Round 104

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Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Now... Behold that which is my favourite language! Good luck.

Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith I'm guessing it's from the Indo-European family, or possibly anything else.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Look at Dayte coming in late and throwing the old order into chaos like a rising star! :P
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström "From the Indo-European family or possibly something else" basically sums it up, yeah. :P
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Awesome, I'm on a roll.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Down the hill?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström During this round, I will use the following system; should I like your comments, it means you have encountered something of value.

Unless the comment is hilarious, of course.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку What the bloody hell.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith ナオ アイ ジャスト ドーント ノー ヲッと ツ シンク。
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Wild guess time:
mańiiû = something to do with humanity, or a type of human, or anything else somewhat related to Homo sapiens.
-câ = and?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Do those likes mean I'm on the right track?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Even better, you translated the entire phrase by accident.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку "Vacaŋhâcâ" is clearly related to Italian "vacanza" (holiday).
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I'll skip the likes until later. :P Otherwise you end up asking me stuff.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку So: Indo-Aryan family?
Elizabeth Bruinsma-van Oers
Elizabeth Bruinsma-van Oers Slavic?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström No one recognises it? :p
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith It's German, right?
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Quechua?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Very well, Billy? :p
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Does the [...] in the end of the post has got significant meaning?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström It means that it is half a sentence. I could've given you all of it, but it would've been too difficult.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Zoroastrian related?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Hello Indo-Aryan languages.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Maniuu reminds me of 'Angra Maniyu'...instinctively.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Mainyu* this is Avestan, isn't it?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace This is DEFINITELY Avestan.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Billy James Brightraven that's what I was thinking...
I forgot the name of the language, that's why I said Zoroastrian related...
coz it wasn't mentioned in Wikipedia as well :S
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Spenta mainyu is holy spirit
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven bah, will haff to get on the computer, silly galaxy doesn't have decent unicode support in the default font.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Something from gathas
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven So according to wiki on Angra mainyu in the gathas/Avesta the polar opposite to Angra mainyu is spenta mainyu - the good/holy spirit. Yay for Alfia ! Know any more Avestan?
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter managha = respect?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace The Holy Spirit is good and powerful..
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace The Holy Spirit is Good thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace (Zoroastrianism <3)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Aren't you lucky to have a follower of the fire around!
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace The holy spirit good mind out of truth deeds words
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace From the Holy Spirit comes Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Come on, I know I'm super close if not correct here. :)
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace I translated the colloquial order in which the creed is generally stated in English.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, vocab's... Ok, but the grammar is off. :p
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace It's a bunch of instrumental case - ok "Being with Good thoughts, deeds and words is from the Holy Spirit"
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace The Holy Spirit is the mind's best thoughts, deeds and words.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace I'll try going literal - Spenta mainyu is nom pl - Holy spirits. vahishta-ca is a superlative of 'good' with 'and' at the end. manangya instr sg of 'mind'. hacaa is 'from/out of'. šyaoθanā-cā acc pl of 'deed' with 'and (-ca) at end. vacangha -ca - 'and words'. Ok, I'm a crappy translator.. ;_; Last try: The Holy Spirits are the best of mind and deed and words. Unless you go with a more colloquial translations (like "From the Holy Spirit proceeds Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"), is this not the literal translation?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström You're doing a good job, but I think you are mixing up the cases and function of the cases, as well as emphasising the holy spirit too much. Do also remember that this is not a full sentence.

Other than that, hadn't you been in this round, I doubt we would've seen the end any time soon! ^^
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven And now, after having sat knee-deep in the pile of knowledge that is "A Primer in Old Avestan" and an "Old Avestan" dictionary.

“Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”

I'm guessing this is Old Avestan and not YAv.

Here's my guess:
The divine inspiration (is) the best mind/thought, out of this deeds and words […]

I'm assuming aṣ̌- is related to a- as a dem. pron. obl. stem and is in the ablative -āt.

Still a few things that don't add up for me… :p but w/e I'll try.


"The best divine inspiration (asti) (is) with the thought, out of this, deeds and out of words […]"

?? assuming comitative use for the instr.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström You should combine your efforts, I think.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Which one of my efforts should be merged into Alfia's? ;)

"The divine inspiration is with the mind, from this, the best deeds and words"

reordering vahistā to agree with šiiaoθanā in neut. nom.-acc pl.… maybe?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Where's the game in that...? A hint though, there is no copula in the original, and thus no need for a copula in the translation. For example.

