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Dago Lesmes Suagua I'll go with Papiamentu this time, though. I'll leave my mental Aranese for later :p It's a long one, since Papiamentu can be very easy knowing a few other languages....
Te ainda mi ta sinti mi suak. Bari e balkòn, sala i kushina. Mòp e kushina. Mi ta limpia e bentananan despues ku mi kaba laba e tayónan i limpia baño. Ai! Mi a pone e mòp otro kaminda.... E mòp, èmber i artíkulonan di limpiesa ta banda di wasmashin.
Te ainda mi ta sinti mi suak. Bari e balkòn, sala i kushina. Mòp e kushina. Mi ta limpia e bentananan despues ku mi kaba laba e tayónan i limpia baño. Ai! Mi a pone e mòp otro kaminda.... E mòp, èmber i artíkulonan di limpiesa ta banda di wasmashin.
Christian James Meredith The main thing is that we're able to figure it out and keep the game running, which almost didn't happen in the Ainu one (although that was far worse than it should have been thanks to a change in Facebook making it so notifications didn't show up properly)
Arief Wibowo balkòn = balcony?
kushina = cushion/cushioning?
limpia and limpiesa seems to be related
kushina = cushion/cushioning?
limpia and limpiesa seems to be related
Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith, yeah, the Ainu round ( is by far the longest round (almost 10 days)
Arief Wibowo wasmashin = washing machine
I guess this is an instruction to clean (start with balcony, then ...)
I guess this is an instruction to clean (start with balcony, then ...)
Arief Wibowo Don't tell me that èmber is pail (Indonesian -- though it's probably a loanword)
*I must go to my 2nd office now, see you guys in a bit *

*I must go to my 2nd office now, see you guys in a bit *
Dago Lesmes Suagua Arief Wibowo.... Balkòn IS balcony, limpia and limpiesa ARE related, but banda ISN'T city and kushina ISN'T cushion.
Wasmashin IS a washing machine; and this conversation is mainly [not entirely] an instruction to clean, that's true.
Wasmashin IS a washing machine; and this conversation is mainly [not entirely] an instruction to clean, that's true.
Dago Lesmes Suagua Èmber IS pail. But if Indonesian has it too, I think it actually comes from Dutch. After all, the Dutchies colonized both Indonesia and the ABC islands

Christian James Meredith Well crap, this is a cool language.
"Te ainda mi ta sinti mi suak. Bari e balkòn, sala i kushina. Mòp e kushina. Mi ta limpia e bentananan despues ku mi kaba laba e tayónan i limpia baño. Ai! Mi a pone e mòp otro kaminda.... E mòp, èmber i artíkulonan di limpiesa ta banda di wasmashin."
limpia baño = clean bath? bath cleaning?
despues = despite?
Mi a pone = I have?
Otro = other?
(Te ainda) I am feeling sick. (Bari) the balcony, dirty?/room (and) kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the (bentananan) despite that I'm doing the laundry towels and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/Oh! I put the mop other? (kaminda).... The mop, pail and the things of cleaning are (beside?) of washing machine.
"Te ainda mi ta sinti mi suak. Bari e balkòn, sala i kushina. Mòp e kushina. Mi ta limpia e bentananan despues ku mi kaba laba e tayónan i limpia baño. Ai! Mi a pone e mòp otro kaminda.... E mòp, èmber i artíkulonan di limpiesa ta banda di wasmashin."
limpia baño = clean bath? bath cleaning?
despues = despite?
Mi a pone = I have?
Otro = other?
(Te ainda) I am feeling sick. (Bari) the balcony, dirty?/room (and) kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the (bentananan) despite that I'm doing the laundry towels and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/Oh! I put the mop other? (kaminda).... The mop, pail and the things of cleaning are (beside?) of washing machine.
Dago Lesmes Suagua It's awesome, isn't it???? As a self-respecting omniglot fan I tried my best to only speak Papiamentu when cruising the ABC islands, hehe.
Now going back to your translation, I'll leave in English the parts you did translate well...
[Te ainda] (I) am feeling [suak]. [Bari] the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I [ta] clean the [bentananan despues] that [mi kaba laba] the [tayónan] and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in other [kaminda].... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of (the) washing machine.
Now going back to your translation, I'll leave in English the parts you did translate well...
[Te ainda] (I) am feeling [suak]. [Bari] the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I [ta] clean the [bentananan despues] that [mi kaba laba] the [tayónan] and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in other [kaminda].... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of (the) washing machine.
Arief Wibowo Perhaps... I thought it was Javanese, because è is quite common in that language (e.g.,
Christian James Meredith Hmmm, I still feel like "suak" has something to do with illness despite it not being sick... It just feels right to me I guess haha.
On the Papiamento wiki page it has "ainda" from Portuguese, and "te" seems to be either "You" or "to" depending on its origin - but "tu" is more likely for "you".
"Bari" has me lost... I was thinking something Indo-European, but it doesn't seem right ("Carry the balcony!"
). Or maybe Papiamento secretly has some Albanian in it? "There's a shepherd on the balcony" xD
There's always Spanish "variar", but...
Recently I've been feeling unwell. Fix up the balcony, hall and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I was cleaning the (shrine? bento in Portuguese = holy apparently xD ) after I was going through and washing the laundry and cleaning the bathrom. Ay! I have put the mop in the other room.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are behind the washing machine.
On the Papiamento wiki page it has "ainda" from Portuguese, and "te" seems to be either "You" or "to" depending on its origin - but "tu" is more likely for "you".
"Bari" has me lost... I was thinking something Indo-European, but it doesn't seem right ("Carry the balcony!"

