Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 133 | 135 > | 282 >> |
Sarah Karoline Maria Christian Hello! I see I've missed two rounds today
The cause of my silence is a rather large project I started at the weekend which doesn't finish until midnight Thursay. I barely have time to eat or sleep
How I miss språkspelet and Sweindo
My knowledge of Finnish extends to ... "kaupunki" and "niin". I wouldn't have been able to tranlsate it!
Maria, you got there in the end! Incidentally, I can't tag anyone except you two!

My knowledge of Finnish extends to ... "kaupunki" and "niin". I wouldn't have been able to tranlsate it!
Maria, you got there in the end! Incidentally, I can't tag anyone except you two!

Sarah Karoline The script looks like, hm.., possibly, possibly not, ... Hindi/Urdu? Unfortunately I've got to return to my project, and can't play

Sarah Karoline You've just translated a sentence without any knowledge of grammar or vocabulary, so you know something which you don't know you know!

Arief Wibowo Funny how the universe works, Sarah Karoline and I have new projects, Maria Weidner got new job, all about the same time
Christian James Meredith seem busy as well...

Arief Wibowo Missing Språkspeler Tag-Assist (MSTA):
Billy James Brightraven (probably still enjoying cheap liqour in Hrvatska), Vincensiu Denis
Billy James Brightraven (probably still enjoying cheap liqour in Hrvatska), Vincensiu Denis
Arief Wibowo v0 (sponsored by
Me too bad is that/or/if they [दोनो/dono] [षीमार/simaar] are because today a lot work have.
v0.1 (adjusted word order):
I am too bad or they [दोनो/dono] [षीमार/simaar] are because have a lot work today
The 'dono' and 'simaar' doesn't exist in shabdkosh and wiktionary. Was it a typo?
Wiktionary suggested देना/dena, no suggestion for simaar
Me too bad is that/or/if they [दोनो/dono] [षीमार/simaar] are because today a lot work have.
v0.1 (adjusted word order):
I am too bad or they [दोनो/dono] [षीमार/simaar] are because have a lot work today
The 'dono' and 'simaar' doesn't exist in shabdkosh and wiktionary. Was it a typo?
Wiktionary suggested देना/dena, no suggestion for simaar
Arief Wibowo v1 (guessing):
(Either) I am too bad or they are giving up because (they) have a lot of work today
(Either) I am too bad or they are giving up because (they) have a lot of work today
Sarah Karoline Maria Arief It is a strange universe in which we suddenly have new rounds, but we aren't around (long enough) to take part in them, namely due to vocational demands or time zones that have shattered into time shifts. I suppose it's a positive that with the expansion of the universe new jobs are created! hahaha
And that Babbel!
And that Babbel!

Sarah Karoline Brandon: I think the round is still on-going. The round ends when someone has given a correct translation. We are allowed to build on and steal other people's work. "Steal to win is the game's motto".
Your chance to win starts now!
Welcome to the game!
I am about to exit as it's after midnight! I wish you good luck!
Your chance to win starts now!

I am about to exit as it's after midnight! I wish you good luck!
Christian James Meredith No point in tagging you when someone wins Brandon Heinrich because you have to win to do the next round.
Christian James Meredith Arief Wibowo Christian Meredith stayed up way too late last night and feels like a truck hit him

Brandon James Heinrich I meant tag me for the new round. I can't read Hindi and I didn't really find any help from other comments.
Arief Wibowo I woke up early today, transliterated and translated the Hindi text, then I "relaxed a bit" on my bed, and I slept for extra 3 hours!
Arief Wibowo Brandon James Heinrich, here's this round, transliterated and bracketed
[मुझको] [अफ़सोस] [है] [कि] [वे] [दोनो] [षीमार] [हैं] [क्योंकि] [आज] [काफ़ी] [काम] [है].
[mujhako] [afasosa] [hai] [ki] [ve] [dono] [simaar] [hain] [kyonki] [aaja] [kaafee] [kaama] [hai].

[मुझको] [अफ़सोस] [है] [कि] [वे] [दोनो] [षीमार] [हैं] [क्योंकि] [आज] [काफ़ी] [काम] [है].
[mujhako] [afasosa] [hai] [ki] [ve] [dono] [simaar] [hain] [kyonki] [aaja] [kaafee] [kaama] [hai].
Arief Wibowo I found dono!
But I can't understand it: says dono=amphibious, and proceeds to show three examples, none of them uses "amphibious" word :/
But I can't understand it: says dono=amphibious, and proceeds to show three examples, none of them uses "amphibious" word :/
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, I am too familiar with that feeling, hence I (try to) enforce my curfew

Akshay Kumar Better use मुझे instead of मुझको as it is more appropriate. And षीमार should be बीमार. Hope I don't spoil the round.

Arief Wibowo Adding the equation बीमार/bimaar=sick, v2:
I am too bad if they [dono] are sick because there's/they've a lot of work today.
I still have no idea what's dono...
A little little tiny bit of hint, Akshay Kumar?
I am too bad if they [dono] are sick because there's/they've a lot of work today.
I still have no idea what's dono...
A little little tiny bit of hint, Akshay Kumar?