That looks an awful lot like a full sentence to me...!
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace From divine inspiration, good thoughts, deeds, and words
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Divine inspirations/Holy spirit, from good thoughts and deeds and words
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Still, the function of some certain cases.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Sounds like it's your game, Billy James Brightraven.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Alfia, you are incredibly close though! :O
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace 17 notifications all of a sudden - Arief Wibowo has come online! :D Hi Arief!!! :)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Wait, aren't the three gems of Zoroastrianism are humata hukhta huwarasta?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Alfia Wallace, yeap, I am back to the game, but leaving soon too :D
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Naw, you're gonna swoop in at the last minnit and win it all!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven The divine inspiration together with good thoughts, deeds and words […]
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I guess humata/hukhta/huwarasta is from the new language, let me check their Old Avestan counterpart
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace If this is from the Gathas, it' even disputable that there's a definitive translation.
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Meanwhile, let me put my Farvahar picture in front of me to grant me some Spenta Mainyu :D
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo A ha, aša means 'truth' and 'right(eousness)', 'order' and 'right working'.
(according to Wikipedia, not the Farvahar)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Ahhhh
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven "The divine inspiration, with the best mind, out of truth/righteousness, deeds and words […]" then maybe? since -āt is the ablative singular
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo (unrelated to this round) I just discovered that there is "spəṇta-hiiā" in Avestan... I guess it's the same hiia from this round:

Got to go now, see you guys in 4 hours!
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Haven't seen Maleen Schlüter in a while, I am sure she would be delighted to join this round :)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Okay, a few points to clarify:

This is not a full sentence, but equivalent to a conjunction of a few prepositional phrases in English.

Avestan is non-configurational, which means it is essential to go case-analysing.

I can now reveal that you have indeed the necessary vocabulary, except that "righteousness" is something of an overkill, and that "holy spirit" is preferable to "divine inspiration". :P
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace I'm offline for the rest of the weekend so if someone would please tag me when the correct translation (and grammatical explanation!) are posted, I would appreciate it. Thanks. :)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Alfia Wallace, will do, have a nice weekend!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Aw man, I'm going to have to scribble down every case.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström They're not very many. :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo From Billy James Brightraven's latest guess and Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström said there wasn't any copula:
Holy spirit comes from the best of mind, truth/righteousness, deeds, words [...]

(anyway, grammatical cases aren't my cup :( )
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Yeah, you added "comes" and essentially changed the cases of the surrounding words, sorry! :P

Maybe I ought to give another clue!
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Holy spirit is the best of mind, truth/righteousness, deeds, words [...]
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven From truth, best deeds and words, with the mind the holy spirit

abl. of aṣ̌a
deeds and words (n. pl)
vahišta = best
mind is in instr., by the mind, with the mind?
spanta maniu = the holy spirit (nom.)

Someone glue it together!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven (I want to win the next one and bring the pain from Finland!)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Okay, here's a clue! It's not THE holy spirit, it's A holy spirit. :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo A holy spirit is forged from the best of mind, truth/righteousness, deeds, words
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Arief, it is no full sentence. :P And Billy has got all of the vocab except "hacâ". :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Sadly I haven't the slightest idea about abl case, nom case, etc :(
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Yay, I just earned your like! I shall dance the hacâ now... Oh wait, that's Maori
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Two of the words ends with hacâ.. I guess this is a modifier of some sort
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, sorry, it was a good-effort-nice-guy-like... :P
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven ah right, hacâ "pre/postposition for "from, out of", Old Avestan."

There, someone do the braining for me.


ašāt = abl. of aṣ̌a (truth/right/order, think ṛt- in IE-stems re: semantics)
šiiaoþanâcâ vahanhâcâ = deeds and words (n. pl)
vahišta = best
mind is in instr., by the mind, with the mind?
spanta maniu = a holy spirit (nom.)

Orig. Avest.

“Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Victor, a real hint; is "word" in the instrumental?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Yes, indeed it is.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Well that clears up some things.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven A holy spirit by words and thought, from truth/order, the best deeds […]

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Well, it feels like I'm helping you far too much now.

Incorrect. Your former assumption of a comitative instrumental was right, and you've finally understood that's it not a sentence I'm after. :)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Damn it. COMITATIVAMUS!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven A holy spirit, with words and thought(alt. mind), from truth/order, the best deeds […]

I still think divine inspiration is the coolest, unless this is YAv. based on my primer. :(
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Consider the cases of all the nouns, as well as another order or reference. Non-configurationality makes everything possible!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven I know xD I wish I were more acquainted with the material though. I feel like context would help me a lot in re-ordering.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven aha
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström It would, I'm sure! I think Alfia could be of help. :/ And by the way, kiero k me contestes en linguifex! :P
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven From truth, and with words and thought, and the best deeds, a holy spirit […]
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Nope, but if you'd find the noun which is mis-cased [sic], you will get a revelation.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Ahh, so something has been incorrectly analysed. Very well. Back to the whiteboard. (Actually, I wish I had one. Doing these kinds of analyses is just way easier on a big easily erasable thingy board.)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Et re: Linguifex, as soon as I solve this nut.
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo (I am lost in all grammatical terminologies, will get back here after I get the hang of them)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven You should get into conlanging, Arief. It's a crash course in those things. xD (But also fun.)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström True! ^^
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven, I am still at conscripting level... Hahaha
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven maniiū is a dual form, isn't it?

spantā maniiū is then "two holy spirits"

As in 1.30.3

"aṯ tā maniiū…" "Thus those two spirits…"
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström That's not really relevant, but go on...!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Time to level up, Arief ;)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Will do, Billy James Brightraven :) Once I figure out grammatical cases and declensions and stuffs
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven The acc. plur. has the more original phonetic form -aṇg (< aŋh)

… this?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Get back to spentā maniiū! :P
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven voc?*
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Nec!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven from truth, and with words and thought, and the best deeds, o holy spirits?