There's always Spanish "variar", but...
Recently I've been feeling unwell. Fix up the balcony, hall and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I was cleaning the (shrine? bento in Portuguese = holy apparently xD ) after I was going through and washing the laundry and cleaning the bathrom. Ay! I have put the mop in the other room.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are behind the washing machine.
Arief Wibowo suak probably is soak (Indonesian), meaning wasted/finished... Though it's only used for battery in Indonesian (baterai soak = drained battery)
So in this case, it's probably "I am feeling wasted/tired"
So in this case, it's probably "I am feeling wasted/tired"
Arief Wibowo In Armenian, bari is something equivalent to good (bari luys = good morning)
* lunch break, brb *
* lunch break, brb *
Christian James Meredith Hmm, "suak" for "sick" feels a bit off since Dutch "ziek" didn't ever go through any phase like that now that I think about it.
Dago Lesmes Suagua My replies!!!!
1. "Suak" has to do with illness, in a certain way. It is not wasted or finished, though.
2. "Ainda", yes, it comes from Portuguese.
3. The 'te' is difficult to explain, but it is not "recently". It has a related meaning, though.
4. "Bari" is an imperative, that's your clue. And there's absolutely no Albanian or Armenian in Papiamentu. If there was, I'd be the first one to know, since I'm very passionate about Armenia and the presence of Armenia outside the country and the core diaspora.
5. A thing that might help.. "nan" is a particle used to mark the plural of a noun.
6. Funny thing... There's a theory that links the Armenian and Albanian language families and proposes a joint family between both. Nonetheless, in this case, there's nothing related to Shqip or Hayeren (sadly).
1. "Suak" has to do with illness, in a certain way. It is not wasted or finished, though.
2. "Ainda", yes, it comes from Portuguese.
3. The 'te' is difficult to explain, but it is not "recently". It has a related meaning, though.
4. "Bari" is an imperative, that's your clue. And there's absolutely no Albanian or Armenian in Papiamentu. If there was, I'd be the first one to know, since I'm very passionate about Armenia and the presence of Armenia outside the country and the core diaspora.
5. A thing that might help.. "nan" is a particle used to mark the plural of a noun.
6. Funny thing... There's a theory that links the Armenian and Albanian language families and proposes a joint family between both. Nonetheless, in this case, there's nothing related to Shqip or Hayeren (sadly).
Dago Lesmes Suagua We're still here...
"[Te ainda] (I) am feeling [suak]. [Bari] the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I [ta] clean the [bentananan despues] that [mi kaba laba] the [tayónan] and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in other [kaminda].... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of (the) washing machine."
"[Te ainda] (I) am feeling [suak]. [Bari] the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I [ta] clean the [bentananan despues] that [mi kaba laba] the [tayónan] and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in other [kaminda].... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of (the) washing machine."
Dago Lesmes Suagua More or less... BUT you're getting closer to the real meaning of the text, so it's not really 'nada' :p
Dago Lesmes Suagua Tired is not the actual word BUT you now have the right phrase.. "I am still feeling ___".
Christian James Meredith Hoho, breakthrough via Romance languages! Well, I think so at least!
I'm still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, lounge (just going through every room that might relate to Romance sala/salon
) and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows (bentana = ventana) even though [despues?] that I have finished (acabar) washing (lavar) the (tayo's) and cleaning the bathroom. Oh! I was going to put the mop in the other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are on the other side (bando) of the washing machine.
I'm still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, lounge (just going through every room that might relate to Romance sala/salon

