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Jake Kissinger Here we go, your next round! It's a dialogue from a teaching grammar, so it shouldn't be too complicated. Good luck!
Joseba: Ea Iñaki, zer nahi duzu?
Iñaki: Nik ardo beltza nahi dut.
Joseba: Eta zuk, Mikel?
Mikel: Ardo gorria, mesedez.
Joseba: Itziar?
Itziar: Nik ere gorria.
Joseba: Beltza eta bi gorri. Zuk zer, Xabier?
Xabier: Nik beltza.
Joseba: Bai eta nik ere. Orduan… Adizu, bi gorrieta hiru beltz!
Itziar: Zer moduz hemen, Donostian?
Mikel: Ongi.
Itziar: Zer ikusi duzu hemen? Igeldo ikusi duzu?
Mikel: Bai, gaur izan gara Igeldon. Handik, Donostia guztia ikusi dut.
Itziar: Toki polita da Donostia, e?
Mikel: Bai, oso polita. Asko gustatzen zait. Itsasoa, mendi berdeak…
Joseba: Ea Iñaki, zer nahi duzu?
Iñaki: Nik ardo beltza nahi dut.
Joseba: Eta zuk, Mikel?
Mikel: Ardo gorria, mesedez.
Joseba: Itziar?
Itziar: Nik ere gorria.
Joseba: Beltza eta bi gorri. Zuk zer, Xabier?
Xabier: Nik beltza.
Joseba: Bai eta nik ere. Orduan… Adizu, bi gorrieta hiru beltz!
Itziar: Zer moduz hemen, Donostian?
Mikel: Ongi.
Itziar: Zer ikusi duzu hemen? Igeldo ikusi duzu?
Mikel: Bai, gaur izan gara Igeldon. Handik, Donostia guztia ikusi dut.
Itziar: Toki polita da Donostia, e?
Mikel: Bai, oso polita. Asko gustatzen zait. Itsasoa, mendi berdeak…
Christian James Meredith It's the only language that dares to look like Spanish crossed with German (Sperman?)
Dominic Dêrib Ok, I'm guessing: Hey, Inaki what are you doing? Inaki: I'm not doing aything now. And you Mikel? Going shopping, sorry.
Andy Ayres I think they brought in this rule because of the weeks spent on 168 :P:
Challenges should be challenging, not punishing
The Challenge ideally should be solved in a couple of days maximum. If it’s too hard for that, the Host should bring the difficulty down with more hints than before.
It’s recommend to keep the Challenge less than 50 words or 250 characters.
Challenges should be challenging, not punishing
The Challenge ideally should be solved in a couple of days maximum. If it’s too hard for that, the Host should bring the difficulty down with more hints than before.
It’s recommend to keep the Challenge less than 50 words or 250 characters.
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Wrik Let me draw your attention to:
And take a look at "Hosting a Round" section on the right side.
And the rules born after that round.
And take a look at "Hosting a Round" section on the right side.
And the rules born after that round.
Christian James Meredith I'm not seeing the hallmark horrors of Basque grammar though so I'll take a stab at it anyway.
Christian James Meredith Oh, I didn't realise you linked *that* thread, nevermind, that's a good example

Dominic Dêrib Are you going to Donostia? No. Where are you going, then? You going to go to igeldon. Yes, just going to Igeldon. Whereas, I don't like Donostia much. Big city, Donostia, yea? Yes, big city. I don't like it so much. Alright bye, see you later.
Christian James Meredith Wow, I tried to mark the start of the new round and the game got thrown into limbo between Andy and Jake's rounds for a bit

Jake Kissinger My apologies (Barkatu!). I'm fairly new at this. Here's a revised, much abridged, challenge:
Itziar: Zer moduz hemen, Donostian?
Mikel: Ongi.
Itziar: Zer ikusi duzu hemen? Igeldo ikusi duzu?
Mikel: Bai, gaur izan gara Igeldon. Handik, Donostia guztia ikusi dut.
Itziar: Toki polita da Donostia, e?
Mikel: Bai, oso polita. Asko gustatzen zait. Itsasoa, mendi berdeak…
Itziar: Zer moduz hemen, Donostian?
Mikel: Ongi.
Itziar: Zer ikusi duzu hemen? Igeldo ikusi duzu?
Mikel: Bai, gaur izan gara Igeldon. Handik, Donostia guztia ikusi dut.
Itziar: Toki polita da Donostia, e?
Mikel: Bai, oso polita. Asko gustatzen zait. Itsasoa, mendi berdeak…
Andy Ayres From what I know of Basque, I don't think so. Ongi/ok is good for one thing rather than no :p
Jake Kissinger Well, I'm going to leave you all to this. I'll check in on you later tonight & in the morning. Good luck!
Andy Ayres I've found a good Basque-English dictionary that's helping with even some of the more obscure words here.
