Round 43

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Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Since I was actually just passing by, I'll give you an easy one:

Finns det hjärterum, finns det stjärterum. :)
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural It should be Swedish. If there's hjärterum, there's stjärterum. :)
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I saw an interior design called hjärterum...
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo If I assume "rum" means room and using Ahmet Yılmaz Vural's guess:
If there's [hjärte] room, there's [stjärte] room.
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Google Images told me hjärte means heart (sounds similar too), so "hjärterum" should literally translate to heart room:
If there's [room in the heart?], there's [stjärte] room.
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo And Google Images for stjärt was not a pleasant at all!!!
So stjärterum should literally translate to ass room:
If there's [room in the heart?], there's [room in the ass?].
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural If there's a room in your heart, there's a room in your butt?
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Eeehm, the translation needs certain tweaking...
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural
Ahmet Yılmaz Vural There is heart-room, there is butt-room?
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo I doubt there is "if" in front... So:
There is room in the heart (for those you love), there is room in the ass (for those you hate)
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström The "if" is not always present in Swedish. And "sjärt" is a very kind term, equivalent to "behind, butt" rather than "ass".

Where there is room in the heart, there's room for a behind. :)

There's always place for a guest if you want them there.

I think Ahmet was the closest! And please no google images next time! Dictionaries are okay! :P
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