Sarah Karoline I åldrarnas morgon, då Ymer levde, var ej sand, ej sjö,
ej svala vågor; Maria Weidner Next time I'll go with " kuku kaki kakak kakekku kaku", but Indonesians can't participate
Sarah Karoline That was my phrase
Do you regret me "winning"?!
Maria Weidner Northern, but not Swedish Maria Weidner Let's see, at least there are no ställe Maria Weidner it is? just a second.. Maria Weidner Ok, I know: put the rack in the rack - the dress rack, confused racks are approached by a racky attitude Sarah Karoline You see how similar Swedish and German are to Indonesian! haha Maria Weidner absolutely! A rack hunts a striped deer and broke the windows of god's house with the help of a tsakonian doctor who escaped from the priest! Sarah Karoline We rack our brains to write about wrecks - stellar wrecks called "ställe" and "ställningar", and then we eat deer and rotten shark, and decide to go to Ikea Sarah Karoline Yes, your version is much better! Maria Weidner oh, dankeschön!
Sarah Karoline ...where we meet Tsakonian doctors who trained as priests.
Jern jschehn.
--Ein Tipp? Ymer is a name! Maria Weidner åldrarnas -age? Maria Weidner I thought so, because of the capital Y
Sarah Karoline Hm, that wasn't much of a tip!
Maria Weidner morgon = morning Maria Weidner i has many meanings.. Maria Weidner då then, when Sarah Karoline "i":
The meaning is a very simple meaning. It is followed by one letter in English and German - the same letter.
Då - then/when (yes!) Maria Weidner where Ymer lived Maria Weidner when Ymer lived? Sarah Karoline where
Maria Weidner there was sand? Maria Weidner there was no sand, no lake Maria Weidner there was no sand, no sea, no shallow waves Sarah Karoline So what do we have in full?
Maria Weidner Hmm.. in an old(?)morning, when Ymer lived, there was no sand, no sea, no shallow waves.. Maria Weidner there were no.. Maria Weidner I don't like the old morning Sarah Karoline "åldrarnas" - age. Hint: Articles are suffixed in Swedish nouns.
"s" acts like an English "s". There are two functions of an 's'
Sarah Karoline You translated "åldar" as "age" earlier. It's right. Sarah Karoline IN - age - - morning there was no sand, no sea and no chilly waves.
Genitive - yes! Maria Weidner in Age's morning?? that makes no sense.. Sarah Karoline Sorry - svalg, isn't "shallow". Maria Weidner ah, now you gave me the right word! Sarah Karoline It's a literal translation, "in - age - - morning" is ok. Maria Weidner you see me confused Sarah Karoline Hahahahahahaha - sorry, I'm overcome with tiredness! Maria Weidner what is age morning?? hmm.. Sarah Karoline We have so far:
In - age - - morning... [What does the 's' show? Genitive] Maria Weidner age's morning?? Sarah Karoline What is the other way of forming a genitive? Maria Weidner the morning of age? hu? Maria Weidner of, of, see above, doesn't make sense either Maria Weidner hahahaha, you are not the only tired person here..
Maria Weidner In the morning of age.. what? Sarah Karoline In the age - - morning
Maria Weidner In the morning of age, when Ymer lived, there was no sand, no sea, no "chilly" waves Sarah Karoline Just the word order of "morning of age"
Maria Weidner in the age of the morning, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Maria Weidner yeah, I've beaten all of you! Maria Weidner hahahaha, I am the best! Sarah Karoline So the translation is..... Maria Weidner In the age of the morning, when Ymer lived, there was no sand, no sea, no "chilly" waves.. Maria Weidner Is this from a book? sounds nice!
Maria Weidner tatatatataaaaaaaaaaaaa Sarah Karoline Apparently "in the age of the morning" is a poetic way of saying "at the beginning of time when the universe was young".
It's from: VÖLUSPÁ. An Old Norse saga. I love it! Maria Weidner kuku kaki kakak kakekku kaku Maria Weidner Einst war das Alter, da Ymir lebte:
Da war nicht Sand nicht See, nicht salzge Wellen, Maria Weidner no Indonesians around, so: kuku kaki kakak kakekku kaku! Arief Wibowo I went away for 12 hours and now it's round 125
Maria Weidner, kuku kaki [...]
Arief Wibowo Sorry, Maria Weidner, I have to veto your round
Maria Weidner I just said no Indonesians around and one second later you appear! What's wrong? Arief Wibowo Whats wrong is: I have been here being a humble and loyal half-machine for the game (read: admin stuffs) for the past 15 mins, reading all posts and tagging rounds
Maria Weidner ooooh gitu ya! :p Maria Weidner ok, no kuku kaki this time.. Maria Weidner but they will come! Sarah Karoline Arief: Has a rule been broken?
Maria Weidner Hmm... I don't know.. Maria Weidner maybe because he can not play, because he understands it.. Arief Wibowo Sarah Karoline, circumvented before it's really broken
I guess its not good to repeat a round, chances are somebody well versed with our history would know the answer immediately
No worries, in fact it has almost happened before (
Arief Wibowo Having that said, it's okay if Maria Weidner use another Indonesian phrase
Maria Weidner Oh, it has been here already?? Maria Weidner But this one is so funny! Sarah Karoline I see! I didn't know it had been used before
I've only played in a few rounds!
I see you have tagged the Old Norse round
Maria Weidner Kuku kaki adik kakakku... No?
Arief Wibowo Yes, Maria Weidner, round 79
No worries at all, that's my de facto job: (try to) be a (good) historian Arief Wibowo Be creative, Maria Weidner
Maria Weidner but a normal indonesian phrase is boring and you understand it..i am running out of languages! help! Arief Wibowo Just curious, where did you live in Indonesia, Maria Weidner? By any chance you pick up phrases from other languages too? Maria Weidner i've never lived in Indonesia :p Sarah Karoline If it's a phrase that you understand, Arief, we could always have another language
Like Dutch, Swedish, Italian... hahaha
Arief Wibowo Somehow the phrase "ke parapat rapat-rapat" comes into my mind
Maria Weidner I don't know it.. Arief Wibowo Oh, sorry for wrong analysis
Maria Weidner I lived in Germany with an Indonesian, but I've been there many times Arief Wibowo I am somewhat alergic to Swedish language now :/
(from the list of Dutch, Swedish, Italian) Maria Weidner but this was a nice one! Sarah Karoline Oh noooo, that's terrible, Arief
Arief Wibowo Okay, I will do the rapat thing next time I win
Arief Wibowo All I see from Swedish texts are ställas