Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Next phrase:
Berburu ke padang datar
Dapat rusa belang kaki
Berguru kepalang ajar
Ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi Sarah Karoline Abel: It would be fun to see their expression though! Abel Aabel ... to ... ...,
can ... ... foot.
Ber-teacher ... ...
... ... flower not become. Abel Aabel The only parts I understand xD Abel Aabel Looks like a riddle or something. Abel Aabel Well, ajar is learning. Sarah Karoline I'm going to exit for a while. I unfortunately need to finish some work off
Maria Weidner hahaha, I don't know that kind of Indonesian! I am sure, Arief would! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter you are welcomed to participate Maria. lets test ur knwledge Maria Weidner indonesian poems...hahaha, you saw what my indonesian is like.. Дайте Нефть Из Баку Dammit, I saw "padang" and thought it was Malay. I'll just sit back and watch the chaos ensue. Maria Weidner ok, I've got all the words Maria Weidner but it doesn't mean anything Maria Weidner translate a poem is really hard - and into English? Forget it! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter we call this type of poem as "pantun"
hint: the first two and the last two phrases are not related. The 2 phrases in the beginning is there only for rhyming purposes.
Maria Weidner Trust me most Indonesian don't even know what this poem means.
Дайте Нефть Из Баку It's actually better to treat this as Malay, they are both very similar language Abel Aabel The thing about the first 2 lines not being related with the last 2 lines in a poem or folk song is really common in Asian cultures. Marius Vincenzii Dennischter the word "kepalang" is not used by Indonesian anymore, it is a very very old word, TBH I even have to look for it, as I was unsure about the meaning, :p Hence the delay of the round Maria Weidner the deer hunts in the field? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter nearly correct! But do deer hunt??
Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström interested to join? Maria Weidner but is it passive? Maria Weidner ok, the deer is hunted(?) in the field ( to hard for me in english) Дайте Нефть Из Баку My knowledge of Malay stops at "padang", so I won't be of much help anyway.
Abel Aabel do The foot or feet belong to the deer(s)? Abel Aabel I think the words "belang kaki" describe the deer somehow. Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström Sorry, busy with my own languages! ^^ Maria Weidner hunting , hunted on a flat field, the deer is not sufficiently striped Maria Weidner the legs have not enough stripes? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Hunting on a flat field is correct
where do you got "enough" from?? Abel Aabel dapat is "can" isn't it? Maria Weidner the deer get striped legs? Abel Aabel The ...-legged deer can be hunted in a flat field Maria Weidner not educated enough Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Abel Aabel Dapat can be translated as "can" but it has got other meanings. I can assure you there's no "can" in the second line.
Maria already resolved the first line
Maria Weidner Can the deer get a stripped legs??
Sentence one and two are corellated. three and four are corellated. Maria Weidner the deer has striped lags? but "dapat"? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter coba pikir, kalau orang berburu ke padang datar.... trus??? Maria Weidner i have to work in 20 minutes!!! Abel Aabel Then it's get. Maria Weidner trus.... mati datarnya Maria Weidner Learning not enough educated (just the words)# Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Maria's "the deer get striped legs" need to be rearranged, all the words are there, you only need to rearrange them Abel Aabel Hunting in a flat field you get a deer with stripped legs Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Ok I'll accept "Learning not enough educated" for now, it need to be tweaked as well, but let's keep it for now for the 3rd line Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Abel Aabel that's right!, move on to 3rd and 4th
Maria Weidner of cause! one and to are related! The deer doesn't get anything, you get the deer! I don't want to lose an indonesian round! What a shame Maria Weidner to hard for me in english Maria Weidner example, idol, kembang i don't know in english, but in jerman, flower, don't become, doesn't work, gak jadi lah! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter hahahaha you are not the first German who doesn't know that word in English.
blame your language for calling flower "blume" :p Maria Weidner Since I have to work in 10 minutes I am not concentrated enough... Marius Vincenzii Dennischter that's ok, we can wait till you come back from work, I'm pretty sure Arief and CJM are still asleep Maria Weidner Like you won't become like a flourishing(?)flower Marius Vincenzii Dennischter yup, flourishing = blossoming = blooming
Maria Weidner But then I have only 30 minutes and I have to work again and I should prepare something...
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ok, now rearrange the full phrase and let me check the errors.
