Round 93

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Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven My sentence…

“See on tee, nad rändavad nii päevast päeva.”

Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Oh, Finnish.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Finnish, yes?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Maybe not - lol
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace paiva sounds finnish-ish to me, may be a completely different word
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace lol
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Ok, Finno-ugric?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Estonian?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Yup.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Oh, yeah.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Now I'm stuck though.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Erg
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace paiva is day in finnish, i think
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace I have dabbled a teensy bit in Finnish, but I don't recognize anything other than paiva - paevast paeva.. hmmm
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Ok, I'm going to make some guesses based on knowledge of Slavic languages, on the off-chance that they affected the Estonian in this phrase
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Interesting… :o
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace is 'nad' - 'on'?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Is 'on' - 'he'?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace is 'nii' a negative?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Nope… :P

This phrase appears to be using core vocabulary from what I can tell (what with my limited Finno-Ugric skill set )
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven The Estonian article on wiki could probably be of decent help ;)
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter I m a fan of Urban Symphony... this is a piece of cake for me
Bagdat Yesbossinov
Bagdat Yesbossinov Time to create another branch-off - cause it's hard to read this one.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Are we at the 1000 post mark?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith (Mobile doesn't tell me)
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith On = to be
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Yeah, Bagdat, winner gets to branch. 'tis a time honoured tradition.

If I fall asleep Vincensiu, will you verify for me?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Yes, we're at 1047. Vincensiu, if you know it, tell us? Or is it unfair if you absolutely know it?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Ok, I'll check the estonian article
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Oh no, you must suffer the translation woes! Christian is on his way to success with the copula translated :D

And if you absolutely know it, it's mildly regarded as a tad unfair these days. People tend to stay out on their own initiative. It's not fun "guessing" something you already know… :p
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith OK, I'm going with the first line being "it is tea" :P
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace True. Ok. Here's a stab. "It's a (tee), week (randavad) day to day."
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace To get through a week take it day by day. ?
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Oh, there's been some serious progress! You're getting closer :D

hint: sometimes they shorten certain words *cough*nad*cough*
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Who? Is tee tea?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace To get through a week drink tea every day?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith 1047 posts is irrelevant to this round BTW, it just means when we start the next round someone needs to create a new thread in the same format as the previous ones. I can do that if you want.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith And from day to day is definitely right!
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Billy - is tee - tea?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Nad = they?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace It's tea that gets you through the week day to day.
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Vincensiu? Anybody home? I'm gonna wait to hear the response to our ?s before giving it another stab. :)
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace It's tea that gets them moving day by day. ?
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Hoho, according to the dictionary, ränd = migration?

Ergo: it is [their] way; they wander from day to day
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace What about the tee? That's 'way'?
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace We are wandering without guidance it seems, Christian James Meredith.
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith yup, tee = way it seems (check out their physical address)
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace hmmm, i see..
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Me rändame ilma abi? :P (my finno-ugric is bad ATM so that's probably ungrammatical)
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith I do love though how this language seems to work like Lego...
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven I'm horribly sorry, I haven't been getting notifications for some reason. And here I've been waiting eagerly.

Nad = they, yep, short of nemad.

This is (the) way, they wander from day to day. (from one day to the next day, but y'know Finno-Ugric movement cases… )

So Christian wins! new thread time I guess :p Don't forget to tag Arief's website :p
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace Agglutinatives FTW
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace
Alfia Wallace 24 notifications - all Arief Wibowo likes.. lol :D
Arief Wibowo
Arief Wibowo Sorry I wasn't home, got urgent work to do... Congratulations, Christian James Meredith, and yay!! Time for new thread :D

For this game, I would always like comments that I have fully read, so I will know if I miss a clue or something while checking back. It helps :D
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Bahahaha, same here! Goodonya Arief :P

TBH I only figured out "nad" from -vad, not from "nemad" :P

Billy, before I start the next "fred", where did you get that phrase from, if from anywhere? It works well in both Estonian AND English phonetically! :P
Christian James Meredith
Christian James Meredith Språkspelet IV (Sprogspelet IV)

The Malinese game of Language's Fourth Series Battle Royale Begins NOW!
General information: (thanks Arief!)
(normally we start a new thread once we roughly reach over the 1000 post mark)

The basic flow of the game is that someone suggests a phrase in a non-English language for translation. Then, we amigos try and solve the phrase, WITHOUT using El Diablo, Google Translate ;-)

Then, when someone finally suggests the correct answer, it's their turn to continue the cycle of chaos! Mwahaha!

HOWEVER, this game's principle goals are for you to:
- Enjoy yourselves
- and Learn something

So, when keeping the game moving, keep that in mind!

Now... lemme find a phrase to start off this round...
Christian James Meredith
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