Dago Lesmes Suagua You've improved!!! Romance languages are like 80% of Papiamentu, so you're very good now.
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows [despues] that I have finished washing the [tayó]s and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of the washing machine."
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, [sala] and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows [despues] that I have finished washing the [tayó]s and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I [a] put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of the washing machine."
Christian James Meredith This bit about the sala/salon might be outside my cultural expertise! I've got a feeling this is to do with the often underappreciated theme of household room layouts in different cultures

Dago Lesmes Suagua Kind of. To be honest, I think it's easier than "waiting room". And as far as I've seen, it's a very common "part of the house" in ESL resources. You know... Like bedroom, bathroom, or the like.
Christian James Meredith Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I thought that was for the development of strong relationships? (for both senses

Dago Lesmes Suagua No. Why do you think a house would have so many rooms? :p
It's an easier and more common one!
It's an easier and more common one!
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Parlour, goddamit! Unless the change from Romance to Papiamento was extreme!
Arief Wibowo Thanks to Thailand, I guess sala means hall. It makes sense too (sweep the balcony, hall, and kitchen.
This makes me wonder about etymology of Uppsala (
This makes me wonder about etymology of Uppsala (
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström It does mean "hall" in Swedish, as well. In Swedish, "hall" and "sal" are mostly synonymous. :/
Christian James Meredith We've been told it's not:
- a hall
- a living room
- a sitting room
- a normal boring room
- a hall
- a living room
- a sitting room
- a normal boring room

Arief Wibowo From the same wiki page, "Another view is that the word comes from a root meaning thatch, thatched roof, lean-to or shed."
Sweep the roof?
Sweep the roof?
Christian James Meredith "Te ainda mi ta sinti mi suak. Bari e balkòn, sala i kushina. Mòp e kushina. Mi ta limpia e bentananan despues ku mi kaba laba e tayónan i limpia baño. Ai! Mi a pone e mòp otro kaminda.... E mòp, èmber i artíkulonan di limpiesa ta banda di wasmashin."
"Dammit, Hans, I cannot be schtuffed. You sweep the turret, underground bunker, and the war room. Mop the war room auch. I am cleaning the bullet-proof windows even though I've caved the escape tunnels in and cleaned the anti-radiation showers. Ach! I have put the mop in the ammunition closet... The mop, ammunition and heavy machine guns are hinter the war-machinery."
"Dammit, Hans, I cannot be schtuffed. You sweep the turret, underground bunker, and the war room. Mop the war room auch. I am cleaning the bullet-proof windows even though I've caved the escape tunnels in and cleaned the anti-radiation showers. Ach! I have put the mop in the ammunition closet... The mop, ammunition and heavy machine guns are hinter the war-machinery."
Christian James Meredith This is apparently a salon:
Although in a normal house in Australia we'd just call it the living room
Although in a normal house in Australia we'd just call it the living room