I will permit less than 3 errors Maria Weidner And ibarah(?) Is idol, example? Maria Weidner Learning is not enough to be educated, you won't become a blooming flower? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter nope. Ibarat is not idol....
ooops.... hahaha you accidentally mentioned it already above, I thought you already had the complete translation Maria Weidner But in English!!! So hard! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter do it in Indo then, in modern indo Maria Weidner What, where? Maria Weidner I have only a few minutes I can't concentrate Marius Vincenzii Dennischter well, unfortunately I have to wait until you come back Maria :S Maria Weidner ok, away teaching bsh jerman... yippieh Maria Weidner is it symbol? Vincensiu Maria Weidner my student isn't here yet Marius Vincenzii Dennischter nara skjuter ingen hara. Almost, but not quite, there are more simple word for ibarat.... Maria Weidner similar? ibarat Marius Vincenzii Dennischter synonym of similar
if you scrolled far up, you can see you have typed the word, but you just didn't realise it Maria Weidner the problem is, I#ll work again in 20 minuntes and then again
Maria Weidner So i am not really concentrated at the moment Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ok, I'll make it easy, similar will do.
now just rearrange the whole sentence for me Maria Weidner I scroll and scroll but I can't find anything useful.. Maria Weidner Learning is not enough to be educated Maria Weidner You won't become (is this the word?) a blooming flower Maria Weidner there is still something missing, isn't it? Maria Weidner Learning is not enough to be educated, you won't become like a blooming flower Marius Vincenzii Dennischter stop using the word "you" actually there aren't any "you" at all, throughout the poem, but everyone keep saying you, lol
now construct the whole pantun, from the beginning
berburu ke pdg dtr, dpt rusa blang kaki
bguru kpalang ajr, ibarat bunga kembang tk jadi Maria Weidner Hunting on a flat field, getting (?) a deer with striped legs, Learning is not enough to be(come) educated, the flower won't bloom? Maria Weidner not becoming like a blooming flower? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter yeah! "Like" that's the word that I want Maria Weidner but I am not happy with "become" Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ok, don't change the order of the words...
translate it directly from Indonesian to English word by word. Maria Weidner hunting to a field flat, getting deer striped legs, learning not enough (to be) educated, like a flower blooming don't become Marius Vincenzii Dennischter learn from the first phrase
berburu= hunting
ke padang = at field
datar = flat
dapat = get
rusa = deer
belang = dual coloured
kaki = feet
see, the words are corellated with the English translation, except for field flat becoming flat field, but the rest are in the same order!! Maria Weidner word by word Maria Weidner oh, i got it, It's like a flower which doesn't bloom? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter bingo!! I prefer to use the word "failed" Maria Weidner like a flower which failed to bloom! Maria Weidner Now it makes sense!! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ok, last part of the puzzle....
belajar = learn
so what is ajar? Maria Weidner ajar is educated, well behaving, not? Maria Weidner kurang ajar!!! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ajar, belajar, mengajar, mengajarkan, diajarkan, pelajar, pelajaran, terpelajar, mempelajari, dipelajari, ajaran, ajari, pengajaran, kurang ajar, hahaha Maria Weidner sorry, next student Maria Weidner i understand all of them more or less Marius Vincenzii Dennischter very ironic Maria... LOL
I'm laughing so hard, that my jaw is hurting, lol Maria Weidner Ok, now I am back for good! Still here? Maria Weidner I really understand most of them Maria Weidner ok, now I am really back! Anybody here? Maria Weidner I really understand most of them! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter oi oi, I'm here, but preparing meal, just post your final sentence and I will evaluate them in few min... Maria Weidner belajar = to learn, mengajar = to teach, mengajarkan = to teach someone, diajarkan = to be taught by someone, pelajar= student, pelajaran = lesson, terpelajar = not sure, but I think someone who knows a lot (gelehrt), mempalajari = to study, dipelajari = being studied, ajaran = topic, ajari = ??, pengajaran =? kurang ajar = naughty Maria Weidner Hunting at a flat field, getting a dear with dual - colored (striped)legs. punya guru gak cukup untuk belajar???? Like the flower fails to bloom. Maria Weidner ini gila aje nih... can't tag you anymore Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ayo dong, mana! cepetan...
gw mo k dokter gigi nih,
Arief Wibowo Kalo gw dah cabut sblm jwbñ muncul, u take over y
Maria Weidner jam segini ke dokter gigi??? sakit gigi lho? Maria Weidner blom benar juga? yg ketiga aku gak ngerti..berguru..ajar.. kan punya guru gak ada gunanya untuk ngajar? Maria Weidner oh, kalo kamu masih pelajar gak cukupbuat jadi guru? Maria Weidner being a student is not enough to teach! Maria Weidner ya?? benar?? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter nope, the previous English translation that you made few hours ago is OK, just need minimal tweaking Maria Weidner aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, no Idea what i wrote a few hours ago, I wrote many things, Victor II! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter awww.... I'm not Victor 2 lol
It's hard because you are playing alone Maria Weidner learning is not enough to teach? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter hunting to a field flat, getting deer striped legs, learning not enough (to be) educated, like a flower blooming don't become
that's what you write before and it was very close!! Maria Weidner tell me what word you don't like! educated? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ok give you a hint, ajar here is more related to ajaran...
yes educated should be something else!! Maria Weidner Learning is not enough to teach?? to give lessons? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter remember I told you I was laughing so hard, because it's very related to what you were doing at that time
what have you been doing when you were away? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter learning not enough lesson! that's it! Maria Weidner Oh, learning is not enough lesson... gitu..gak ada artinya kok Sarah Karoline Hello! I found this for Maria. I think the word is in there.
