It is all the sprogspelare together that keep this game alive, going and evolving!
4. How would you like the thought of having a Sprogspeler Hall of Fame? Så istället föratt ge mig cred kan we giv each other cred for having the highest amount of posts, wins, funny mistags and so on?
5. Yes, I mixade a few språk i denna text!
So I say thank you fore the språk, for giving them to me! (Read this last sentence to the melody of ABBAs ”Thank you for the music”
Hugs! Take care!
// Malin

Also, I have a couple of thougts utöver detta som jag skulle vilja dela med er.

1. I am the kind of person who cries and sing along to the songs "We are the world" and "Heal the world" everytime I hear them. It’s silly, I know. However, playing Språkspelet or Sprogspelet and hanging out on Omniglot fanclub facebook page, really gives me hope for the world.
2. I love you all språkspelare! You are all very kind, funny, respectful, friendly, able to cooperate + loads of other good adjectives! Together we make a nice, creative community within the sprogspel

3. I am very grateful that you always give me cred for inventing the game. At the same time I feel a little bad too. When it comes to languages I am very much inferrior to all of you. I speak swedish and english (limited). I know a little french and I am starting to learn a little german. Therefore I don’t think I have very much to bring to the game and keep myself out of it most of the time even though I always follow the evolution of it with great interest. I don’t really think it’s just thanks to me this game still exists. It’s thanks to all sprogspelare!

4. How would you like the thought of having a Sprogspeler Hall of Fame? Så istället föratt ge mig cred kan we giv each other cred for having the highest amount of posts, wins, funny mistags and so on?
5. Yes, I mixade a few språk i denna text!

Hugs! Take care!
// Malin
Christian James Meredith Malin, don't worry, you speak more than me! The fact you can write in such good English automatically wins you that honour - I can't use any other language that well
Also, very impressed that you bothered to read all those posts xD

Also, very impressed that you bothered to read all those posts xD
Christian James Meredith I wonder if eventually we should just make a new FB group, but then we'd lose the connection to new people that's made easier by being part of a bigger language community.
Malin Elisabeth Nilsson Christian: I think staying in the wonderful Omniglot fanclub, the place where the game was born, is the best option as long as other Omniglot fans doesen't get annoyed
I can definetly not compare to the rest of you! You can even create your own languages
I don't even recognise half of the language terminology that you use
I am impressed by the knowlede and competence all of you posses!

Sarah Karoline Malin Ich unterrichte Englisch als zweite Sprache und enligt min mening skriver du utmärkt engelska, just like other sprogspelare. Meine Studenten würden avundsjuk sein!
I feel other språkspelare have better knowledge of languages and/or linguistics than me, but I try to pick things up from them. I can only really write Deutsch und Svenska, eher fehlerreiches Deutsch und svenska! Mina kunskaper är ganska ringrustiga when it comes to writing :). Jag trot att DITT spel är ideal to learn and develop language skills and knowledge of linguistics.
Du skulle också ta del i ditt spel. Being a Swedish speaker and learner of German you can recognise Germanic words, and for rounds in other languages, the name of the game is to STJÄLA!, so you can still take part
In the words of Sweidoneska-Abba "Tackrima karsih för spelet"!!
I feel other språkspelare have better knowledge of languages and/or linguistics than me, but I try to pick things up from them. I can only really write Deutsch und Svenska, eher fehlerreiches Deutsch und svenska! Mina kunskaper är ganska ringrustiga when it comes to writing :). Jag trot att DITT spel är ideal to learn and develop language skills and knowledge of linguistics.
Du skulle också ta del i ditt spel. Being a Swedish speaker and learner of German you can recognise Germanic words, and for rounds in other languages, the name of the game is to STJÄLA!, so you can still take part

