Round 75

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Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli my turn:
tamurtiw, uciɣam uliw d waɛziz afelli
ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵔⵜⵉⵡ, ⵓⵛⵉⵖⴰⵎ ⵓⵍⵉⵡ ⴷ ⵡⴰⵄⵣⵉⵣ ⴰⴼⴻⵍⵍⵉ
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Tifinagh script! Then it should be Berber language
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli bravo, the script is called tifinagh
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter tamur sounds like palm dates :P
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter I actually can't see the script, only boxes :S
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo It's a beautiful script:
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli thanks arief, u saved me the trouble
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Very runic looking (reminds me more of Turkic runes than Germanic though).
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli ps, Vincensiu Denis it's not arabic, so tamurt doesn't have anything to do with dates
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter haha my knowledge in languages is sooo simple, so what I can do is just to relate everything to what I know. lol
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli the script is ancient indeed, although in the earlier version the vowels weren't written (like semitic). nb the vowels r the small "o"s
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Palm leaves then? (I'm the same as Vincensiu Denis here, only I know less... :P ).
But anyway, "tamurtiw" looks like a verb phrase, as does afelli.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter hmmm... suddenly I'm craving for dates... :S
I didn't had enough when I was in Middle East earlier this year...
well I gtg anyway, good luck guys, brb :)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo The thing that scares me is exactly that -- Berber is a separate family from Semitic... Anyway, it's my time to bid farewell to you guys and to this thread -- dinner + bed time.

I suggest the winner of this round to get the honor to start the new thread.
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli give up so easily!
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Oh yes, before I leave, waɛziz sounds like oasis
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli not even close, wa3ziz is the only arabic word in the sentence
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I would love to try more, but 11:00 UTC is my new time to get dinner and stop touching computers :)
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli ill give u some clues:
tamurt-iw, uciɣ-am ul-iw d w-aɛziz af-elli
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli sorry u have to leave
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Okay, one last guess is w- = wa = and
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Yeah, under this new sleep schedule, I shall rise no later than 23:00 UTC :)
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli no, again it's tamazight not arabic, w- is actually a grammatical marker for the noun "3ziz"
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli it would help if u read about tamazight grammar in wikipedia
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Wait, aziz sounds like friend
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I am soooo sorry, I must refrain from continuing now. Språkspelet is too addictive for me :D
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Maleen Schlüter, special invitation for you
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli close, aziz means a "dear person"
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli since it's an unfamiliar language, ill provide more clues:
tamurt = noun
ul = noun

af = preposition

uciɣ = verb
Maleen Schlüter
Maleen Schlüter Tamurt n Iqbayliyen is Kabylie, right? I am not sure whether the Arabic name is a literal translation of that, but if so, it must mean region or area.
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli pretty close, tamurt means country, land. the "mur" part used to mean "land" in the past and the name of Morocco (the country) was originally "mur n akush" = the land of god
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven tamurtiw, uciɣam uliw d waɛziz afelli

Looking at Tamazight grammar at a glance…

So, according to what I can tell, initial a > {u, w, wa} for the construct state of masculine nouns. This happens either as part of a possessive-possessor construction or if the DO of the verb follows the verb (in SVO word order).

d is with from what I can tell either "with, and" or a proximate affix used with verbs. Some prepositions require the noun to be in the construct state and seeing how d is followed by what looks to be a noun in the construct state, I am guessing it's the preposition "with, and" that requires construct state.


tamurtiw, V noun with dear one PREP.

I'm guessing tamurt is a feminine noun (t…t circumfix for feminine nouns points to it)

This youtube video tells me ucigam = I gave (?)you (?)

tamurtiw, uciɣam uliw d waɛziz afelli
My country, I gave you my flock and my beloved †afelli†

(I'm just guessing /iw/ is a reduced form of the /inw/ 1SG possessive suffix)

Ah, but wikipedia suggests ul is heart (I had been looking at an old scanned 'Tamazight basic course' of the Ait Mgild dialect)

And I realised, wæziz does not have a possessive suffix I recognise.

so… I revise again

My country, I gave you my heart with/and †dear person afellii†

Aha! Af is "on" and gets attached to the noun!

My country, I gave you my heart and dear person on-elli

where elli must be in an 'annexed state' (I guess construct, again?)

Anyone know what elli is?
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli bravo Billy James Brightraven, very impressive
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli the variant/dialect is "twillult" which is spoken in zwara, libya.
ur right, in most "dialects" it would be -inu but in twillult the "n" was dropped and instead u have -iw (same with all other possessive suffixes: ins => is, inek => ik)
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli afelli => "on me"
3ziz afelli = what is dear "to" me (lit: dear on me)

"my country i gave u my heart and (all) that is dear to me"
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Aha! Very cool! Wait, does this mean it's my turn?
Hesham Swehli
Hesham Swehli /waj/ :D

(yes in twillult)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку I missed a couple of posts, didn't I? What was the meaning of the Mandaic phrase?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Дайте Нефть Из Баку, uhiia zakin lkulhun 'ubadia means "and life is victorious over all works"
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven, yes, it's also your turn to start a new post/thread as well, since we've hit the imaginary 1000 comments limit.

Oh yes, please include in that post. I plan to do data mining on our threads to show history, statistics, etc in that site. :D
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