Andy Ayres Ok, just come back from a blitzy session with this dictionary, wiktionary and a basque verbs table. I'm surprised - I always found Basque to be a scary language, but this excerpt seems fairly approachable... though seems may be the operative word :p. Few words I couldn't find, but I'm assuming cognates of "gustatzen" with "like" (and assuming that the verb paradigm works the same as me gusta) and "berdeak" with "verde(s)?" I couldn't find Igeldo either, but luckily, I've been to San Sebastián/Donostia... and I'm guessing it's referring to Monte Igueldo?
- How are you doing here, in San Sebastián?
- Ok.
- What see you here? Have you seen (Mount) Igueldo yet?
- Yes, today we've been on Igueldo. From there, I've seen everything of San Sebastián.
- San Sebastián's a nice place, isn't it?
- Yes, very nice. I like it a lot. Sea, green hills...
- How are you doing here, in San Sebastián?
- Ok.
- What see you here? Have you seen (Mount) Igueldo yet?
- Yes, today we've been on Igueldo. From there, I've seen everything of San Sebastián.
- San Sebastián's a nice place, isn't it?
- Yes, very nice. I like it a lot. Sea, green hills...
Christian James Meredith "How are you here in San Sebastian (Donostia)?"
"Good" (well, shit, don't wanna accidentally have an engaging conversation do we!)
"What have you seen here? Have you seen Igeldo?"
"Yes, today we were in Igeldo. From there, I saw the whole of San Sebastian (Donostia)."
"San Sebastian (Donostia)'s a pretty place, eh?" (Don't say no, don't say no...)
"Yes, very pretty (phew!). I like it a lot (seems to be a calque and loan of "me gusta mucho"). The sea, the green mountains..."
"Good" (well, shit, don't wanna accidentally have an engaging conversation do we!)
"What have you seen here? Have you seen Igeldo?"
"Yes, today we were in Igeldo. From there, I saw the whole of San Sebastian (Donostia)."
"San Sebastian (Donostia)'s a pretty place, eh?" (Don't say no, don't say no...)
"Yes, very pretty (phew!). I like it a lot (seems to be a calque and loan of "me gusta mucho"). The sea, the green mountains..."
Christian James Meredith Andy I found the same thing. Actually, I think Sprogspelet is getting me prepared to learn Basque and the Caucasian languages :-/
Christian James Meredith Igeldo came up on wikipedia as a township or something like that, but I figured it was on high elevation with the whole "I saw all of (the soviet republic of) Donostia from there!", although at first I was trying to figure out if he was saying he had finally seen all of Donostia after finally seeing Igeldo haha.
Andy Ayres Bloody hell, that was weird timing. Perhaps 20 seconds apart! I'm sorry for breaking my ninja skills out on a friend :p. To be fair, we could have a minor grammatical point breaking the photo finish in your favour rather than mine... or we could both be wrong on some point :p. But it's gratifying to see that our responses are so similar. I suppose Basque is one of these languages that initially seems approachable, but then drives you insane with almost infinitely lengthed declension tables :p.
Imagine in the future, there is some emergency relying ona group of people to decipher difficult and obscure languages. Time for the sprogspelet crew to shine :D.
Imagine in the future, there is some emergency relying ona group of people to decipher difficult and obscure languages. Time for the sprogspelet crew to shine :D.
Christian James Meredith I thought about it, and it's the -ost- part. That just screams "Russian (slavic)" to me. Just add -ost- to anything and it'll increase its Soviet cred by +5.3
Christian James Meredith (combines with -ov for a maximum stack of +27, becomes multiplied with zd- for a theoretical maximum of +115, does not stack with -nye)
Jake Kissinger Wow… that was fast! Nice job, guys!
I think there may be one small issue with Andy's use of the present perfect tense where the regular past should have been. The translation should read "I saw," not "I've seen." Despite this problem, I think Andy still wins. Looking through my grammar, while there are many types of past tenses English doesn't have, it doesn't seem that perfect tenses are mentioned at all. Knowing this, it seems odd Andy would translate it precisely the way he did, but I think that the that must mean that the meaning for present perfect is covered by the simple past, so Andy's translation would also be acceptable. Therefore, I think he should be the winner since he got in first.
I think there may be one small issue with Andy's use of the present perfect tense where the regular past should have been. The translation should read "I saw," not "I've seen." Despite this problem, I think Andy still wins. Looking through my grammar, while there are many types of past tenses English doesn't have, it doesn't seem that perfect tenses are mentioned at all. Knowing this, it seems odd Andy would translate it precisely the way he did, but I think that the that must mean that the meaning for present perfect is covered by the simple past, so Andy's translation would also be acceptable. Therefore, I think he should be the winner since he got in first.
Andy Ayres Cheers, Jake! Wasn't expecting that, and I feel bad about the unintentional ninja on Christian. For what it's worth, I translated that particular sentence with the perfect tense because the verb paradigm I was going by said that "ikusi dut" means both "I saw" and "I have seen" :).
I was not expecting this turnaround, will try to find something for the next round before too long.
I was not expecting this turnaround, will try to find something for the next round before too long.
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