Table: The 0 Språkspelers
Name | First Seen ↑ | ? | Last Seen | ? | Joins | Wins | Posts | Rating | DIFF | EXP | |
And 0 new Språkspelers |
Table: The 0 Språkspelers
- "?" is short for "round" (as in: question).
- Joins/Wins counts number of rounds a Språkspeler has joined/won so far.
- Rating signifies how good he/she is (similar to chess player's rating)
- DIFF (difficulty) signifies how difficult his/her rounds are
- EXP (experience) signifies participation/contribution to the game.
- Rating/DIFF/EXP are recalculated after end of each round. They're variable; might increase or decrease.
- Roles within the Språkspelet website (lowest to highest):
- Enlisted Språkspeler (
- Requirements:
- Connect to Facebook from Språkspelet website (click here to connect)
- Perks:
- Follow the game from the LIVE page (you may even unfollow our Facebook posts to avoid getting notifications, e.g., when focusing on exams)
- Requirements:
- Royal Språkspelet Referee (
- Requirements:
- Is Sveindonesien Permanent Resident or Citizen (see below)
- Perks:
- All perks of being Enlisted Språkspeler
- Set starting/winning post on the Språkspelet website
- Manage contents of the Språkspelet website
- Requirements:
- Enlisted Språkspeler (
- Sveindonesien citizenship levels (also lowest to highest):
- Resident (
- Requirements:
- Has started at least 1 round (implies has won at least 1 round)
- Is at least Level 2 by number of joined rounds (joined many rounds*)
- Perks:
- Start earning shiny shiny neighborhood awards (see below)
- Will definitely be tagged in new Facebook posts
- Requirements:
- Permanent Resident (
) or Citizen (
- Requirements:
- Met requirements for Resident
- Is at least Level 4 (for Permanent Residency) or Level 6 (for Citizenship) by number of joined rounds (joined most rounds*)
- Perks:
- All perks of a Resident
- May hold a position in Royal Språkspelet Office of Referees (see above)
- Requirements:
- The Progenitor (
- Requirements:
- The Progenitor
- Perks:
- The Progenitor
- Requirements:
- As with any self-respecting countries, citizenship may be downgraded if requirements are no longer met.
- * gross oversimplification due to over-complex formulas
- Resident (
- Viktator (
) is a honorific title given for Språkspelers having DIFF > Rating. Also known as conquerors or dictators.
- Normal medals (
) are calculated by comparing your rating/DIFF/EXP vs. everybody else.
- Neighborhood medals (
) are relative to rounds you have joined (more competitive, only for Residents)