Arief Wibowo The "another view" part might not be relevant, but the sala → hall seems higher in the Indo-European family tree
Dago Lesmes Suagua I'm back, sorry, I was having breakfast :p
Christian James Meredith, you -never- mentioned living room. And it IS living room. My last "no" reply 20 minutes ago applied only until someone proposed tea room.
Now that escalated quickly. We're not sweeping the roof this time (though in the ABC, the roof is actually swept for New Year's, ha!)
Christian James Meredith, you -never- mentioned living room. And it IS living room. My last "no" reply 20 minutes ago applied only until someone proposed tea room.
Now that escalated quickly. We're not sweeping the roof this time (though in the ABC, the roof is actually swept for New Year's, ha!)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I did!
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the platess and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are near/by the washing machine."
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the platess and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are near/by the washing machine."
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström And you can't just have breakfast, like that. Add that to the rules, Arief!
Arief Wibowo No worries, I guess this misunderstanding is because of Facebook's broken notification system...
Arief Wibowo New rule: If you go for breakfast, you must sweep the balcony, living room, and kitchen

Christian James Meredith I think this is one of those "separated by a common language" moments hahaha
Dago Lesmes Suagua Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I can, specially since it's 7:36am where I live and I've been up all night :p.
And your translation is almost right!!!!!!
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the plates and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of the washing machine."
And your translation is almost right!!!!!!
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the plates and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are [banda] of the washing machine."
Arief Wibowo Honestly the only lounge I know is the restaurant-like place in airport where you can pay (usually with credit card privileges) and wait for boarding

Dago Lesmes Suagua Clue, one of Willemstad (capital of Curaçao) districts is called "Otrobanda". Otro means another.
And the translation isn't "another near" :p
And the translation isn't "another near" :p
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Aha!
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the platess and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are beside the washing machine."
"I am still feeling weak. Sweep the balcony, living room and kitchen. Mop the kitchen. I am cleaning the windows after that I have finished washing the platess and cleaning the bathroom. Oy/oh! I put the mop in (an)other place.... The mop, pail and cleaning supplies are beside the washing machine."
Christian James Meredith Hmm, well, Arief and Dago, at least here we call the living room the lounge, because it has lounges in it xD (and a TV normally, which you watch sitting on the lounge)
Dago Lesmes Suagua Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström... NOS TIN UN GANADOR! (Papiamentu for 'We have a winner').
And that "It'sa behinda da washing machina!" line sounds to me like Trinidad & Tobago for some reason.
And that "It'sa behinda da washing machina!" line sounds to me like Trinidad & Tobago for some reason.
Dago Lesmes Suagua You weird Aussies :p. I'd never call the living room a lounge. A lounge is a lounge :p
Christian James Meredith "Nos tin un ganador" sounds soooooo out of character for Papiamento's geographical range haha. It sounds like something some sort of Central Asian horde would say (e.g. awesome)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström A living room can be lounge! :O Or a salon! Or a parlour! Or a tea room!
Dago Lesmes Suagua Christian James Meredith... Why????
Nós temos um ganhador <-- Portuguese
Nos tin un ganador.
I don't see much difference :p
Nós temos um ganhador <-- Portuguese
Nos tin un ganador.
I don't see much difference :p
Dago Lesmes Suagua Christian James Meredith, no ABC Papiamentu-speaking house is big enough to have a living room the size of a salón :p
And Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, I will use that argument against you next time. You'll see!!!!!
And Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, I will use that argument against you next time. You'll see!!!!!
Dago Lesmes Suagua Oh, btw, the "Otrobanda" (Another Side) district of Willemstad is called like that because it's the district that lies on the other side of the river that divides the city

Christian James Meredith Ganador just sounds awesome!
(probably because -dor sounds very European, and Ganon/Ganondorf is the name of the big baddie(s) in Legend of Zelda, and the A A O vowel thing sounds a bit Turkic to me
(probably because -dor sounds very European, and Ganon/Ganondorf is the name of the big baddie(s) in Legend of Zelda, and the A A O vowel thing sounds a bit Turkic to me

