Billy James Brightraven Here's my sentence, courtesy of Mr. Dervišhalidović.
“Evo ti sve i suze i smijeh, samo me ne zovi na grijeh.” Marius Vincenzii Dennischter (evo) you all and (suze) and (smijeh) ,only me not call a (grijeh) Marius Vincenzii Dennischter is it even Croatian/ Serbocroatian? Never heard smijeh b4 Sarah Karoline "Here *you are all in tears and laughter, just don't call me in *sin." Nisam sigurna! / I'm not sure! [Croatian?] Billy James Brightraven Sarah is right about smijeh being laughter! It's a real word
Ijekavian version.
Good try Sarah, just not completely right
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter In your tears and laugh, Dont call me a sinner Billy James Brightraven Close, but not enough for a score, both of you
Put your heads together!
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström That's not Croatian...
Why am I suddenly thinking of whirling dervishes? Sarah Karoline Hm... I'm stuck!
I'm "writing out loud", so to speak..
Evo ti: Here you are.
Sve i suze i smijeh: All tears and laughter.
Samo me ne zovi: Just/only don't call me.
Na grijeh: In(to) sin
Hm.... Billy James Brightraven Victor, what's not Croatian?
Billy James Brightraven Зашто ћирилица?
edit: Aha! I get it. Njegovo ime. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Didn't wanna ruin anything...
Well, well, the distinction is irrelevant.
Billy James Brightraven And I also get a mental image of swirling dervishes
And Sarah, your writing out loud is extremely close. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström His name, cultural connections, the language, et c.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Yeah I suspect that it is Bosnian. I remember now that Dervišhalidović is the surname of the person who create Bosnian national anthem.
My next guess is:
I provide you with tears and laughter, but don't be a sinner for me?\ Christian James Meredith I was gonna apologise for leaving right after offering something for translation, but Victor got it too fast anyway so who cares
BTW, can anyone analyse "luftdümpetbüüdj"? I'm guessing the first part is "air", the last "boat/dingy/something cute like that", but the middle part is hard for me. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I imagine it means "pillow", "cushion", or the like.
Billy James Brightraven Sorry, no, Vincensiu! Sarah is still closer
I suggest you look up how za can be used
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Here I give you all, tears and laughter. just dont let me into sin? Sarah Karoline Није хрватски, босански је. I should have realised that instantly, given that I know the name only too well.... ! Sarah Karoline Billy James Brightraven: You have written "za" in the post above, but in the text we see "na".
I'm just wondering if "na" or "za" is an error, or is my brain liquified beyond repair?
"Evo ti sve i suze i smijeh, samo me ne zovi na grijeh" Billy James Brightraven Sorry, the heat must've got to me. Na is correct!
And your second verb is off Vincensiu, by just a little xD Sarah Karoline I still can't translate it correctly... :):) Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Here I give you all, tears and laughter. just dont call me into sin? yeah I knew that zovi is call (see my original post? but I improvised it a bit just in case it got double meaning :p Billy James Brightraven Vincensiu, success!
Here, have all, tears and laughter, just don't call me to sin. or something similar is the correct translation.
Christian James Meredith BTW, going back a bit, I suggest when we give proverbs maybe we should first try to translate the actual phrase literally, then try and decipher the actual meaning of it, or at least keep them as separate goals