Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 139 | 141 > | 282 >> |
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström This one's short, but I want the underlying meaning..:
"Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"
As usual, no googling! Lycka till!
"Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"
As usual, no googling! Lycka till!
Sarah Karoline "hut" = an interjection implying someone is angry or irritated. "tut tut"
Tut tut, go home, otherwise little will be granted.
Tut tut, go home, otherwise little will be granted.
Sarah Karoline 1. "få" = to get. 2. "få"= few/little.
Annat: Neuter form of "annan" which has lots of meanings.
Annat: Neuter form of "annan" which has lots of meanings.
Arief Wibowo Annat: Neuter form of "annan" which has lots of meanings.
↑ exactly what I am afraid of, Wiktionary only says "other" or "else" :/
↑ exactly what I am afraid of, Wiktionary only says "other" or "else" :/
Sarah Karoline att lära någon hut = to teach someone manners.
"hut" has too many meanings!
Try, Arief or Swedish to German.
"hut" has too many meanings!
Try, Arief or Swedish to German.
Arief Wibowo I am still using Wiktionary and Språkspelet favorite:
Will try that later, 22++ UTC, dinner+bed time for me
Enjoy the game!
Will try that later, 22++ UTC, dinner+bed time for me

Enjoy the game!

Sarah Karoline Huta = verb. Hut = interjection. Hut = noun. "Hut" is like "ställa", it seems.
It means what you want it to mean! hahahaha
It means what you want it to mean! hahahaha
Sarah Karoline Huta [vb.] = to tell someone off. Vet hut = watch it! Huta åt någon = to teach someone manners / to tell someone off.
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut.
Hut = a mysterious mathematical formular that solves the solution to wormholes.
Hut = incorrect spelling of "hutt" drink..
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut.
Hut = a mysterious mathematical formular that solves the solution to wormholes.
Hut = incorrect spelling of "hutt" drink..
Sarah Karoline p.s. Hut = a misspelling of German "Hutt" meaning "hat" by a tired Swedish student of German and an equally tired German student of Swedish.

Sarah Karoline Maria : A confused Swedish student of German and a confused German student of Swedish! hahahahahahaha

Sarah Karoline "Hut" can only be a noun as "går hem" means "goes home". Perhaps "Hut" is a name...Victor?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well... You've already mentioned the circumstance in which "hut" is used. Except it doesn't always mean "manners".
Sarah Karoline Lexin, Norstedts, Tyda and only translate the noun "hut" as "manners" or "shame".
"går hem" = "goes home". (present tense).
I think it's an idiomat. Something like "send the message home"/"the point is made".
annat = neuter form of "annan" = "other", "else", "other things", eg. någonting annat (something else)
få [vb]= to get/receive. Få [adj]=few/little
är förunnat = is granted.
[-], goes home, else little is granted.
Perhaps there should be a comma after "hut"
"går hem" = "goes home". (present tense).
I think it's an idiomat. Something like "send the message home"/"the point is made".
annat = neuter form of "annan" = "other", "else", "other things", eg. någonting annat (something else)
få [vb]= to get/receive. Få [adj]=few/little
är förunnat = is granted.
[-], goes home, else little is granted.
Perhaps there should be a comma after "hut"
László Asbjörn Boldizsar i don't know why but it's not hytt nor hutt, but seeing as we know hutt means.. GAWDDD
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter In the middle of jetlag and work rushes my brain is too slow to attempt to solve this round.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Ugi and his link will prove useful. Sarah is getting closer, except hut could be a derivation from for ex. a verb...!
Anna Robbins If it isn't "behave", then it could be "mind your manners" or "watch it", which are essentially the same but very slightly different...
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Sarah, further off...! First, you need to look up all possible meanings of hut.
Anna Robbins "Go on home, otherwise you won't get what you want."
I'm half awake and trying to make sense of all of what's in Ugi's link
I'm half awake and trying to make sense of all of what's in Ugi's link

Sarah Karoline These are the meanings I've found for "hut":
Huta [vb.] = to tell someone off. Vet hut = watch it! Huta åt någon = to teach someone manners / to tell someone off.
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut, oj, hej!, watch it!,
According to Ugi's link it's from the Bornholm dialect.
As an interjection it is used as a command to dogs, as a sign of irritation to humans.
As a verb: to have a feeling of shame, to teach manners/good behaviour, ...
As as noun: shame/manners/blame/...
The mediaeval Swedish is very interesting!
Huta [vb.] = to tell someone off. Vet hut = watch it! Huta åt någon = to teach someone manners / to tell someone off.
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut, oj, hej!, watch it!,
According to Ugi's link it's from the Bornholm dialect.
As an interjection it is used as a command to dogs, as a sign of irritation to humans.
As a verb: to have a feeling of shame, to teach manners/good behaviour, ...
As as noun: shame/manners/blame/...
The mediaeval Swedish is very interesting!
Anna Robbins If "hut" in this context is indeed a verb, and it is followed by "går", then it must function somehow as a helping verb...?
Christian James Meredith "Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"
Tch, go hom; something else is being given.
Tch, go hom; something else is being given.
Sarah Karoline "går" is present form of "goes" and "hem" is "home" , but as "hut" is not a noun, and Swedish doesn't have subjectless verbs (as all verb forms are the same within each tense, then "hut" must be an interjection, or a word has been left out in the Swedish.
So I decided "går hem" is an idiom in this context. As in English "send the message home" ie. "to get the message".
I don't think a literal translation in this context will work...
So I decided "går hem" is an idiom in this context. As in English "send the message home" ie. "to get the message".
I don't think a literal translation in this context will work...
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström This is gonna get so difficult. The correct usage of hut is amongst your listings, Sarah.

László Asbjörn Boldizsar ”hut går hem” - den som hutar åt någon blir själv åthutad, fräckhet straffar sig..
Christian James Meredith Ah yeah, there's an -r after gå. Whoops.
"Tch, going home? Something else to get given/deigned/vouchsafed"?
"Tch, going home? Something else to get given/deigned/vouchsafed"?
Christian James Meredith Ok, just to mediate here, László Asbjörn Boldizsar when it comes to these things we have to be careful (as you can see in Sarah's case). But that's ok, you've only just arrived here after all

Christian James Meredith I unfortunately still have no idea what it means, but I'm too lazy to translate the Swedish translation of the Swedish with a dictionary.
Christian James Meredith Also, I'm technically out of the round too, but for a completely different reason xD (I found it by accident at the same time as László. Or at least part of it).
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Beklagar, Sarah.
It's normally procedure not to google entire phrases. And unless you speak German, that's from Wikipedia. :p

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Very well, I shall allow it this time; just provide me a decent translation.

