Christian James Meredith Ok, here's my phrase for translation in probably terrible Cantonese.
我們自由 Дайте Нефть Из Баку Siamo liberi!
Мы свободны!
¡Somos libres!
Wir sind frei!
Vi är fria!
Mi slobodni smo!
Mи смо слободни! Arief Wibowo MERDEKA!!!
(and I will head to my bed now -- I will attempt to beat your round in about 12 hours, Christian James Meredith!) Billy James Brightraven Christian, we are free! Arief Wibowo Billy James Brightraven, your sentence reminds me of "Dobby is free" Christian James Meredith Billy Wins! Sorry Arief! Kevin Long Christian James Meredith Your translation implies possession of 'freedom'
Where as '我們是自由' fulfils the aim of 'We are free' Christian James Meredith Oh, so you *do* put that in there? I wasn't sure if Cantonese used the same copula Arief Wibowo Argh, I am too sleepy!! Kevin Long Yeah, it does. I'm not really sure how to explain its usage, as I grew up with it. It's one of those linguistic feeling moments of 'Hmm that doesn't seem quite right' Christian James Meredith No that's fine Kevin Long! I know that it's not a proper adjective after all Kevin Long But I guess it's somewhat contextual. I think of times where 我們自由 would be 'We are free', and others it would be an implied possessive