In the words of Sweidoneska-Abba "Tackrima karsih för spelet"!!
Arief Wibowo Malin Elisabeth Nilsson, thank you very very much (or tackrima kärsih) for the long post for us
Nope, it's not silly, I would more or less do that also while listening to those powerful songs (is it called power ballads?).
And trust me, I know that feeling. You guys have shown/opened me a path to linguistics. I am one of those guys who thinks that we should be an expert in a field every 11 years (I forgot the original infographic where I saw this), and I am doing IT for 10 now... Time for a new field (I am thinking about law or linguistics -- both of them are somehow another form of programming)
Don't worry, limit of languages never stop all of us from beating the rounds (sometimes almost -- hence the Ställ in the flag, but someone will beat it). Just like you, I can only speak 2 languages properly (English and Indonesian). Don't worry, it's all part of the struggle. Those who knows more languages than us are probably laughing at us right now
The Hall of Fame existed in the form of a sortable Språkspelers List:
By wins:
By number of posts:
As you can see, the team lead for Sveindo conlang is the top guy
And the most talkative person is..... Well, ställa, me
About new group, I also vote for keeping us close to our roots, the Omniglot Fan Club. Until there's enough vote to drive us into exodus
(Btw, I used Språkspeler instead of proper Språkspelare on Professor Emeritus Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström's suggestion, on another thread)
' Arief

Nope, it's not silly, I would more or less do that also while listening to those powerful songs (is it called power ballads?).
And trust me, I know that feeling. You guys have shown/opened me a path to linguistics. I am one of those guys who thinks that we should be an expert in a field every 11 years (I forgot the original infographic where I saw this), and I am doing IT for 10 now... Time for a new field (I am thinking about law or linguistics -- both of them are somehow another form of programming)
Don't worry, limit of languages never stop all of us from beating the rounds (sometimes almost -- hence the Ställ in the flag, but someone will beat it). Just like you, I can only speak 2 languages properly (English and Indonesian). Don't worry, it's all part of the struggle. Those who knows more languages than us are probably laughing at us right now

The Hall of Fame existed in the form of a sortable Språkspelers List:
By wins:
By number of posts:
As you can see, the team lead for Sveindo conlang is the top guy

About new group, I also vote for keeping us close to our roots, the Omniglot Fan Club. Until there's enough vote to drive us into exodus

(Btw, I used Språkspeler instead of proper Språkspelare on Professor Emeritus Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström's suggestion, on another thread)
' Arief
Sarah Karoline Arief : That was my contribution to Sveman - a special form as it contains errors
I'm reading through the overnight posts, and I noticed the link to the unabridged history of the game you sent me. I used Edit, Find to find the words I was looking for. So unabridged is "nema problema" as the Balkan community of Sweden would say! haha
I have 5 wins, but the third highest speaker, and I haven't played the game continuously since July! hahahaha

I'm reading through the overnight posts, and I noticed the link to the unabridged history of the game you sent me. I used Edit, Find to find the words I was looking for. So unabridged is "nema problema" as the Balkan community of Sweden would say! haha
I have 5 wins, but the third highest speaker, and I haven't played the game continuously since July! hahahaha
Sarah Karoline Arief: And thank you for the website maintenance and development!!
I see we need another representative of Swedish for the game! Malin: (Can't tag!)
I see we need another representative of Swedish for the game! Malin: (Can't tag!)
Christian James Meredith pemrograman -> (pen)programining? From pen-program-(n)in-ing
pen = from Indo
(n) = from Swedish
-in = from Indo (but sounds sorta North-Westernish too)
-ing = from Swedish
pen = from Indo
(n) = from Swedish
-in = from Indo (but sounds sorta North-Westernish too)
-ing = from Swedish

Sarah Karoline Christian: Arief: [Can't tag!]
Is "båsagramining" "programming" ?
Penprogramining sounds a mouthful, so I like it.
My idea was penromaniering, but that sounds like someone who creates e-books. (Roman: Swedish/German for "novel")
Is "båsagramining" "programming" ?
Penprogramining sounds a mouthful, so I like it.
My idea was penromaniering, but that sounds like someone who creates e-books. (Roman: Swedish/German for "novel")
Arief Wibowo I was trying to mix språkspelet and programming to be språkgramming
So båsa (=språk), -gramining (=programming)