Sarah Karoline Sorry László, I didn't mean for my sentence to come out in a negative way
Victor I'd understand the German too. hahaha
C'est la vie!

Victor I'd understand the German too. hahaha
C'est la vie!

Anna Robbins Ugi - He who tells someone off, will himself be told off. I don't get that last phrase.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, it wouldn't have mattered; the German Wiktionary didn't have that Swedish translation. ^^
Sarah Karoline My final translation: If you misbehave, you'll find yourself led into a Bornholm rack where the deities of Ragnakarta will eat you alive, whilst their dogs chat to Greek priests and snare deers!
Sarah Karoline This notice can be found on all Bornholm Tourist Information Centres, and acts as a warning to naughty tourists who venture into the Swedish woods on a Friday night after consuming too many cheeseburgers, sprit and wild mushrooms.
Christian James Meredith Sarah Karoline only after frying you though. Not even the Swedish elements of Sveindo culture can overpower the South-East Asian desire to fry things.
Sarah Karoline Was I wrong, Victor?
The Swedish dish "pytt i panna" as cooked by students could be a rival, Christian

The Swedish dish "pytt i panna" as cooked by students could be a rival, Christian
Sarah Karoline Pickle, bury or eat from the trees...
Here in England we blast everything to multiple deaths at full blast in microwaves, and still consider it uncooked..
Here in England we blast everything to multiple deaths at full blast in microwaves, and still consider it uncooked..
Sarah Karoline A variety of translations, as I don't think the Swedish can be directly translated without meaning being lost:
Explanatory translation: If you mistreat others, they'll mistreat you back. The punisher/crime will always be punished.
Explanatory translation: Mistreat others, and be avenged!
Non-literal translation: What goes round, comes round.
In just one word: Karma!
Mistreat a Viking on his return from his trip to Ljubljana, expect to incur his wrath in equal amounts.
There is always an equal, but not necessarily opposite, reaction..
Explanatory translation: If you mistreat others, they'll mistreat you back. The punisher/crime will always be punished.
Explanatory translation: Mistreat others, and be avenged!
Non-literal translation: What goes round, comes round.
In just one word: Karma!
Mistreat a Viking on his return from his trip to Ljubljana, expect to incur his wrath in equal amounts.
There is always an equal, but not necessarily opposite, reaction..
Sarah Karoline Let's see what Victor, thinks
I've still not done a direct translation of the original Swedish...

Sarah Karoline "Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat."
Victor, here are my attempts:
Literal translation into English = literally nonsensical = Behave, goes home, else is little granted.
Problem= What's missing? What could be inserted to create a literal translation?
Answers on a postcard to Bornholm Tourist Information, or Sprogspelare on FB
Hut = Imperative of "huta" (not hatt, hutt or hytt
) meaning to behave, to tell someone off, anything else...
Går = Present tense of "gå" (Eng."go")
Problem = No subject present, but subject needed. Could insert "det" (Eng. it) as an informal subject, or perhaps the nominal form of the verb "huta".
Annat = Neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", "else"
är = present tense of "to be".
förunnat = adjective/past particle of "förunna" (Eng. grant), so "granted" (also received, acquired)
få =verb = to get. få = adjective = few/little
Victor, here are my attempts:
Literal translation into English = literally nonsensical = Behave, goes home, else is little granted.
Problem= What's missing? What could be inserted to create a literal translation?
Answers on a postcard to Bornholm Tourist Information, or Sprogspelare on FB

Hut = Imperative of "huta" (not hatt, hutt or hytt

Går = Present tense of "gå" (Eng."go")
Problem = No subject present, but subject needed. Could insert "det" (Eng. it) as an informal subject, or perhaps the nominal form of the verb "huta".
Annat = Neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", "else"
är = present tense of "to be".
förunnat = adjective/past particle of "förunna" (Eng. grant), so "granted" (also received, acquired)
få =verb = to get. få = adjective = few/little
Arief Wibowo Wait, I think I have heard something like this before, something about going home and few/little is granted
Arief Wibowo Game-in-game: What does the Swedish dictionary that Uģi Sanat gave us say?
[HUT II.1]
1) ordet l. utropet "hut" (till hundar l. människor). Med hi och hej och hojt och hut åt hundarna. HAGBERG Shaksp. 6: 212 (1849). – särsk. (i folkligt spr.) bildl. i talesättet hut går hem, den som hutar åt ugn blir själv åthutad igen, "svinhugg går igen". TOPELIUS Vint. I. 1: 76 (1863, 1880). Var lagom högfärdiga, ni! knotade gumman bakom dem. – Hut går väl hem en gång, ska ni få si. JANSON Ön 36 (1908).
[HUT II.1]
1) ordet l. utropet "hut" (till hundar l. människor). Med hi och hej och hojt och hut åt hundarna. HAGBERG Shaksp. 6: 212 (1849). – särsk. (i folkligt spr.) bildl. i talesättet hut går hem, den som hutar åt ugn blir själv åthutad igen, "svinhugg går igen". TOPELIUS Vint. I. 1: 76 (1863, 1880). Var lagom högfärdiga, ni! knotade gumman bakom dem. – Hut går väl hem en gång, ska ni få si. JANSON Ön 36 (1908).

Sarah Karoline Christian I wished it was a noun, as that would make sense with the following "går". Victor said it was a verb, though..
Arief It says:
1. the word is called out to a dog or a human. WIth "hi och hey" and [hojt] and "hut" to dogs. Hagberg, Shaksp. 6:212 (1849) - particularly (in dialectal speech) formed in idioms "hut går hem, den som hutar å ngn blur själv uthutad igen", [examples of more idioms using "hut."
[This was a 1.30am translation, so it's not complete or perfect
Now I must sleeeep!
Arief It says:
1. the word is called out to a dog or a human. WIth "hi och hey" and [hojt] and "hut" to dogs. Hagberg, Shaksp. 6:212 (1849) - particularly (in dialectal speech) formed in idioms "hut går hem, den som hutar å ngn blur själv uthutad igen", [examples of more idioms using "hut."
[This was a 1.30am translation, so it's not complete or perfect

Now I must sleeeep!
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, good night, and tomorrow you will see something new at our website's footer (after logging in)

Christian James Meredith I thought Victor said it was derived from the verb form? :-/ so confuzzlelated :-/
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter I think Victor said that it is derived from verb, so it doesn't have to be the verb in a pure form.... I agree with CJM
I got a feeling that hut might be related to "teaching someone manners/telling someone to behave"
so my version:
(Becareful if) you go home! You won't be rewarded.
Meaning: Don't give up easily....
duh... I should go back to sleep...
hut could be something that equal to "Awas" in Indonesian
I got a feeling that hut might be related to "teaching someone manners/telling someone to behave"
so my version:
(Becareful if) you go home! You won't be rewarded.
Meaning: Don't give up easily....
duh... I should go back to sleep...
hut could be something that equal to "Awas" in Indonesian
Anna Robbins I still think it has something to do with if you tell someone off, then you will be told off in turn, i.e. what goes around comes around, or something in that sense. If you criticise someone, he or she is bound to criticise you, too....?
Too tired to think more.
Too tired to think more.
Christian James Meredith I thought it was more like "Hut" = things you do wron. Hut går hem = things you do wrong come back home with you (and bite you on your ass).
Yeah, I think we've abandoned the rules for this round, it's just become a "analyse how Swedish works" round xD
Yeah, I think we've abandoned the rules for this round, it's just become a "analyse how Swedish works" round xD
Anna Robbins Well, telling someone off means that the person/dog has done something wrong
the question is, does "hut" refer to the wrongdoing itself, or to the act of pointing out a wrongdoing?