Christian James Meredith Arief and that! Along with camera meaning camera or room in some languages, it gets very confusing eh
Dago Lesmes Suagua Christian James Meredith..
1. Are you saying the AAO vowel thing sounds Turkic? That's interesting, considering I've always heard that having lots of As and Os was a stereotypical trait of Spanish language.
2. But salons ARE big. Which is why -I- can't call a living room a salon :p
1. Are you saying the AAO vowel thing sounds Turkic? That's interesting, considering I've always heard that having lots of As and Os was a stereotypical trait of Spanish language.
2. But salons ARE big. Which is why -I- can't call a living room a salon :p
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I rarely make phrases with living rooms. I prefer racks.
Dago, quizá (o probablemente) hay otra terminología en España.
En el Reino Unido se usa las palabras casi paralelamente.
Dago, quizá (o probablemente) hay otra terminología en España.

Dago Lesmes Suagua Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström... Yo no soy de España, por lo cual no sabría decir si acá hay otra terminología. Al menos en mi país de origen tanto en inglés como en español como en portugués: salón =/= sala. salão =/= sala. (living) room =/= salon.
Christian James Meredith Dago Lesmes it sounds Spanish too, but the rest of the word nullifies the Spanish sound for me even if it is obviously romance-derived

Christian James Meredith It could be a Germanic thing. We like to make rooms sound fancier by giving them different names.
"This is my salon, this is my dining room, this is my kitchen, and these are my personal living quarters", when really it's just a two-room apartment xD
"This is my salon, this is my dining room, this is my kitchen, and these are my personal living quarters", when really it's just a two-room apartment xD
Dago Lesmes Suagua Maybe...... I couldn't throw my own Amerindian languages into that argument, though. In our normal houses we don't have anything like a salon, dining room, tea room, lounge, etc.
Arief Wibowo I have a home (where I eat and sleep) and office (where I work) in my three-room apartment

Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Vale, entonces supongo que haya una distinta terminología en los países hispanohablantes, o latinos.

Christian James Meredith Dago, hmm... I take it you probably have a big room that's part kitchen, part living room, and part dining room then? We'd just divide it up between the kitchen (which normally has a bench separating the rest of the room from it) and the living/dining room. We don't have many rooms either, just many different names.
Christian James Meredith If you have a separate living room and tea room, it means you're rich or a politician!

Arief Wibowo In my office (which is just the master bedroom), there's a mini tea room (just a table with necessary equipments) where I regularly hold traditional Chinese/Japanese tea ceremony (alone)

Christian James Meredith Also Victor, you might wanna start a new thread. I just realised we're knocking on 1000.
Dago Lesmes Suagua 1. Yo diría latinos, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, vengo de la frontera entre Colombia, Brasil y Perú. Decir 'hispanohablantes' eliminaría a Brasil automáticamente :p
2. Christian James Meredith, kind of. It's actually just the kitchen and the big hall that is used for dining, talking, sleeping, dancing, etc. AGAIN, in Amerindian normal houses. Not in your common Latin American houses.
3. Victor... There's never more than one floor xd.
2. Christian James Meredith, kind of. It's actually just the kitchen and the big hall that is used for dining, talking, sleeping, dancing, etc. AGAIN, in Amerindian normal houses. Not in your common Latin American houses.
3. Victor... There's never more than one floor xd.
Dago Lesmes Suagua Is it the void of your conflicted soul? Or the void of the space that lies below your house? Or the void of the voidy void?
Arief Wibowo We (Sprogspelet cronjob and I) are ready for the new thread...
We hover in the void that is the virtual world
We hover in the void that is the virtual world

Christian James Meredith Dago, probably the voidy void! Our conflicted souls were already stolen by the Dropbears.
Christian James Meredith That's what happens when a dropbear eats your soul. It changes colours like a chameleon and reflects your inner desires and thoughts.
Which, apparently, is some sort of Hominid crossed with a tiger? :-/
Which, apparently, is some sort of Hominid crossed with a tiger? :-/
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