So båsa (=språk), -gramining (=programming)

Sarah Karoline Aah, I am still not alert. Need to sleep 8 hours! haha
That's another word to add to the list!
Selaställemat eftersiang - bis bald
That's another word to add to the list!
Selaställemat eftersiang - bis bald

Sarah Karoline Malin Christian Arief Maria (can't tag anyone else!) How about we throw open the question of whether this game should be part of a FB group, rather than on here, to other Omniglotters?
I think it should be on here, so everyone can take part, but I could also imagine that a 1000-post long thread may not be what non-players want. A difficuult question!
Christian: What do you think of yesterday's additions to Sweindo?!
I think it should be on here, so everyone can take part, but I could also imagine that a 1000-post long thread may not be what non-players want. A difficuult question!
Christian: What do you think of yesterday's additions to Sweindo?!
Malin Elisabeth Nilsson Entschuldigung, Sarah Karoline! Ich såg inte that du kallade på mig, tyvärr. I was in shower. Now I need to run to fix some föda to eat and then go to schule und Deutsche studieren! Au revour, mes amies!
Thanks för your uppmuntran

Sarah Karoline Hello Maria I've not had a chance to read all the posts, but I think Kalisa's round is still on-going. It does seem to be incredibly quiet the few times I've logged in today. I've posted the text below:
Sarah Karoline Here is Kalisa's text:
Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări.
Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări.
Sarah Karoline Maria When I first saw the text this morning, I couldn't suss anything out, other than the language. What is your translation? I won't steal it!
Maria Weidner You have to go right, then left, after that move (go) straight ahead and down the stairs. (it's more or less word by word) Kalisa Hagen!!!
Maria Weidner You may steal it, that's what the game is about!
Wondering when Kalisa will be back... and nobody else playing here..

Sarah Karoline haha
Your English phrasing is perfect - I'd use "go" instead of "move". Let's wait for Kalisa to tell you it's right!
[Can't tag again]

Maria Weidner the translation of inainta is "move, move forwards", so I used the literal translation

Sarah Karoline Just call me fussy
I would feel guilty for stealing your work, although it's the name of the game. I also don't have another phrase at the moment. Sadly I'm going to working throughout the night

I would feel guilty for stealing your work, although it's the name of the game. I also don't have another phrase at the moment. Sadly I'm going to working throughout the night

Дайте Нефть Из Баку Malin, you're not alone in this group-in-the-group. I only speak Italian and English fluently, my Russian is probably more limited than your English and the rest of my languages are at a scholastic level.
But we learn from each other, and every round gets us more and more interested in other languages. I love what we're making here and each and every one of you.
P.s.: I love your code-switching.
But we learn from each other, and every round gets us more and more interested in other languages. I love what we're making here and each and every one of you.
P.s.: I love your code-switching.

Arief Wibowo To recap:
Kalisa Hagen's round: Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări
Vincensiu Denis's guess: You (pl) must walk to the right, then afterwards to left, and after (forward)r right, and then down by the stairs....
Maria Weidner's guess: You have to go right, then left, after that move (go) straight ahead and down the stairs.
I am sooo sorry that I am very busy yesterday, got a facial recognition system demo system to go live
I guess my workload is less today.
But my participation will be a bit less throughout this week, I've got to finish another project
The game isn't dying, in fact it just went thru a very touching moment. :'(
Kalisa Hagen's round: Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări
Vincensiu Denis's guess: You (pl) must walk to the right, then afterwards to left, and after (forward)r right, and then down by the stairs....
Maria Weidner's guess: You have to go right, then left, after that move (go) straight ahead and down the stairs.
I am sooo sorry that I am very busy yesterday, got a facial recognition system demo system to go live