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Hmmm... Christian might have said something of i important...! And, well its idiomatic meaning is explained by Sarah's quoted paragraph.

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter After reading Christian's comment. I remember an Indonesian proverbs "Merpati pasti pulang ke sangkarnya"
Could "hut" be an animal or personification?
Could "hut" be an animal or personification?
Ava Skoog Alright, I have to ask, because it's been bugging me for ever now. Why is the name of and terms related to this game in mangled Northern Germanic that sometimes doesn't correspond properly to any living variety?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Because the name Språkspelet wasn't ASCII enough for me, so I dubbed it Sprogspelet (for the sake of the linguistic diversity, of course), and then Sarah attempted an Icelandic translation. It has since been amended a bit.

Marius Vincenzii Dennischter shits comes home, you won't get a reward
meaning: things you do wrong come back home with you and bite you on your ass,( Meredith, round140, p93. 2013)
meaning: things you do wrong come back home with you and bite you on your ass,( Meredith, round140, p93. 2013)
Billy James Brightraven N'esr noum ab urrigi a'venerabil-awesomeanas faxmachtrix Malin ? Aukaj-au kom qwestoto obsessio kom ASCII, Victor
n'esr bene!

Ava Skoog This almost makes me want to join a conlang relay. I did one, and it was fun. I don't have a currently functional conlang, though.

Billy James Brightraven OT: Ava, We're having some upcoming ones on Linguifex if you'd like to hop on those. And they're great ways to develop your conlang since you're forced to … *gasp* work on it. xD
edit: faxmachtrix has to be the most appealing felikitok word I've coined. [fʰɑksˈm̥ɑχtrɪks] …mmm
edit: faxmachtrix has to be the most appealing felikitok word I've coined. [fʰɑksˈm̥ɑχtrɪks] …mmm
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Esr necneedato, e aresi-gustai "vsalleopantos" ai-meself. E preqwe nem usr "-or/ris" qwendo hava-wi "-rix" ^^
Billy James Brightraven Well, it depends on how much you're missing
and sometimes, it can be fun to play with sketchlangs one has on the backburner. I never force things :p which is why a lot of languages mine are still lacking descriptions in certain areas.

Ava Skoog True, true. Maybe I could play with some older language. I just feel the grammar would be too IE and easy to translate for others. Then I just have an intensionally simple isolating language and a Germanic auxlang to work with, both of them obviously tremendously easy for y'all to translate.

Billy James Brightraven "too IE".
Things still get wickedly confusing even between relatively well-documented Modern Indo-European languages if the other person only has a grammar description and a dictionary
We're not Salo-level yet. xD (Autem censeo "Salo" pro "Saiyan" in conversationibus conlingualis verbum melius esse)
Things still get wickedly confusing even between relatively well-documented Modern Indo-European languages if the other person only has a grammar description and a dictionary

Christian James Meredith Ava (and Billy if he's seen my latest defacing of Linguifex
) one of my projects is literally descended from English, so mine would be REALLY easy once you hack the code
Anyway, @Ava, are you referring to Sveindo back before? Basically, because this game is controlled by a deadly cartel of Swedish and Indonesian players, many terms from Swedish and Indonesian have slowly been abused into a new sort of slang language specific to this one thread xD
Example: Stjälcuri = to "collaborate" (in quotation marks for a good reason

Anyway, @Ava, are you referring to Sveindo back before? Basically, because this game is controlled by a deadly cartel of Swedish and Indonesian players, many terms from Swedish and Indonesian have slowly been abused into a new sort of slang language specific to this one thread xD
Example: Stjälcuri = to "collaborate" (in quotation marks for a good reason

Arief Wibowo Ava Skoog, about our conlang:
Språkspelet (or Sprogspelet) and Sveindo influences each other
Språkspelet (or Sprogspelet) and Sveindo influences each other

Ava Skoog Oh, well. I guess I could try composing something fun in that old language, or paste an old, existing passage, just as a test here, and let you have a go at it.
Looking through my file, I almost have to paste this, because it's so... weird. I have no memory of writing this.
'A-fa-hwaltā Nōiz xrahôneāino fâikrîrannā lyōkām.'
/afaˈʍaltaː ˈnoː.ɪz xraˈhoːnɛ.aː.ɪnɔ ˈfaː.ɪˈqriːranːaː ˈʎoːqaːm/
/afaˈʍaltaː nɔɪ̯ʒ ˈʁrɔːɲaɪ̯nɔ ˈfaɪ̯ˈʁriːranːaː ˈʎoːqaːm/
Orthography note: stress is variable, and vowels are long or short. Stress is marked only if not word-initial. Stress may be on more than one place in a word. Short vowels are unmarked <a>, long vowels have macrons <ā>, short stressed have acute accent <á> and long stressed have circumflex <â>.
Word list:
a/ēad; past participle prefix/particle
fa/fēad; causative prefix/particle
Nōiz; a name; 'song' (noun, masculine)
hwalt-; 'go' (verb)
xrahôneāin-; 'mollusc' (noun, neuter)
fāikr-; 'mouth' (noun, masculine)
lyōk-; 'air' (noun, masculine)
-o; neuter SG accusative
-ā; 3SG verb, masculine SG nominative
-Ø; masculine SG nominative (some declensions)
-annā; masculine SG lative
-ām; masculine SG locative
-îr-; 1SG possessive infix
Looking through my file, I almost have to paste this, because it's so... weird. I have no memory of writing this.
'A-fa-hwaltā Nōiz xrahôneāino fâikrîrannā lyōkām.'
/afaˈʍaltaː ˈnoː.ɪz xraˈhoːnɛ.aː.ɪnɔ ˈfaː.ɪˈqriːranːaː ˈʎoːqaːm/
/afaˈʍaltaː nɔɪ̯ʒ ˈʁrɔːɲaɪ̯nɔ ˈfaɪ̯ˈʁriːranːaː ˈʎoːqaːm/
Orthography note: stress is variable, and vowels are long or short. Stress is marked only if not word-initial. Stress may be on more than one place in a word. Short vowels are unmarked <a>, long vowels have macrons <ā>, short stressed have acute accent <á> and long stressed have circumflex <â>.
Word list:
a/ēad; past participle prefix/particle
fa/fēad; causative prefix/particle
Nōiz; a name; 'song' (noun, masculine)
hwalt-; 'go' (verb)
xrahôneāin-; 'mollusc' (noun, neuter)
fāikr-; 'mouth' (noun, masculine)
lyōk-; 'air' (noun, masculine)
-o; neuter SG accusative
-ā; 3SG verb, masculine SG nominative
-Ø; masculine SG nominative (some declensions)
-annā; masculine SG lative
-ām; masculine SG locative
-îr-; 1SG possessive infix
Ava Skoog Christian: I know like... two words of Indonesian, so I think I need an explanation of that.
Arief Wibowo Ava Skoog, the mechanics of the game is such that only the winner of this round may start the next round.
Which unfortunately means I have to veto your round (until you win this round)...
Now, what's "Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"?
Which unfortunately means I have to veto your round (until you win this round)...
Now, what's "Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"?