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström No voc! :P Look at the final vowel in maniiū!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven bleh, my table says maniiuu is u-stem nom.voc.acc dual … or instrumental singular? That… feels weird.

"With a holy spirit, from truth/order, and with words and thought, and best of deeds […]"
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström And away with the definite article, and you're damn close.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Better now? (added some more idiomatic English)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström No, the adjective agrees with the wrong noun, and the order is still a bit off. :P See, reverse roles from the last round!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven “Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”

"With the best words and thought and deeds, from order, and with a holy spirit."
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven This is awful. I feel so dumb. xD
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Is this from like a guide on how to not be a douche bag? Sure sounds like it.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Know that feeling. Sorry, wrong noun, and wrong order. :P And yes, that's the Gaθas for you! ^^
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Billy James Brightraven, I wouldn't worry, you're doing very well for a strawberry.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Actually, were horses strawberries, or apples? I know they were some sort of fruit.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Swedes know the truth. They don't exist. And they're a fruit.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Did we ever cover what kind? (segueing off a bit)
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Anyone else feels we should buy Billy a drink?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven "With a holy spirit, from truth/order, and with words and thought, and best deeds […]"

^ since this was the closest I got…

“Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”

"With a holy spirit, from good thoughts, from right and deeds and by words…"

Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Furthermore, I can attest to us being pineapples.

Also, not existing.

Totally zen.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström N'esr. :/ to many ablatives. Everything is instrumental but the "asha". :/
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Woot. Madness.

"With a holy spirit, with good thoughts, from right, by deeds and by words […]" ? xD
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Watch out! From the right! xD
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo (seems like the Finnish pain is nigh!)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven out of right, out of order

Does that amend it well enough? xD
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Hmmm
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку We want an answer! Share your secrets with us, Victor!
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Or at least give us more hints to complete this challenge :)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström!!!
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Dudes, I was away all weekend and you *still* haven't gotten it? I think Victor is being a little too harsh on us, no?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Victor is a total S.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith in search of the perfect M :P
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace What would Spitama do?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Victor is a total Sierra in search of perfect Mike? :P
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I'm not interested in a Mike. :S

Of course I'm being harsh! ^^ Okay then, let's see what you have deduced so far:
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström This is now a matter of composition.

“Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”

spəṇtâ - holy
mańiiû - spirit.INST
vahištâ - good.SUP ~ best
-câ - and
manaŋhâ - thoughts.INST
hacâ - from, by, in accordance with
aṧâṱ - truth.ABL
š´iiaoθanâ - action.INST
-câ - and
vacaŋhâ - word.INST
-câ - and

It is no full sentence. It's a prepositional phrase which starts with "with". It isn't THE holy spirit, but "holy spirit".
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo With holy spirit, and best thoughts, from truth and deeds, and speech?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Almost, but not quite! :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo With holy spirit package, you get best thoughts, plus truth and deeds, plus speech. Purchase now, while stock lasts!
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I wonder where the first "and" fits in
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Haha! ^^
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström You need to correct things after "thoughts". :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Oh, the "and" fitted in correctly?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Basically. :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo With holy spirit and the best thoughts, from/by/in accordance with honesty* and speech?

*) honesty in the sense of "an action with truth"
I am not good in grammars, so I don't really know how ABL and INST works together
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström You need to know that to decipher the text, I'm afraid. :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Okay, to the Wikis! :P
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo from true actions?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Brother Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Mmmmyes?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, we must somehow get the game flowing :)
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith ABL = ablative, INST = instrumental I think
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith (“Spəṇtâ mańiiû vahištâcâ manaŋhâ hacâ aṧâṱ š´iiaoθanâcâ vacaŋhâcâ [...].”

spəṇtâ - holy
mańiiû - spirit.INST
vahištâ - good.SUP ~ best
-câ - and
manaŋhâ - thoughts.INST
hacâ - from, by, in accordance with
aṧâṱ - truth.ABL
š´iiaoθanâ - action.INST
-câ - and
vacaŋhâ - word.INST
-câ - and

It is no full sentence. It's a prepositional phrase which starts with "with". It isn't THE holy spirit, but "holy spirit".)

"With holy spirit, and with the best thoughts, and with action(s) and word(s) in accordance with the truth."?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, the puzzling part for me is how ablative and instrumental case work together :P
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith "hacâ" probably commands the ablative (thus hacâ aṧâṱ probably means "from/accordance with")
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith But my biggest problem is whether adjective/noun agreement exists in Avestan
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Now I'm wondering if manaŋhâ is grammatically plural or not.
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström We have a winner! Excellent translation Christian!
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith THE DEADLOCK IS BROKEN
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven In accordance with, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith THE BEAST IS SLAIN
Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Дайте Нефть Из Баку Let's translate "WE ARE FREE!" in every language except Avestan!
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Wi esmos dobbymente!
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