But my participation will be a bit less throughout this week, I've got to finish another project

The game isn't dying, in fact it just went thru a very touching moment. :'(
Kalisa Hagen Trebuie să mergeți la dreapta, după aceea la stânga, și apoi drept înainte, și în jos pe scări.
OK, I *stole* the translation from my book. It's:
You must turn right, then left, and then straight ahead and down the stair. -or "You have to go/walk bla bla bla..."
Like I said, Vincensiu Denis was almost correct at first guess, except that he missed the "și apoi drept înainte-and then straight ahead" part.
At his second guess, I did not really catch "and after (forward)r right" and I waited for him to *explain* a little but he's still not showing up.
So, in order not to let the game stuck in this round, I've decided Maria Weidner wins.
By the way, Arief Wibowo, it turns out, "drept înainte" is easily found here:
OK, I *stole* the translation from my book. It's:
You must turn right, then left, and then straight ahead and down the stair. -or "You have to go/walk bla bla bla..."
Like I said, Vincensiu Denis was almost correct at first guess, except that he missed the "și apoi drept înainte-and then straight ahead" part.
At his second guess, I did not really catch "and after (forward)r right" and I waited for him to *explain* a little but he's still not showing up.
So, in order not to let the game stuck in this round, I've decided Maria Weidner wins.
By the way, Arief Wibowo, it turns out, "drept înainte" is easily found here:
Arief Wibowo I guess it has been a busy week for most of us, I have 2 projects in need of closure this week, Maria Weidner's new job, etc...
Btw, how's your new job, Maria?
Btw, how's your new job, Maria?
Christian James Meredith < someone sent me this and I really wanna use it.
Maria Weidner Hello! I still feel a little bit lost at the new school, let's see... I'll post a new game in a new thread in about 6 hours... just take your time all!
It really seems that we are more busy than usual this week. Have a nice day all! (Btw, I don't get any notifications either)

It really seems that we are more busy than usual this week. Have a nice day all! (Btw, I don't get any notifications either)
Arief Wibowo Speaking of no notification, it's 23 past 1,000 already!
(as if it was clock
I think we should start new thread/post after 500 comments (instead of current practice of 1,000), what do you guys think?
(as if it was clock

I think we should start new thread/post after 500 comments (instead of current practice of 1,000), what do you guys think?
Christian James Meredith Wow, I was about to have a stab at translating this but I had no idea it had already been won.
Definitely time to start a new thread, 1000 was the old benchmark to start again anyway, but it looks like 700 is probably better?
Definitely time to start a new thread, 1000 was the old benchmark to start again anyway, but it looks like 700 is probably better?
Arief Wibowo Or like this: once one of us realized missing notification, the next round starts in new thread
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Tag me in the new thread, will you? I won't be able to login until evening (it's 9 a.m. now).
Arief Wibowo And I just realized the live page doesn't make sound in Firefox and Opera, because it only has mp3 audio. I have fixed it to include all HTML5-supported audio files

Sarah Karoline Hello. I'm clocking in to see if there's a new round. I see there's not yet. Is there a new thread? It seems I've got everyone's notifications - 97 of them!

Arief Wibowo Check if you get this notification.
Maria's new round is coming in about 5 hours
(I purposefully skip tagging)
Maria's new round is coming in about 5 hours

(I purposefully skip tagging)
Sarah Karoline Yes, I've just got your notification. 114 notifications now, not all are from this thread though

Sarah Karoline I should see that. I've got sound too in both this thread and on your språkspelet website!

Arief Wibowo A ha, Facebook is strange... I will make sure my upcoming social network system doesn't suffer same issues... Would be very ironic if it does

Arief Wibowo In my case, I only hear from my website...
By the way, anybody wanna guess where did I stjälcuri the sound from?
By the way, anybody wanna guess where did I stjälcuri the sound from?