Billy James Brightraven In the early morn of the game, our Southern Germanic friends paid us more visits. We used to have a lot of dialectal German phrases once upon a time, I recall.Yet their absence is felt as of late, as I have not been geāscod to dechiffrer one of unsar neighbours' lingual contortions for quite some rounds
Why have they forsaken our moot? Did my Italic language scare 'em away?
Likewise with unsar Indo-Iranian pals. Wai mey!
*random sad rant*

Why have they forsaken our moot? Did my Italic language scare 'em away?
Likewise with unsar Indo-Iranian pals. Wai mey!
*random sad rant*
Ava Skoog She*. ;p
I was not trying to start a round, I was just trying to see if that language is useful for any (unrelated) relay!
I was not trying to start a round, I was just trying to see if that language is useful for any (unrelated) relay!

Arief Wibowo Speaking of which, I miss the good old days where Swedish is as simple as "Du är vad du äter"

Billy James Brightraven It was just a trick to get everyone hooked
once you swallowed the bait, the fundament and crazy syntax kicked in.

Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven, I guess so
About our old friends, probably we should re-tag them in the next round/thread.
(yeap, 'tis the last round for this thread)

About our old friends, probably we should re-tag them in the next round/thread.
(yeap, 'tis the last round for this thread)
Billy James Brightraven Maybe we should have a few “easy” rounds for the next thread (we're nearing 1k) to draw in some new people?
lowering the difficulty bar just a little might get a lot of new people excited. (Like 'Du är vad du äter')

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström That was my plan, but this one turned out more difficult than expected. :p
Arief Wibowo Btw, I wonder if we should consider the fact that "hut" is also said to dogs (cf.
Billy James Brightraven Arief, if you want to take a peek at the linguifex relay we ran some time ago you'll be able to see it here:
Also, guys, you're maaybe overthinking it a little.

Also, guys, you're maaybe overthinking it a little.
Arief Wibowo Conlang relay is awesome! Unfortunately I am still at conscript level, haven't levelled up despite many suggestions by you
Let me back track a bit on the translation.

Let me back track a bit on the translation.
Ava Skoog I should add, that in the relay that I was part of, we wrote our languages in their native scripts if they had any, so that part of the challenge was trying to parse the script too.
Sarah Karoline My direct translation hasn't advanced. It's still literally nonsensical.
[Behave] goes home, else is little granted.
Problem 1. What word form is "hut".
If it's a verb, it would be inflected and "går" would be in the infinitive "gå"
It could be an interjection like "hey", but "går" would still be missing a subject, unless the subject has been dropped.
Perhaps "hut" is "hey".
An extension of my analysis from yesterday for stjälcuriing or ignoring
1. Hut! = Imperative of "huta" meaning "to behave, to tell someone off, anything else..."
Att lära någon hut: to teach someone manners.
Vet hut = Watch it!
2. Hut [Noun] = Manners/Shame
3. Går = Present tense of "gå" (Eng."go")
Problem = No subject present, but subject needed.
What subject could be inserted if "hut" is not the subject. it be the nominal form of the verb "huta"?
4. Annat = Neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", "else"
5. är = present tense of "to be".
6. förunnat = adjective/past particle of "förunna" (Eng. grant), so "granted" (also received, acquired)
7. få =verb = to get. få = adjective = few/little
[Behave] goes home, else is little granted.
Problem 1. What word form is "hut".
If it's a verb, it would be inflected and "går" would be in the infinitive "gå"
It could be an interjection like "hey", but "går" would still be missing a subject, unless the subject has been dropped.
Perhaps "hut" is "hey".
An extension of my analysis from yesterday for stjälcuriing or ignoring

1. Hut! = Imperative of "huta" meaning "to behave, to tell someone off, anything else..."
Att lära någon hut: to teach someone manners.
Vet hut = Watch it!
2. Hut [Noun] = Manners/Shame
3. Går = Present tense of "gå" (Eng."go")
Problem = No subject present, but subject needed.
What subject could be inserted if "hut" is not the subject. it be the nominal form of the verb "huta"?
4. Annat = Neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", "else"
5. är = present tense of "to be".
6. förunnat = adjective/past particle of "förunna" (Eng. grant), so "granted" (also received, acquired)
7. få =verb = to get. få = adjective = few/little
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, look what I found: (doesn't help
Ava Skoog enjoy watching us our suffering a little more

Ava Skoog enjoy watching us our suffering a little more
Arief Wibowo Okay, first attempt to stjälcuri from Sarah Karoline's list:
Shame if you go home, else few/little (what?) is granted
Shame if you go home, else few/little (what?) is granted
Arief Wibowo I just noticed that the separator is semicolon; probably the two sentences are disjointed; probably annat <> other/else
Arief Wibowo First half of second attempt:
Hurry, go home!
(hurry being one of the possible command word related to "go home")
Hurry, go home!
(hurry being one of the possible command word related to "go home")
Arief Wibowo I wonder what's the context of this phrase...
For my second attempt, I thought of someone sparing someone's life.
For my second attempt, I thought of someone sparing someone's life.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Victor said that it's related to "ass"
So what kind of verb derivative that is related to ass?
ass as in donkey or bottom??
So what kind of verb derivative that is related to ass?
ass as in donkey or bottom??
Christian James Meredith I think you're breaking the first part a bit Arief, I think "hut" basically means something like "behaviour" ( - "veta hut", and of course
So, "(Your) Behaviour goes home (with you); (Anything) Else is little granted".
Problem is I sorta have already seen a non-literal translation of the first bit by accident, so I wanted to stay away from this, but I think we're slowly getting *further* away from the definition.
Either way, I feel sorry for poor Victor having to go through this, unless he gets some sort of sadistic pleasure from watching us squirm attempting to understand Swedish xD
So, "(Your) Behaviour goes home (with you); (Anything) Else is little granted".
Problem is I sorta have already seen a non-literal translation of the first bit by accident, so I wanted to stay away from this, but I think we're slowly getting *further* away from the definition.
Either way, I feel sorry for poor Victor having to go through this, unless he gets some sort of sadistic pleasure from watching us squirm attempting to understand Swedish xD
Christian James Meredith @Vincensiu (whom I can't tag) I think you're off tangent there, unless you're trying to mess around with people, he was referring not to the "ass" bit but the whole message of me saying (before) "Your behaviour comes home with you (ergo don't be an ass", which we often use in English for someone who's just rude or negative).
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, Wiktionary wasn't good to me
Wiktionary redirects to Hut/German when I search for hut, not this page

