Billy James Brightraven So here's my sentence, sorry for not using the native alphabet for it, but I don't have it on my keyboard
“Ēn pote philósophos, hós mála sophòs mèn ē̃n, hós dè pollákis epelantháneto toũ érgou, hó épratte, hṓste ephaíneto mō̃ros eĩnai.”
If hints are needed, someone ping me
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I got the German, but a translation was Billy's cup... Nice wording. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström "Agree that when a philosopher, whilst very wise, but who often neglects his work, that he has done (...), he appears to be dumb." Or something like that. Billy James Brightraven Sooort of, but not right
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström You damn well know that Ancient Greek translation is a pain! If you don't know Ancient Greek! Christos Gialias lol i m greek but victor gave a lot more precise translation than i would
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Ah, now I get it, the relatives and the first word isn't "agree": "Once there was a philosopher, who was very wise, but who often forgot his work, which made so that he seemed to be stupid."
Billy James Brightraven Victor, completely right! Christos Gialias i would say " a philosopher however wise he is, if he made mistakes many times on his work, which he was doing, he would seem to be stupid" Christos Gialias lol epelanthaneto means do a mistake not forget Billy James Brightraven Nahh, forget with genitive. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Epelanthaneto often means neglect when used with the accusative. Ancient Greek... :/ Christos Gialias lol my mother was a teacher in ancient greek just asked her and she said the same Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I could call my mother and do the same. Sheprobably would think I that was ranting and then call the asylum. :/ Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström I know, I know, I'm thinking...