Sarah Karoline Perhaps your new system could also count FB notifications too! haha There are a lot of alarms going off where I am, so I've got surround sound! haha
Where did you steal it from? Abba?
Where did you steal it from? Abba?

Arief Wibowo It was from an instant messaging aggregator website (something like or, that's now acquired by Google... Ring any bell?

Arief Wibowo
My favorite IM site.
Now I am using (probably moving to for Skype support), but it doesn't feel like meebo...

Now I am using (probably moving to for Skype support), but it doesn't feel like meebo...
Sarah Karoline Sarah does a quick search in Google ... [I use computers every day, but sometimes it may appear I don't!]
Arief Wibowo Just the 6 lines in the screenshot I attached moments ago... In fact it could be one line...
6 lines = easy peasy
But I need to consult dictionaries (e.g.,, can't recall the whole thing off the top of my head
6 lines = easy peasy

But I need to consult dictionaries (e.g.,, can't recall the whole thing off the top of my head

Arief Wibowo I would say about scale of 3 (because I did it in 3 minutes): convert and upload audios, search for implementation details, copy paste code, upload code

Sarah Karoline Now notifications and sounds have gone from Omniglot and the live website. I had to refresh the page to see the message here in Omniglot.
3 minutes! hihi So that's like translating, hm..., basic Arabic for you! haha
That looks complicated to me. I recognis terms, but what they truly mean is something I'd need a dictionary for
I find programming fascinating, but learning about programming languages (båsgraminering!) is on my to-do list!
3 minutes! hihi So that's like translating, hm..., basic Arabic for you! haha
That looks complicated to me. I recognis terms, but what they truly mean is something I'd need a dictionary for

Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, learning programming languages is much easier than human ones, considering we only have three parent languages: FORTRAN (equivalent to Indo-European), LISP (maybe Sino-Tibetan), and SNOBOL
(I just finished my afternoon snack: kako-kako (chocolate cake))
(I just finished my afternoon snack: kako-kako (chocolate cake))
Sarah Karoline Oh dear, notifications are completely gone! Perhaps they're snacking on kako-kako-kakoskyr!
I'd understand FORTRAN the most then. I'll find a manual!
How's the study of Sweindo coming along? I find it's best learned on a ship with Yngie at the helm!
I'd understand FORTRAN the most then. I'll find a manual!

How's the study of Sweindo coming along? I find it's best learned on a ship with Yngie at the helm!
Arief Wibowo FORTRAN are no longer in use (just like various upper-level Indo-European languages)
Probably start with Pascal, because it's most humane language.

Probably start with Pascal, because it's most humane language.
Arief Wibowo Sweindo is on the way, will continue once we can get back to our ship -- right now most of Sweindo makers are working at the shore

Sarah Karoline I looked at the pascal site. I think I'll start with the primary school version
It's all go at the shore today. It feels like lunch time, so I'm going to exit for a while.

It's all go at the shore today. It feels like lunch time, so I'm going to exit for a while.

Arief Wibowo Pascal was the only language in Indonesian Olympiad in Informatics (for high schoolers), I guess the reason is it's relatively easy to pick up.
And it uses the terminologies from English algorithms (e.g., begin, end, write, read, etc, see, such that throughout my college, I insisted to write those "English algorithms" in Pascal
Yea, I was the nerd
Enjoy the lunch, Sarah Karoline
I am going to heed the calling of the waters
And it uses the terminologies from English algorithms (e.g., begin, end, write, read, etc, see, such that throughout my college, I insisted to write those "English algorithms" in Pascal

Enjoy the lunch, Sarah Karoline

Sarah Karoline I shall see what I can learn whilst snacking
Writing it in Pascal is fun. Why not personalise learning, I say! hihi
Enjoy the water, Arief!
[Tagging is back!]

Writing it in Pascal is fun. Why not personalise learning, I say! hihi
Enjoy the water, Arief!

Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 130 | 132 > | 282 >> |