Arief Wibowo Vincensiu Denis, I believe Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström was referring to Christian James Meredith's comment:
I thought it was more like "Hut" = things you do wron. Hut går hem = things you do wrong come back home with you (and bite you on your ass).
I thought it was more like "Hut" = things you do wron. Hut går hem = things you do wrong come back home with you (and bite you on your ass).
Arief Wibowo By the way, says förunnat is a noun:
Folkets doesn't have förunnat, only förunna, verb:
I somehow am convinced that förunnat is related to fortunate
Folkets doesn't have förunnat, only förunna, verb:
I somehow am convinced that förunnat is related to fortunate

Christian James Meredith Arief watcha seein' there is "det (är/var) mig förunnat" - "it was granted to me" = "(the opportunity, fortune) was granted to me". So in that case it's a set phrase.
We can see how it works in this phrase here:
"Medan oljan i Azerbajdzjan lovar ett ekonomiskt uppsving inom en snar framtid är det bara ett fåtal förunnat att få ta del av demokratin."
Förunnat here is saying "it is (is it) only a small-amount (få+tal) granted to (att) take-part in (of) democracy (få ta del seems to be a set phrase with serial verbs, which is another example of Swedish trying to be Japanese)
We can see how it works in this phrase here:
"Medan oljan i Azerbajdzjan lovar ett ekonomiskt uppsving inom en snar framtid är det bara ett fåtal förunnat att få ta del av demokratin."
Förunnat here is saying "it is (is it) only a small-amount (få+tal) granted to (att) take-part in (of) democracy (få ta del seems to be a set phrase with serial verbs, which is another example of Swedish trying to be Japanese)
Arief Wibowo Third attempt:
Decency goes home; others are less fortunate
"others" probably refers to other human properties, such as intelligence
Decency goes home; others are less fortunate
"others" probably refers to other human properties, such as intelligence
Christian James Meredith With this in mind, "annat är få förunnat" seems to be like saying (in addition to the more literal "else is little granted") "there's little leeway, the system won't change to accommodate for your selfishness, thus your manners go home with you".
Arief Wibowo Fourth attempt (a reboot of some sort):
Behavior goes home (with you); other (things) are a little more granted
Behavior goes home (with you); other (things) are a little more granted
Sarah Karoline Notifications went awol, and I can't log into the sprogspelet website, so I've only just noticed all your work

Billy James Brightraven Extreme example?
“Kan jag få lov att få ta av er kappan?”
Verbs are our friends.
“Kan jag få lov att få ta av er kappan?”
Verbs are our friends.

Sarah Karoline It told me I was not authorised to use it
and that my login details were already in use by another user
My notifications from FB have disappeared too. I'm having to refresh the page every few minutes to see a new thread, or the 29 new threads

My notifications from FB have disappeared too. I'm having to refresh the page every few minutes to see a new thread, or the 29 new threads

Arief Wibowo Anybody else willing to try out the new Facebook login at ?
Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, please try again, I think it should be solved by now... And you will see a special thing at the footer after you are logged in

Sarah Karoline Billy Is it "May I be permitted to remove your coat?"
Arief It's worked! I'm not sure what "thing" I should see at the bottom of the page...
Arief It's worked! I'm not sure what "thing" I should see at the bottom of the page...

Arief Wibowo I saw a lot of examples of få+X means to X:
få farhågor (misgive) = to misgive
få fäste (bite) = to bite
få farhågor (misgive) = to misgive
få fäste (bite) = to bite
Arief Wibowo says that synonym for förunna is "unna" (removing it's för- prefix).
Searching in various dictionaries shows that unna could mean: indulge (tyda), wish, not begrudge (folkets), pleased (
Researching into för- prefix reveals that it acts as intensifier (probably like Indonesian "lah", Christian James Meredith/Vincensiu Denis?)
Having that said, I still can't figure out what to make of this... Perhaps I am just waaay off track
Searching in various dictionaries shows that unna could mean: indulge (tyda), wish, not begrudge (folkets), pleased (
Researching into för- prefix reveals that it acts as intensifier (probably like Indonesian "lah", Christian James Meredith/Vincensiu Denis?)
Having that said, I still can't figure out what to make of this... Perhaps I am just waaay off track

Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, my fifth attempt:
Behavior goes home (with you); others (other people) are a little/less granting/indulging
Behavior goes home (with you); others (other people) are a little/less granting/indulging
Arief Wibowo Anybody hem?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Christian James Meredith, Sarah Karoline, Billy James Brightraven, Vincensiu Denis, Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Christian James Meredith, Sarah Karoline, Billy James Brightraven, Vincensiu Denis, Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Sarah Karoline Hello Arief I would say "är få förunnad" is either verb phrase or an adjectival phrase.
"Förunna" and "unna" are different verbs with different meanings.
"Förunna" can mean "acquire", "receive", "get", "grant".
"Få" as a verb means "get" or "may", "få + verb", such as "få lov att" = "be permitted to" as in Billy's example the other day.
"Få" as an adjective = few/little
"Annat" is the neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", or "else". "Andra" is the plural form meaning "others".
"Förunna" and "unna" are different verbs with different meanings.
"Förunna" can mean "acquire", "receive", "get", "grant".
"Få" as a verb means "get" or "may", "få + verb", such as "få lov att" = "be permitted to" as in Billy's example the other day.
"Få" as an adjective = few/little
"Annat" is the neuter form of "annan" meaning "other", or "else". "Andra" is the plural form meaning "others".
Sarah Karoline The verb forms are: förunnar (present tense), förunnade (past tense), förunnat = past particple. The verbal form takes "ha" (to have).
Examples: Han har förunnats att - He has been granted... //
The adjectival forms are: förunnad (non-neuter/common), förunnat (neutral form), förunnade (plural). The adjectival form takes "vara" (to be).
Examples: Det var förunnad att...= It was granted that...
If "annat" meant "others", I'm sure "förunnad" would be in the plural form "förunnade".
I think (I'm not 100% certain!) words have been left out of the text we're translating
Examples: Han har förunnats att - He has been granted... //
The adjectival forms are: förunnad (non-neuter/common), förunnat (neutral form), förunnade (plural). The adjectival form takes "vara" (to be).
Examples: Det var förunnad att...= It was granted that...
If "annat" meant "others", I'm sure "förunnad" would be in the plural form "förunnade".
I think (I'm not 100% certain!) words have been left out of the text we're translating
Arief Wibowo Ah, I really was waaay off track
The context of the second part is quite tricky.
what/who is "annat"/the subject?
what/who is the object of "få förunnat"?

