Round 225

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Andy Ayres
Andy Ayres Remélem, jól vagytok, és nagyszerűen érzitek magatokat a nagymamánál. Mit csináltok? Ne üljetek egész nap otthon! Menjetek sétálni, de ne menjetek a tóhoz, mert nagyon mély a víz. Beszélgessetek a szomszéd gyerekekkel, de ne játsszatok a nagy kutyával!

And with the above, I leave you all to happy sprogspeling! Due to starting this thread and the action on the prior thread, I am an hour later than the time which I have to retire to bed to avoid feeling like a hibernating bear woken up a month too early, so tomorrow should be fun.
Thatcher Ó Donnabháin
Thatcher Ó Donnabháin Oh god, not Hungarian... This'll be fun...
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Tag help:
Maria Zeke Kevin Nicolás Adrian Дайте Нефть Из Баку
Untaggable: Justyna R, Dago L, Robbin M, Brad W, John S, Mikkel RP

Sorry guys if I'm spamming you with the tag. If the tagging causes annoyance or disturbance or you just wouldn't like to be tagged in the future, feel free to let us know here.

I have got few errands to do, and I shall disappear for few hours, and shall be back, approximately at 11:30 am BST.

To all other players: Lycka Till!
Brad Wilson
Brad Wilson I can honestly say I see *nothing* in this, except some recurring root-forms ... nagy, and -tek/-tok which appear to be verb endings
Anna Robbins
Anna Robbins More tag help!


I can't tag anyone else :-/ what's with Facebook tagging?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Having awoken, showered, eaten, read the news, I feel ready to give it a go!

I hope that you are well, and you feel great at granny's.
What are you doing?
Don't sit the whole day at home, go walking, but don't you go to the lake, because the water is very deep.
Chat with the neighbour's children, but don't you play with the big dog!
Andy Ayres
Andy Ayres That's a perfect translation. Well done, Billy!
Andy Ayres
Andy Ayres :)
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven I find it very interesting how Hungarian uses direct objects instead of "with" for the verbs play and chat. Very handy!

I'll come up with a round soon-ish…
Thatcher Ó Donnabháin
Thatcher Ó Donnabháin Congratulations!
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