Round 261

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Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline I hereby introduce the 254th round of Språkspelet - the game that has more spellings than a luxury smörgåstårta has ingredients.

The games progenitor is Malin.

The main rules:
DON'T translate a language you know well - just help players!
DON'T use Google Translate.
(Detailed rules are here -

As winner of the previous round (along with Anna and Jake), here is my text.... It's Danish as I love Danish! :v

Hvor går lyset hen når det går ud?


Anna Robbins Wrik Chatterjee Jake Kissinger Дайте Нефть Из Баку Vincensiu Dionisiu Arief Wibowo Christian James Meredith Andy Ayres Bérnard Baker Ed Blankenship Adrian
Although you two understand, you're getting tagged anyway :)
Billy James Brightraven Helene Wiinholt
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline ****The text to translate: Hvor går lyset hen når det går ud?
Ed Blankenship
Ed Blankenship Ok... So I know essentially no Danish (just some Swedish) ....
So I have -
hvor : how much, how many
går : go, going
lyset : light, candle (definite)
hen : here
når : achieve, achieving; reach, reaching; when
det : that
ud : out

So like... : How many candles go here when that goes out?

But that doesn't make much sense... I feel like I'm missing something...
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline hvor : how much, how many

[It can mean "how much/many" as in "hvor mange". In this context, "hvor" is a a question word similar in spelling to its English counterpart...]

går : go, going [Yes!]

lyset : light, candle (definite) [Yes!]

hen : here [Opposite direction! There is movement away. Hint: går hen]

når : achieve, achieving; reach, reaching; when [One of these]

det : that [Subject pronoun or relative pronoun?]

ud : out [Yes!]

So like... : [How] [many] ... candle{s} go [here] when [that] goes out?


[ ] wrong word.
{ } form change needed.
... missing word.

Hint: Translate literally and then tweak the word order!

You're *very* close!
Ed Blankenship
Ed Blankenship Where does the candle go (there?) when it goes out?
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Where does the candle go [there?] when it goes out?
The direction is "there", but which preposition expresses "there"?
You're one word away from winning!
Ed Blankenship
Ed Blankenship Where does the candle go to when it goes out?
(Or maybe in more proper English, "To where does the candle go when it goes out?")
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Correct! You've won!!!!!!
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline
Ed Blankenship
Ed Blankenship Now I want to know where the candle goes....
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Me too! Hm, I would imagine it goes to Helsingør! Helene, do you know?! :v
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