The context of the second part is quite tricky.
what/who is "annat"/the subject?
what/who is the object of "få förunnat"?
Sarah Karoline I'm nowhere near finding a direct translation
It seems to me there are words missing in both parts, both in the English and Swedish. I have a feeling the subject is missing in the second part, and in the first part either "hut" is a subject, or the subject is missing there too!
I think if we find the meaning of "hut", then the rest of the sentence will be clear. Finding the meaning of "hut" is like finding the elixir of life... perhaps that's what it is! hahahahaha

It seems to me there are words missing in both parts, both in the English and Swedish. I have a feeling the subject is missing in the second part, and in the first part either "hut" is a subject, or the subject is missing there too!
I think if we find the meaning of "hut", then the rest of the sentence will be clear. Finding the meaning of "hut" is like finding the elixir of life... perhaps that's what it is! hahahahaha

Sarah Karoline I've lost track of what we have got right, and wrong. Do we have any of the direct translation right? I think Victor accepted "granted", but I don't know about other words. Perhaps Victor or Billy could tell us which words we need to work on.
I t h i n k in the meantime we should focus on finding the meaning of "hut", as that may help with the rest of the sentence.
I t h i n k in the meantime we should focus on finding the meaning of "hut", as that may help with the rest of the sentence.

Arief Wibowo, like you at the first time, says hut is:
According to Wiktionary (because I don't know those word), hoot (noun) is:
* A derisive cry or shout.
* The cry of an owl.
* (US, slang) A fun event or person. (See hootenanny)
I wonder if Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström accepts the first part as:
Hoot-toots go home (with you)
According to Wiktionary (because I don't know those word), hoot (noun) is:
* A derisive cry or shout.
* The cry of an owl.
* (US, slang) A fun event or person. (See hootenanny)
I wonder if Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström accepts the first part as:
Hoot-toots go home (with you)
Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström said:
* Nope, Sarah, I can allow "granted" though.
* However... Could "hut" be derived from something else...?
* Well... You've already mentioned the circumstance in which "hut" is used. Except it doesn't always mean "manners".
* Ugi and his link will prove useful. Sarah is getting closer, except hut could be a derivation from for ex. a verb...!
RE: Uģi Sanat's link,
* Sarah, not far off! ^^
RE: "Behave, otherwise you won't get what you want" [Karmic]
* Sarah, further off...! First, you need to look up all possible meanings of hut.
RE: Version 2. "Behave, otherwise you'll get little in return."
* This is gonna get so difficult. The correct usage of hut is amongst your listings, Sarah.
RE: These are the meanings I've found for "hut":
Huta [vb.] = to tell someone off. Vet hut = watch it! Huta åt någon = to teach someone manners / to tell someone off.
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut, oj, hej!, watch it!,
According to Ugi's link it's from the Bornholm dialect.
As an interjection it is used as a command to dogs, as a sign of irritation to humans.
As a verb: to have a feeling of shame, to teach manners/good behaviour, ...
As as noun: shame/manners/blame/...
↑ Sarah Karoline, let's sort through those ↑
* Nope, Sarah, I can allow "granted" though.
* However... Could "hut" be derived from something else...?
* Well... You've already mentioned the circumstance in which "hut" is used. Except it doesn't always mean "manners".
* Ugi and his link will prove useful. Sarah is getting closer, except hut could be a derivation from for ex. a verb...!
RE: Uģi Sanat's link,
* Sarah, not far off! ^^
RE: "Behave, otherwise you won't get what you want" [Karmic]
* Sarah, further off...! First, you need to look up all possible meanings of hut.
RE: Version 2. "Behave, otherwise you'll get little in return."
* This is gonna get so difficult. The correct usage of hut is amongst your listings, Sarah.

RE: These are the meanings I've found for "hut":
Huta [vb.] = to tell someone off. Vet hut = watch it! Huta åt någon = to teach someone manners / to tell someone off.
Hut [nn] = manners/shame.
Hut [interj.] = tut tut, oj, hej!, watch it!,
According to Ugi's link it's from the Bornholm dialect.
As an interjection it is used as a command to dogs, as a sign of irritation to humans.
As a verb: to have a feeling of shame, to teach manners/good behaviour, ...
As as noun: shame/manners/blame/...
↑ Sarah Karoline, let's sort through those ↑
Arief Wibowo hoot
interjection Scot. and North England .
(used as an expression of impatience, dissatisfaction, objection, or dislike.)
Also, hoots.
1675–85; compare Swedish hut, Welsh hwt, Irish ut begone!
According to
interjection Scot. and North England .
(used as an expression of impatience, dissatisfaction, objection, or dislike.)
Also, hoots.
1675–85; compare Swedish hut, Welsh hwt, Irish ut begone!
According to
Arief Wibowo Begone, go home! Otherwise (you) are getting* grant? (??)
* "get" is one of meanings of få, along with: acquire, make, take, cause, receive, catch [ MEDICIN ], be allowed to, get into, come into, induce, take out, be getting, cut, come down with, may, shall, few
* "get" is one of meanings of få, along with: acquire, make, take, cause, receive, catch [ MEDICIN ], be allowed to, get into, come into, induce, take out, be getting, cut, come down with, may, shall, few
Sarah Karoline I found "hoot toot", and also "tut tut". The latter is a sigh of disagreement with/annoyance at someone's behaviour. I think Victor disagreed with this translation though...
Let's make it Knut går hem - Knut goes home!
Let's make it Knut går hem - Knut goes home!

Arief Wibowo So I went to search for Knut, and found this cute polar bear: who was rejected by his mother at birth
Sarah Karoline The polar bear looks nicer than Knut the Great, an Anglo-Scandinavian King!
Arief Wibowo I wonder, do other Språkspelers know that we are still struggling with this round? Where are the annat??
Sarah Karoline Perhaps the other sprogspielares are seeking the Swedish Dictionary of Hidden Meanings which can only be found in the Lost Cave of Gotland. To find this cave you must first answer the 7 Questions of Wisdom, use logic and reasoning to find the map which will lead you to the cave and then you have to pass an endurance test before you are allowed to enter the cave. If you are lucky, the Swedish Dictionary of Hidden Meanings will appear to you 500m into the cave...