Maria Weidner Just for a second, have to leave for work soon. Thank you very much Akshay!
And sorry for the typo Arief! Those tiny little letters... and it's been ages that I write Hindi !

Christian James Meredith Dono = PIE?
do could then be *do (to, towards,), *d- (give, donate, etc et al), or *d_w I guess...
do could then be *do (to, towards,), *d- (give, donate, etc et al), or *d_w I guess...
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Here again, guys. Just finished moving things in the new house for university. Courses have started again, so I'll be slightly less present. Carry on and don't forget your towel!
Arief Wibowo I am at The Mines (shopping mall, not a mine anymore) :p Do might be two, dono might be twice. Be a good student, Davide :p
Arief Wibowo But I am eating frozen suskyr (do we have Sveindo for ice cream?), what I think might be totally wrong :p
Christian James Meredith Arief, does "ku" in "frysku" remind you of "beku" enough? Or would it have to be "bekfrys" or "befrysku"?
Perhaps kremskyr befrysku = frozen cream, while esskyr or saljuskyr could be ice cream?
Perhaps kremskyr befrysku = frozen cream, while esskyr or saljuskyr could be ice cream?
Christian James Meredith Vänmas Arief, waksom makäta saljuskyr, Vänmas blijadi bodum kva? Anehgen...
(Mas Arief, waktu makan eskrim, Mas menjadi bodoh kah? Aneh...
Min vän, Arief, som äta du glass, blir du dum? Egen..)
(Mas Arief, waktu makan eskrim, Mas menjadi bodoh kah? Aneh...
Min vän, Arief, som äta du glass, blir du dum? Egen..)
Arief Wibowo Oh, esskyr is nice too. Saljuskyr would be suitable for taiwan-style snow flakes ice cream
Christian James Meredith Also, grammatically, I think we might need to take out Indonesian's men-/ber- distinction and just replace it with be-, or tweak the subtleties of men-, since Дайте has suggested män- = person. Otherwise, maybe we can still ditch men-, but move -män to the end coz it looks more Swedish and crap.
Christian James Meredith Arief Wibowo we are combining it with Swedish words and grammar though so it's no problem
Jaku beläjar dir(s)jälv = I learn, Jaku beläjar nårang allain = I teach someone else

Arief Wibowo Dont worry, Sarah, I am outside accompanying my parents, eating esskyr and all, stjälcuri is okay

Christian James Meredith Someone bloody write it who isn't me for great justice already!
Arief Wibowo apakah mas tahu cara membandingkan sespreadsheet dengan sespreadsheet menggunakan google docs/drive? I wanna find the differences between the free edit versions of the dictionary and the stable version.
Arief Wibowo apakah mas tahu cara membandingkan sespreadsheet dengan sespreadsheet menggunakan google docs/drive? I wanna find the differences between the free edit versions of the dictionary and the stable version.
Christian James Meredith Whoops, Ninja'd. The first part of my comment made sense when I typed it, about several minutes ago

Sarah Karoline Are we messing your dictionary up, Christian. I decided not to add anything to it a few days ago in case I messed up your and Arief's hard work! haha
Sarah Karoline I (would) feel very bad if they were both sick because there's/they've got a lot of work today.
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline, näh, it's good! I've got two copies, one's safe and uneditable (but commentable). The problem is getting the stuff from the openly editable one into the safe one without forgetting bits
Sarah Karoline Maria: How is my edited phrase?
Christian: Are you using the same programme for both? "safe"
Is this the editable one?
[can't tag!]
Christian: Are you using the same programme for both? "safe"

[can't tag!]
Sarah Karoline Maria Hm.. "I don't feel good" -> I wouldn't feel good [I'm multitasking this with work too!]

Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline the one you linked is only commentable. I'll find you the editable one, hold on!
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline this is the free edit version:
Sarah Karoline Christian Thank you for the link!
How about a Sweindo word for "lagom" meaning "comfortable/nice/pleasant"!
How about a Sweindo word for "lagom" meaning "comfortable/nice/pleasant"!
Arief Wibowo One I finish these two projects, I will install a Semantic Media Wiki for us. Its a same but advanced form of wikipedia/wiktionary engine.
Sarah Karoline How is your project going, Arief? I've got another 40 hours to go... I look forward to submitting mine and never seeing it again!
I don't know what a semantic media wiki is, but it sounds very good!
Stellar ställe, Christian! haha Is the adjective "stellar" used in Australian English, incidentally?

