Round 221

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Justyna Rojek
Justyna Rojek This time, you translate FROM English TO target language- in this case, to Polish. Here's a few lines from Shakespeare's' As you like it'. But only present tense, some plural forms, and pronouns.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts

PS Yes, I know, I'm the master of evilness :P
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Hahahahaha, Billy That's just your interpretation...., pas meine... hahahaha :D

[*Sarah has just booked her flights to Copenhagen, in fact...*]
Wrik Chatterjee
Wrik Chatterjee I don't even know if you can do that. I hate you so much, Justyna. Just a good thing it's a language with a fair amount of resources.
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger :-O
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger Is that... legal?
Rasmus Bach Ottosen
Rasmus Bach Ottosen yes! and now you got the pretty polar bear killed!
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger JK; seems perfectly legit to me, just an evil never before inflicted upon the Språkspelere.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Bože!
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger For the diacritics:
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Polish - the Danish of Slavic langs. xD
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter That's illegal actually....
final translation should be in English....
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter Let me draw your attention to

Section: Joining a round, point 3:

Translate into English
Attempts may not be made in any other languages.
Justyna Rojek
Justyna Rojek Wrik of course I can :P I was looking for a quotes easy enough for me to translate without using a dictionary, and then chose one of them :P Don't hate me, but my ideas xD
Billy it should be 'Boże' actually :P
Realising that not everyone has the diacritics- I allow you not to write them, if it doesn't change a meaning of a word ;)
Justyna Rojek
Justyna Rojek illegal? :o so I have to think about sth else?
Anna Robbins
Anna Robbins Well technically, she could ask us to translate into Polish, from Polish to something else, and then back to English :-P
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger ...or use the TypeIt keyboard I posted above^^^^^^^^
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter
Marius Vincenzii Dennischter unfortunately yes...
sorry to spoil the fun Justyna :(
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline I've just started... :(
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven I was just crying out in Serbo-Croatian :P I don't know any Polish... :(
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger Cały świat bywać odcinek. Well, if there were ever to be a Polish-based pidgin or creole, the grammar might be something like that. :-P
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger ("All world be stage.")
Rasmus Bach Ottosen
Rasmus Bach Ottosen we kill stages too...
Justyna Rojek
Justyna Rojek that's ok, Vincensiu ;) so I will find something else...
Jake- actually, 'bywać' means 'to be somewhere/to visit a place from time to time' All world be stage- cały świat być scena ;) ('odcinek' is 'a part, a fragment')
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger I guess if it's illegal, Justyna should come up with something else, but we can amuse ourselves translating Shakespeare into Polish in the mean time. :-)
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger ...or you all can, rather. 有我的中文课 in 十分。
Jake Kissinger
Jake Kissinger Ah; I saw scena, too, but I couldn't tell the difference, & odcinek was listed first & sounded cooler...
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven So.. so far

Cały świat byać scena
*I całie ćełowekie jesų?
*Oni ima'...I give up, I can't do this on my phone without a dictionary xD
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline My attempt:
Cały świat jest scena
i cali mężczyźni I kobiety tylko zawodnicy.

Mają ich wyjścia I ich wejścia
i jedan mężczyzna w własnemu czasowi.
Billy James Brightraven
Billy James Brightraven Your Polish is much nicer than my imaginary West Slavic hodgepodge!
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Mine is imaginary too... lol

And I consorted imaginary words in Wiktionary :)
Justyna Rojek
Justyna Rojek The translation shold be:
Cały świat jest sceną
Wszyscy mężczyzni i kobiety wyłącznie aktorami
Mają swoje wyjścia i swoje wejścia
A jeden człowiek w swoim czasie gra wiele ról.
Sarah Karoline
Sarah Karoline Thank you, Justyna! :D
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