Christian James Meredith Has the thread died due to no more notifications? I'm not getting anymore at least.
Sarah Karoline I haven't been receiving notifications for a few days too! I've been manually checking for posts instead.
I think the game has stalled... We're going Nonstop to Nowhere!
I think the game has stalled... We're going Nonstop to Nowhere!
Arief Wibowo Probably we should start new thread after 500 comments to buffer for lengthy rounds.
(I vote for 500 because it's a nice number to remember: half of the old habits)
(I vote for 500 because it's a nice number to remember: half of the old habits)
Sarah Karoline I think we all need to call our Professor Emeritus for help in completing this round as we're going nowhere

Arief Wibowo If Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström haven't reply after 10:00 UTC (noon in Sweden I guess), I will break away from our tradition and start a new thread mid-round

Arief Wibowo Språkspelet (or Sprogspelet or Málspílið) XII - The Charming Language Game
Find out more about this game at or just drop by and ask us anytime.
Special recognition to The Charming Progenitor of The Charming Language Game: Malin Elisabeth Nilsson.
Remember (cf. Help page), this game's principle goals are for you to enjoy yourselves and learn something!
Find out more about this game at or just drop by and ask us anytime.
Special recognition to The Charming Progenitor of The Charming Language Game: Malin Elisabeth Nilsson.
Remember (cf. Help page), this game's principle goals are for you to enjoy yourselves and learn something!
Arief Wibowo The game continues at
Arief Wibowo The current round (round 140) is Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström's:
"Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"
"Hut går hem; annat är få förunnat"
Arief Wibowo Special invitation for our recent players: Sarah Karoline, Christian James Meredith, Дайте Нефть Из Баку, Billy James Brightraven, Vincensiu Denis, Ava Skoog
Arief Wibowo More players: Anna Robbins, Uģi Sanat, László Asbjörn Boldizsar, Maria Weidner, Lùthais MacGriogair, Kevin Long
Arief Wibowo Even more players: John Shimmin, Asmaa Refat, Dago Lesmes, Kalisa Hagen, Jill Sophia, Alfia Wallace
Arief Wibowo Very more players: Elizabeth Bruinsma-van Oers, Zev Brȹk, بغدط يسبلصن, Zeke Kornberg, Maleen Schlüter
Arief Wibowo Extremely more players: Chiara Maggi, Hesham Swehli, Camelia Stefan, Ahmet Yılmaz Vural, Lionel Bader, Bartłomiej Rey
Christian James Meredith Mah previous guess:
"(Your) Behaviour goes home (with you); (Anything) Else is little granted"
"(Your) Behaviour goes home (with you); (Anything) Else is little granted"
Arief Wibowo (yeap, that's almost everybody* who has ever played Språkspelet
* except those who just posted once or twice)
* except those who just posted once or twice)
Christian James Meredith Billy James Brightraven, in il Vittore's absence, can you give your suggestion on my previous guess?
Christian James Meredith And by "suggestion" I was speaking half-asleep English for "analysis/critique/assessment".
Arief Wibowo My last guess is:
Begone, go home! Otherwise (you) are getting* grant? (??)
* "get" is one of meanings of få, along with: acquire, make, take, cause, receive, catch [ MEDICIN ], be allowed to, get into, come into, induce, take out, be getting, cut, come down with, may, shall, few
Those in the moderator bench please advise
Begone, go home! Otherwise (you) are getting* grant? (??)
* "get" is one of meanings of få, along with: acquire, make, take, cause, receive, catch [ MEDICIN ], be allowed to, get into, come into, induce, take out, be getting, cut, come down with, may, shall, few
Those in the moderator bench please advise

Arief Wibowo Protip for Språkspelers, open in a separate tab. Facebook is rather buggy for long threads like ours.

Ava Skoog I'm afraid I don't have time, Arief.
Could you edit me out of your message, please? 'Cause it's a little annoying to get notifications all the time from a thread as active as this one.
Don't write my name as a reply to this, because then my name will have to be removed from that message too. Just remove my name from the previous message, and then I'll remove this message too, so that I don't get any more notifications. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the next round, though! Thanks for the invitation.

Billy James Brightraven Ava, just unfollow it :p
Christian, it's not very effective! behaviour isn't really right, få is not a verb, begone is incorrect.
Christian, it's not very effective! behaviour isn't really right, få is not a verb, begone is incorrect.
Arief Wibowo Ava Skoog, the actual way to "unsubscribe" is by clicking Unfollow Post (next to Like and Comment, right below my post). I won't tag your name after this, until your natural return

Christian James Meredith Billy James Brightraven I translated få as "little" though (not as a verb)
"Manners" or "Shame" then? Or still off?

Billy James Brightraven I've reached my advice cap for the next six hours. If you still have not succeed, I will edit this post and add another hint
Also, try to merge posts. We're reaching the 1k cap way too fast for way too little progress (by derailing, which while fun for us, isn't as encouraging to newcomers

Also, try to merge posts. We're reaching the 1k cap way too fast for way too little progress (by derailing, which while fun for us, isn't as encouraging to newcomers

Anna Robbins If it isn't "behaviour", could it possibly be something more along the lines of "misbehaviour"?
Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven, don't do that, my system is set to refresh edits up to 5 minutes (which means you can merge your posts until 5 minutes from posting, no more than that)
Arief Wibowo Revision 2 (in this post):
(Your) hoot-toots* goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) are granted little/less.
*) derisive/mocking/ridiculing cry or shout said Wiktionary
(Your) hoot-toots* goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) are granted little/less.
*) derisive/mocking/ridiculing cry or shout said Wiktionary
Anna Robbins Hoot-toots? Haven't heard that expression in ages. Hehehe.
I'll refrain from making short comments/posts here because I can't edit from my phone.
I keep thinking back to the use of "hut" with dogs, for some reason... I don't know how that could possibly be helpful, but it was in that one link that Victor had endorsed when it was posted.
Can't think straight; I have an exam in an hour, so I'll come back later to see how far you've gotten.
I'll refrain from making short comments/posts here because I can't edit from my phone.
I keep thinking back to the use of "hut" with dogs, for some reason... I don't know how that could possibly be helpful, but it was in that one link that Victor had endorsed when it was posted.
Can't think straight; I have an exam in an hour, so I'll come back later to see how far you've gotten.