Stellar ställe, Christian! haha Is the adjective "stellar" used in Australian English, incidentally?
Arief Wibowo Need to write a gallery plugin for one, and about 10 forms for the other, but I have a new project: bring parents around and make them happy

Christian James Meredith I'm gonna go get myself a glass of raudawīną/raudvin (actually, it's just raspberry juice, but let me pretend to be grotesquely high class for a second) and resume watching my movie from last night.
Arief, Hyvää onnea!
Arief, Hyvää onnea!
Sarah Karoline Arief: Make your parents ställe hallogom with saljuskyr, and the website for the new language you've been working on!
Arief Wibowo SMW is very interesting, we write sematically-tagged content, such that machine knows what we write
Arief Wibowo I actually explained to them that the food we had earlier is now called esskyr, and its etymology :p
Christian James Meredith You know what's creepy? Ställe hallagom almost makes sense!
If we analyse it according to Indonesian word order, it comes out as "pleasant refined place", which would presumably be the most "hallagom" location in the universe since it's literally a place dedicated to "hallagomness", which thus sort of explains why we say "ställe hallagom" for "very pleasant", because anything that's very pleasant might as well come from the place of pleasantness itself xD
If we analyse it according to Indonesian word order, it comes out as "pleasant refined place", which would presumably be the most "hallagom" location in the universe since it's literally a place dedicated to "hallagomness", which thus sort of explains why we say "ställe hallagom" for "very pleasant", because anything that's very pleasant might as well come from the place of pleasantness itself xD
Sarah Karoline Arief Bye for now! I hope your parents are learning Sweindo. It'd be good to have at least 10 speakers!
Semantically-tagged content... Hm..
Semantically-tagged content... Hm..

Sarah Karoline A book about the etymology and morphology of Sweindo woudl be fascinating, don't you agree, Christian?
I hope you're working not waiting, Maria!
I'm going to return to work too. Zzz!
I hope you're working not waiting, Maria!
I'm going to return to work too. Zzz!
Arief Wibowo By the way, Akshay has told us that the "bad" is more than bad, and the "if" is wrong. See if this helps you, Sarah!
Maria Weidner More than bad is not the real expression. If you feel bad about something, then you are???
Maria Weidner Oh, and Arief, I am working in a real school now, in addition to the online stuff. So I am really away in the morning

Maria Weidner wait - i am only 3 weeks in this group and have already 1230 posts??? And Sarah only 700? Oh my god! Does editing count as a new post? Because I edit a lot, since I realize my grammar and spelling mistakes always too late.. :/ Am I addicted?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку We should really start a new thread for Sweindo. Something like an open-source development thread.
Maria Weidner no new round yet. The translation is not perfect yet. There are all too busy or too lazy to think about what "afsos" could mean.. :p
Sarah Karoline Maria Hello! My penulltimate 10-hour working day is over, and I've had an idea about this word. "afsos" could mean "sad" and "if" could be replaced with... I'm still thinking about that one!
"I feel very sad [if] they were both sick because there's/they've got a lot of work today." [Can't decide what to replace "if" with...]
I'll try again before my final, torturously long shift
[made up, meaningless!]
Of those 700 posts, at least 510 are edits. Were there awards for most-edited posts, I'd win! haha
There's Nothing wrong with your grammar, spelling or expressions at all!!!!!
"I feel very sad [if] they were both sick because there's/they've got a lot of work today." [Can't decide what to replace "if" with...]
I'll try again before my final, torturously long shift


Of those 700 posts, at least 510 are edits. Were there awards for most-edited posts, I'd win! haha
There's Nothing wrong with your grammar, spelling or expressions at all!!!!!

Arief Wibowo I am fixing the Unabridged page to show only the first 5000 posts for now. It has gone too big and it's giving memory overflow error.
I don't count edits as separate post, and Maria Weidner is just 16 posts behind Christian James Meredith
(but still far away from me -- the most talkative one) - Freedom of expression
* getting back to Hindi dictionaries... *
I don't count edits as separate post, and Maria Weidner is just 16 posts behind Christian James Meredith

* getting back to Hindi dictionaries... *
Arief Wibowo Got it, afsos=sorry/remorse/regret/sorrow
And I borrow ki=at from round 10 (
I feel sorry at both of them being/falling sick because there's a lot of work today.
And I borrow ki=at from round 10 (
I feel sorry at both of them being/falling sick because there's a lot of work today.
Christian James Meredith Upset can be angry, sad, frustrated, anything negative. Regret, hmmm... not so sure.
Arief Wibowo I saw two possible contexts of the sentence, either:
1. I am feeling something (upset/anger) about both of them being sick, because there's a lot of work
2. I am feeling something (sad/pity) about both of them, because they fell sick, and they fell sick because there's a lot of work
1. I am feeling something (upset/anger) about both of them being sick, because there's a lot of work
2. I am feeling something (sad/pity) about both of them, because they fell sick, and they fell sick because there's a lot of work
Maria Weidner Met pagi ! Yeah, sorry is the right word! But i don't like
"at" . Simpler! How would you say in English ? I am sorry ... ?
"at" . Simpler! How would you say in English ? I am sorry ... ?
Christian James Meredith And I made the mistake of reading on Batak history and cannibalism while at the same time being hungry... Now I really wanna eat because my stomach's empty, but don't wanna eat after reading that haha.
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, you won that round with extra effects and you forgot about it

Arief Wibowo Oh yeah, Bataks are fierce (I was scared when I first moved to Medan -- everyone's talking loudly, as if quarreling)
Arief Wibowo May I do a round of standard Indonesian?
But in that case Christian James Meredith, Maria Weidner, and Vincensiu Denis, can only be moderators
But in that case Christian James Meredith, Maria Weidner, and Vincensiu Denis, can only be moderators
Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 133 | 135 > | 282 >> |