Arief Wibowo The new round:
Bha iasg a' snàmh anns an abhainn Arief Wibowo (might be too easy for Christian James Meredith
) Billy James Brightraven an abhainn… the river? Billy James Brightraven Aha! iasg is fish, heir to *pisḱ-.
? fish ? ? in the river?
Wild guess: There's fish in the river. Marius Vincenzii Dennischter There is a fish swimming in the river Arief Wibowo Let me check the grammar a bit, coz the phrasebook says something else
Arief Wibowo Vincensiu Denis is the closest (has all the keywords), but has a wrong timeframe
Billy James Brightraven Bha… bhu-, the bh-part of the IE copula!
A fish swam in the river!
Tentative literal: Was fish swum in the river? Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven wins!
The phrase according to the book is: Fish were[sic] were swimming in the river
I don't think that it should be "were" though.. Arief Wibowo And welcome back, Billy James Brightraven and Vincensiu Denis!