Arief Wibowo Anna Robbins, lycka till!
In fact I never heard that expression before this round... Hahaha

In fact I never heard that expression before this round... Hahaha
Kalisa Hagen Svenska, one of my favorite languages. I found the translation and the meaning of "Hut går hem" (it's a proverb). But I'm still trying to "solve" the rest. hehe
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Busy @ work atm... can't really participate. Plus my mind is blank. Got no more fresh idea to contribute.
Sarah Karoline I only know "få" as a verb (which Billy has told us isn't the meanig of "få" in the sentence), and "few/little" as an adjective!
I have no new ideas
I have no new ideas

Arief Wibowo Another possibility is as auxiliary verb (not really a verb
) meaning may/shall/permission. But I think the word order is wrong, but worth a shot:
Revision 2.1 (with aux):
(Your) hoot-toots goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) may be granted.
Otherwise I am sticking with my Revision 2:
(Your) hoot-toots goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) are granted little/less.
I am now stuck as well.

Revision 2.1 (with aux):
(Your) hoot-toots goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) may be granted.
Otherwise I am sticking with my Revision 2:
(Your) hoot-toots goes home (with you); Otherwise (you) are granted little/less.
I am now stuck as well.
Arief Wibowo As usual, what I am not stuck is...
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the updated Rounds page ( with difficulty rating, color coded difficulty levels (5 levels for now) and charts* for the geeks.
Guess which 2 persons hosted the top 5 most difficult rounds???
Also welcome the updated Språkspelers page ( with score, based on total ratings of the rounds that he/she have won.
* You guys may suggest more charts.
Christian James Meredith, remember we had a discussion long long back about a way to really find out the difficulty of rounds?
(using posts or duration alone doesn't really reflect difficulty)
I now propose this method:
1. Calculate longest posts and longest duration of all times (these values might come from different rounds, doesn't matter)
2. For each round, calculate it's percentage of posts vs longest post and percentage of duration vs longest duration
3. Average the 2 numbers and you get rating
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the updated Rounds page ( with difficulty rating, color coded difficulty levels (5 levels for now) and charts* for the geeks.
Guess which 2 persons hosted the top 5 most difficult rounds???
Also welcome the updated Språkspelers page ( with score, based on total ratings of the rounds that he/she have won.
* You guys may suggest more charts.

Christian James Meredith, remember we had a discussion long long back about a way to really find out the difficulty of rounds?
(using posts or duration alone doesn't really reflect difficulty)
I now propose this method:
1. Calculate longest posts and longest duration of all times (these values might come from different rounds, doesn't matter)
2. For each round, calculate it's percentage of posts vs longest post and percentage of duration vs longest duration
3. Average the 2 numbers and you get rating

Anna Robbins I'll give it another shot. "Misdeeds go home with you; little else is granted." i.e., what you do is what you get, and nothing else out of it.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I'm back! I'll be on Facebook tomorrow evening, as well.
Anna has made the first progress so far! The first part is now fully translated!
Hint for the second part: Do recall "Somliga straffar Gud genast".

Hint for the second part: Do recall "Somliga straffar Gud genast".
Arief Wibowo Welcome back, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström!
Victor was referring to
Victor was referring to
Arief Wibowo The take-away point from that round is "Actually, OVS is far more common in Swedish than you might think.
With that in mind, let me do 2 attempts before sitting for another 6 hours of driving theory class.
OVS v1:
Misdeeds go home with you; few are others granted.
OVS v2:
Misdeeds go home with you; few are granted by others.

With that in mind, let me do 2 attempts before sitting for another 6 hours of driving theory class.
OVS v1:
Misdeeds go home with you; few are others granted.
OVS v2:
Misdeeds go home with you; few are granted by others.
Anna Robbins Here's another shot before I log off again:
Misdeeds go home with you; the other is hardly granted.
Doesn't really make sense how I've worded it, but I can't really explain what I mean there.
Misdeeds go home with you; the other is hardly granted.
Doesn't really make sense how I've worded it, but I can't really explain what I mean there.
Christian James Meredith Billy's like there has me feeling I'm onto something.
Misdeeds go home with you; few are granted (anything) else
Misdeeds go home with you; few are granted (anything) else
Christian James Meredith I kept forgetting about the OVS stuff, I guess that's what lack of practice does to you

Christian James Meredith Victor clearly we thought it was going to be hard and completely overlooked the simple answers xD
BTW, I wonder what this round is gonna appear like on the rankings (which I didn't realise Arief implemented somehow).
Currently the hardest rounds are shared equally between you and me it seems
BTW, I wonder what this round is gonna appear like on the rankings (which I didn't realise Arief implemented somehow).
Currently the hardest rounds are shared equally between you and me it seems

Arief Wibowo This round is rated 4677, ranked 5th by difficulty and 4th by posts and duration!
I now need to win in round(s) rated 2530 or more in order to win over Christian James Meredith... Hmpf...
I now need to win in round(s) rated 2530 or more in order to win over Christian James Meredith... Hmpf...
Christian James Meredith Maybe we could have a three way point tally system - first is points for the difficulty of rounds you've started, second is for the points of rounds you've ended, and third is something like a "base level" based on how much you've participated (thus the stjälcuri-effect is ignored in that final one).
Arief Wibowo (y) for 3-point turn.. eh I mean 3-point tally system.. I will do that in next system update.
Christian James Meredith, take your time, I am still in driving school
Christian James Meredith, take your time, I am still in driving school

Arief Wibowo Hello and welcome to the game, Akmal Azry. While waiting for the next round by Christian James Meredith, visit
(your name is already in our system)

(your name is already in our system)
Arief Wibowo 3-point tally system is almost done!
Rating is CJM's 2nd point (points of rounds you've ended)
Difficulty* is CJM's 1st point (points of rounds you've started)
Points* is CJM's 3rd point (base level based on how much you've participated -- not done yet)
*Please suggest a nice and short 1-word word for those columns
Rating is CJM's 2nd point (points of rounds you've ended)
Difficulty* is CJM's 1st point (points of rounds you've started)
Points* is CJM's 3rd point (base level based on how much you've participated -- not done yet)
*Please suggest a nice and short 1-word word for those columns

Arief Wibowo Sometimes I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I "sleepily" code.. When I sleepily code, I make mistakes... When I make mistakes, I accidentally removed over 70% of our tagged rounds, such that it's round 67 in the system.....!
I am going to re-tag slowly every day. Until then, data, espcially Språkspelers' rating are not reliable.
Again, apologies for damaging my/our public image
I am going to re-tag slowly every day. Until then, data, espcially Språkspelers' rating are not reliable.
Again, apologies for damaging my/our public image

Arief Wibowo Akmal Azry, you will get to know over time
It's Christian James Meredith's round now. After he posts the challenge, I/we will guide you to play

It's Christian James Meredith's round now. After he posts the challenge, I/we will guide you to play

Round | ||||
<< 1 | < 139 | 141 > | 282 >> |