Sarah Karoline (Unless I found the wrong word! haha) Maria Weidner oh, without is.. kayak kurang belajar, gitu? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter yup exactly!! kurang belajar
I'll convert it to slangs, make it easier:
Belajar suatu pelajaran tanggung2, kayak bunga gk jd mekar
now summarise, and get ready to make a new round.
I'm going to dentist soon, mau cabut gigi, lubangnya besar Maria Weidner I know what ajar means, but the problem is, it means something else here!
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter it should be ajaran, but to retain the rhyme the -an ending was cut out. Sarah Karoline Indeed, I was wrong
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter the alternative translation can be: taught by incompetent teacher (like what you have suggested), but it'll be contradictory to the meaning of this proverbial poem. Maria Weidner studying only halfhearted is like a flower which doesn't bloom Maria Weidner kamu kok malam2 masih mau dicabut gigi.. mesti ke RS? Maria Weidner Kacihaaaaaaaaan Maria Weidner Sarah (Can't tag people anymore) WIN! Please.. I am running out of languages! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter can you summarise and rewrite the whole translation Maria?
So it can be highlighted in sprogspelet website (to make it official, lol) Sarah Karoline Maria I looked at the Indonesian earlier on, but I struggled! Hm... Write a simple English sentence, and ask us to translate into German. An alternative!
Maria Weidner Hunting at flat field, getting a deer with striped legs. Studying halfheartedly is like a flower which fails to bloom Sarah Karoline My suggestions: Hunting in a ... Catching a deer... Maria Weidner Sarah, Don't tell me that Indonesian is harder than some obscure greek dialect! :p Maria Weidner Write it all Sarah! Write it down!
Sarah Karoline Hm.... I know a bit more about the structure of Greek, although it wouldn't appear so. I spent some time reading about Doric when I was teenager... I'm very dull! haha I've not studied Indonesian yet
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Maria, gk k rumah sakit, cuma klinik dental.
lagipula siapa yg bilang malam? Maria Weidner OOOH gituuuu as "we" Indonesians would say (in German: Ach so!)
Maria Weidner ok, ntar..kamu yg di wales, bukan? Maria Weidner Wales... di UK? bukan? aku binggung!!!! Marius Vincenzii Dennischter ia, gw d Wales... tapi kan gw bilang gw bkn d Eropa Maria Weidner wales yg mana? US? Marius Vincenzii Dennischter foto ini baru gw ambil dari jendela apartemen gw. terang benderang
itu PR buat loe, coba tebak gw dimana, hahahahaha
Da da, gw cabut gigi dulu Maria Weidner tapi gak mungkin juga, kamu pagi2 di eropa udah disini, masih malam di US.. dimana kau...oh kasih tahu saya....dimana adalah engkau?? Maria Weidner it can only be the US.. maybe east coast, so the time difference isnt that big.. ?? Sarah Karoline Hunting in a flat field, catching a deer with striped legs. Studying halfheartedly is like a flower which fails to .... Sarah Karoline Are you trying to find out where the image is from? Maria Weidner Ia m trying to find out in which "Wales he lives" Maria Weidner must be somewhere in US Maria Weidner BLOOM! Write it, Sarah, write it!
Sarah Karoline boom, you say? Maria Weidner UK is impossible because it is still day there as you see in the pic Maria Weidner USA is the only possibility Sarah Karoline I wasn't sure if the image was a holiday snap, or a just a nice piece of architecture! haha Maria Weidner no, he just took it out of his window Maria Weidner 14.30 german time he said that he got up 3 hours ago, 11.30 german time Maria Weidner east coast USA I guess Maria Weidner Where are you from, by the way?
Maria Weidner And B L O O M write it!
Sarah Karoline Hunting in a flat field, catching a deer with striped legs. Studying halfheartedly is like a flower which fails to bloom. [Oh, I've learned Indonesian!] Maria Weidner
yes, there's no big secret about it!
blooooooooooom! Sarah Karoline Yes, blooooom! Sarah Karoline Is it my turn? Sarah Karoline on your behalf! Maria Weidner Sarah is our winner!!!! Yeah!!
Maria Weidner Oh, concessions went to the dentist, to get a tooth pulled out Maria Weidner Autocorrect!! VINCENSIUS Sarah Karoline Well, that was the easiest win. I didn't know Indonesian could come to me so quickly... Perhaps eating raw, fermented shark does wonders for the brain! Sarah Karoline Would you like a phrase, or do you want to wait for Vincensiu to return?!
P.S it's been very quiet on here today. Maria Weidner I'll be sleeping before he returns, give me something!